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Software-Entwickler Für Funktionale Sicherheit

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Software Entwickler - railmotive (m/w/d)
IVM Technical Consultants, Wien
IVM spezialisiert sich seit 40 Jahren auf die Ziele ihrer Projektpartner*innen und ihrer Kunden im technischen Umfeld. Mit Hilfe unserer technisch affinen Wissensträger*innen schaffen wir jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen. Werden Sie Consultant bei IVM und arbeiten Sie an spannenden Projekten bei den Top Unternehmen Österreichs! Job-Nr.: 104758 Einsatzort: Wien Fachbereich: Software & IT Art der Anstellung: Vollzeit Gehalt (Brutto/Monat): ab € 4.200,- Design, Implementierung, Unit-/Modultests, Dokumentation von Peripheriekomponenten für Stellwerksleitsysteme Verantwortlich für sicherheitskritische Software Software und Hardware Integration von embedded Systems Aktive Mitarbeit und Zusammenarbeit in agilen und internationalen Teams Abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung (HTL, FH, Uni) idealerweise in den Bereich Informatik o.Ä. Mehrjährige einschlägige Berufserfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung Know-how im gesamten Zyklus eines Softwareentwicklungsprojektes Design Entwicklung Modultests Verifizierung Einsatz und Wartung Erfahrungen mit objektorientierter Softwareentwicklung (Java SE) sowie SW/HW - Integration von embedded Systems Umfassende Kenntnisse in LINUX OS (Systemkonfiguration, Bash, Scripting) Anwenderfähigkeiten in kontinuierlicher Build und Integration (Gerrit, Git, Eclipse, Maven) Von Vorteil: Virtualisierungstechnologien, Netzwerke, Cybersicherheit LINUX gnu Werkzeugkette (als Benutzer) Verhaltensgesteuerte Entwicklung (BDD): Cucumber, Gherkin Sehr gute Deutsch- und ausgezeichnete Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift Teamplayermentalität mit genauer und strukturierter Arbeitsweise Ausgewogene Work-Life Balance Langfristige Karriereplanung und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in einer zukunftsträchtigen Branche Möglichkeit eigene Ideen einzubringen und technische Lösungen aktiv mitzugestalten Sympathisches und kompetentes Team Flexible Arbeitszeiten mit großzügigen Home-Office-Richtlinien Sehr gute Infrastruktur und öffentliche Erreichbarkeit Hervorragende Betriebskantine (mit Unternehmenszuschuss) Jahreskarte der Wiener Linien Berufliche Herausforderung in einem stabilen, kollegialen und internationalen Umfeld Für diese Position gilt ein Monatsbruttogehalt ab € 4.200. Geboten wird eine marktkonforme Überzahlung abhängig von Qualifikationen und Erfahrung
Software Developer Robotics (w/m/x)
epunkt GmbH, Graz Umgebung, Steiermark
Arbeitsort: Graz Umgebung Unser Kunden ist ein aufstrebendes österreichisches Unternehmen, das hochverfügbare und nachhaltige Gesamtlösungen im Bereich der Logistik entwickelt und vertreibt. Werde auch du ein Teil! Gemeinsam mit deinen Kolleg:innen planst und entwickelst du Softwarelösungen für mobile Transportroboter Du bringst dein Know-how in die Erarbeitung von Lösungen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie der Sensorfusion, der Navigation und der Steuerung und Regelung von Hardwarekomponenten ein Du arbeitest an der Implementierung des GUI zur Visualisierung des Systems Dabei arbeitet ihr nach Methoden wie TDD, Continuous Integration und Continuous Improvement Abgeschlossene Ausbildung mit IT Bezug (Uni, FH o.Ä.) Fundierte Kenntnisse in C++ Affinität für mobile Robotik Basiskenntnisse in Linux sowie idealerweise in ROS oder anderen verwandten Frameworks Sehr gute Deutsch- oder Englischkenntnisse Innovation: du arbeitest mit modernsten Technologien und setzt innovative Lösungen um Weiterentwicklung: du hast die Möglichkeit, dich auf allen Ebenen einzubringen und dich sowohl fachlich als auch persönlich weiterzuentwickeln Wohlfühlatmosphäre: du bist Teil eines familiären Unternehmens, in dem Teamspirit gelebt wird und genießt die Sicherheit eines Konzerns mit zahlreichen Benefits Benefits Barrierefreiheit Betriebsmedizin Essenszuschuss Fahrrad / E-Scooter Fahrradabstellplatz Firmenevents Flexible Arbeitszeiten Gesundheitsvorsorge Handy (zur Privatnutzung) Homeoffice Equipment Kaffee & Tee Kantine/Betriebsrestaurant Kein All-In Kein Dresscode Laptop (zur Privatnutzung) Modernes Büro Obst Öffentliche Erreichbarkeit Onboarding Parkplatz Pensionsvorsorge Rabatte Sport- und Freizeitangebote Teamevents Unternehmensbeteiligung Verkehrsmittelzuschuss Weiterbildungen Gehalt Das Gehalt liegt zwischen € 3000 und € 4500 Brutto pro Monat (Vollzeit) – je nach Qualifikation und Erfahrung.
Associate Cloud Application Consultant (w/m/x)
IBM Austria GmbH, Wien
Dein Fundament bei IBM Consulting sind langfristige Geschäftsbeziehungen und eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden auf der ganzen Welt. Du arbeitest mit Visionären aus verschiedenen Branchen zusammen, um die Hybrid-Cloud- und KI-Transformation für die innovativsten und bedeutendsten Unternehmen der Welt zu begleiten. Neugier und ein ständiges Streben nach Wissen sind die Grundlage für den Erfolg von IBM Consulting. In und über deine Rolle hinaus, entwickelst du Ideen und findest kreative Lösungen, die für ein breites Netzwerk von Kunden richtungsweisende Auswirkungen haben. IBM fördert dein Karrierewachstum und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in einem Umfeld, das deine individuellen Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen berücksichtigt. Als Cloud Application Consultant bist du an der Entwicklung und Implementierung von Unternehmensanwendungen in hybriden Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen beteiligt. Du begleitest unsere Kunden auf ihrem Weg in die Cloud und unterstützt sie dabei in der Konzeption und Umsetzung von innovativen Lösungen, die auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Aufbauend auf deinen Erfahrungen mit Cloud-Architekturen und Technologien wie Kubernetes und OpenShift entwickelst du in einem Team von Entwickler*innen, Cloud-native Anwendungen der nächsten Generation, anspruchsvolle Systemintegrationen oder ambitionierte Cloud-Migrationsprojekte. In dieser kundenorientierten Funktion bist du in der Lage, zwischen Business und Technik zu vermitteln Erlernen und aneignen von IT-Architekturkenntnissen, um Anwendungskomponenten effektiv zu entwerfen und zu entwickeln und Softwarepakete auf verschiedenen Plattformen zu integrieren Definieren, analysieren und überprüfen der technischen Architektur und Erarbeitung von Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung der Architektur Verstehen und Detaillieren von Anforderungen und deren Umwandlung in Software-und Architekturlösungen Durch die Entwicklung pragmatischer IT-Lösungen für reale Probleme schaffst du jeden Tag einen Mehrwert für unsere Kunden Du verfügst über ausgeprägte kommunikative Fähigkeiten und weißt, wie du zum Erfolg deines Teams beitragen kannst, indem du deine fundierten praktischen Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Technologie-Stacks einsetzt und weitergibst Als Teamplayer legst du großen Wert auf Vielfalt und unterschiedliche Meinungen Required Technical and Professional Expertise Verständnis von verschiedenen Cloud-Lösungen (Multi, Hybrid, Public, Private) Kenntnisse über Hyperscaler (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud) und deren Einfluss auf das Lösungsdesign Praktische Erfahrung in Entwicklungsprojekten Eine oder mehrere Programmiersprachen oder Technologien, die bei der Entwicklung von Cloud-Anwendungen verwendet werden (bspw. Java und Angular) Agile Arbeitsmethoden und Denkweise Gute schriftliche und mündliche Kommunikationsfähigkeiten (Englisch & Deutsch mindestens auf C1-Niveau) Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise Cloud-Zertifizierungen Nutzung, Konfiguration oder Verwaltung von Container-Orchestratoren wie Kubernetes oder OpenShift End-to-End-Design, Implementierung und Konfiguration einer Toolchain mit etablierten DevOps-Tools Automatisierungstechniken und Skripting mit Infrastruktur-as-Code-Softwaretools Automatisierte Testmethoden wie Unit- und Integration Tests Logging und Monitoring sowohl auf Anwendungs- als auch auf Infrastrukturebene Immer auf der Suche nach neuen Erkenntnissen und Wissen über die neuesten technischen Trends Reference Salary EUR 43.400,– p.a. based on Austrian market ranges. Possibility for overpayment is based on education and experience.
Software-Entwickler light (m/w/d)
LevaSoft GmbH, Klagenfurt, Kärnten
Software-Entwickler light (m/w/d) Die Levasoft GmbH wurde im Jahre 2008 als inhabergeführte Firma gegründet. Ursprünglich bestand unser Geschäftsfeld in der Entwicklung von Individualsoftware. Februar 2010 jedoch fiel der Startschuss zu unserem Produkt – eine Planungssoftware für Photovoltaikanlagen, mit der derzeit weltweit mehr als 100.000 Projektplanungen monatlich von unseren Kunden durchgeführt werden. Zum heutigen Tag haben wir schon sehr viel erreicht und sind seit geraumer Zeit führender Hersteller einer Planungssoftware, die einige herausragende Alleinstellungsmerkmale besitzt. Da wir uns jedoch nicht auf unseren bisherigen Erfolg ausruhen werden, möchten wir uns weiterentwickeln und weitere Schritte in die Zukunft gehen. Dafür benötigen wir Ihre Unterstützung! Unterstützung der Kunden bei Problemlösungen Konfiguration neuer Produkte unserer Kunden über Benutzeroberfläche des Solar.Pro.Tools Einfache Implementierungstätigkeiten zur Erleichterung der Konfiguration Sie brennen darauf praxisorientierte Spezialsoftware zu entwickeln Sie arbeiten gerne im Team, sind kommunikativ und humorvoll genug für kleine Späßchen Finden es aber auch interessant selbst Problemstellungen in Eigenverantwortung zu lösen Sie haben grundlegende Programmierkenntnisse Sie sprechen verhandlungssicher Deutsch und gut Englisch Unser Team ist in Alter, Geschlecht, Bildung bunt gemischt Die Chefs sind mittendrin und verstecken sich nicht hinter verschlossenen Türen Wir pflegen ein freundschaftliches Miteinander und duzen uns Ab und an herrscht Chaos aber als ungemein kompetente Entwickler kriegen wir das schnell wieder in Griff Unser barrierefreies Haupt-Büro befindet sich, unweit des Stadtkern von Klagenfurt, in einem sanierten Furnier- & Holzlager und ist umweltbewußt und autark mit Energie und Wärme versorgt Wir bieten allerdings auch die Möglichkeit in dem Büro unseres Partners in Seeham und/oder derzeit noch im Homeoffice in Wien und Umgebung zu arbeiten Für ein Päuschen an der frischen Luft, stehen eine Terrasse und ein kleiner Garten zur Verfügung Firmeneigene Parkplätze sind kostenlos vor der Tür vorhanden Kaffee, Tee, diverse Getränke, manchmal ein Kuchen, manchmal eine Jause oder auch frisches Obst stehen bereit Gern gehen wir mit unserem Team „Socializen“, spendieren auch mal ein Mittag- und oft ein Abendessen Wir haben fast alle Familie und somit auch vollstes Verständnis für Unvorhergesehenes Bei der Levasoft GmbH werden 38,5 Stunden in der Woche im flexiblen Model (Office/Homeoffice) gearbeitet. Dafür verdienen unsere Mitarbeiter abhängig von Berufserfahrung und Qualifikation mind. 33.600 Jahresbruttogehalt aber auch gerne darüber hinaus. Bei uns gibt es selbstverständlich Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld, sowie zu speziellen Anlässen Anerkennungen, die unsere Wertschätzung für unser Team zum Ausdruck bringen
Mission Control Applications Software Engineer (Based in Germany)
Eumetsat, Darmstadt, D-PLZ gesamt
EUMETSAT is Europe's meteorological satellite agency, operating satellites that monitor the weather and climate from space - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. EUMETSAT is an international organisation employing staff from across all 30 member states and this role is being advertised on multiple international job boards, but please note that this role would be based in Darmstadt, Germany and would require international applicants to relocate if successful. This role is rooted in the mission of EUMETSAT and will provide the opportunity to work with leading IT, Space and Earth Observation organisations and domain experts to make a positive impact on society! The EUMETSAT Mission Control Applications and Tools (MCAT) Competence Area is responsible for providing software maintenance and development of applications which are critical for all EUMETSAT satellite mission flight operations. As part of the evolution and re-engineering roadmaps, EUMETSAT is seeking a talented Software Engineer who will play a key role in the definition, design and development of future solutions for such systems. As key contributor, you will work on cutting-edge mission application projects that leverage web, cloud native and AI/ML technologies. Close cooperation with missions' flight control teams will be essential and will offer you an enriching experience in the deployment and tailoring of systems under your responsibility into real missions' operation contexts.What you'll be doing: · RBe responsible for the definition and development of scalable, reliable, and maintainable software application solutions in line with established roadmaps for future mission control applications; · Drive feasibility studies and prototyping activities supporting assessment of new architectures and technologies towards adoption decisions; · Work closely with cross-functional teams (e.g. quality and product assurance, configuration management) and application end users as well as being able to communicate technical concepts effectively to non-technical stakeholders; · Define and manage procurements of industrial service and development contracts and their execution ; · Identify opportunities for optimisation and promote innovation within the engineering team, by staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and emerging technologies, to drive product excellence and cost effective solutions into space operation.Requirements: Qualifications · A university degree (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline (e.g. Computer Science, Software Engineering). Skills and Experience: · Architectural and detailed design addressing solutions based on web front-end frameworks and components and back-end microservices with adoption and customisation of modern web and clouds software technologies including containerization (e.g., Docker) and container orchestration (e.g., Kubernetes); · Optimized and Agile methodologies for software development lifecycle management with specific attention to DevSecOps; · Any of Java, Javascript, Python software languages and related development environments, as well as associated open-source technologies; · Management of industrial maintenance and engineering service contracts; · Good interpersonal and communications skills, team spirit and service orientation; · Strengths in synthesising and presentation of complex problems and solutions. Knowledge and experience in the following areas/systems would be a distinct advantage: · Understanding of machine learning concepts and algorithms as well as practical experience in developing and deploying ML models using libraries and frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch); · Knowledge of Mission control functions within a typical space mission flight operations sub-segment (e.g. Mission Control System, Flight Dynamics System, Mission Planning System, Satellite Simulator) or engineering support to flight control teams for routine mission operations.What we offer: · Excellent salary, of up to Euro 7,500 NET (after tax) based on skills and experience; · Flexible working time including additional flexi-leave; · Full medical coverage for employee and family; · Attractive pension; · 30 days of annual leave + 14.5 days public holidays; · Training and development support; · Relocation allowance and support (if applicable).Salary: 6000 – 7500 EUR / MONTH
Software Developer After Sales (w/m/d)
ASCO Engineering GmbH, Raaba-Grambach, Steiermark
ASCO Engineering – ein Unternehmen der ASCO Group International – ist ein Spezialist für Human Resource Management und Qualitätsmanagement, in den Bereichen Anlagenbau, Maschinenbau, Fahrzeugtechnik, Elektrik/Elektronik und Informationstechnologie. SIE suchen eine neue berufliche Herausforderung als Software-Developer mit Java? Dann sind SIE bei uns genau richtig, denn… …wir sind stetig auf der Suche nach neuen Mitarbeiter:innen an unseren Standorten in der Steiermark, in Wien und in Kärnten. Nach der Übermittlung IHRER Bewerbungsunterlagen, prüfen wir intern alle Möglichkeiten für SIE, klären mit IHNEN in einem persönlichen Gespräch IHRE individuellen Vorstellungen und Karriereziele und unterstützen SIE bestmöglich bei IHREM beruflichen Ein- und/oder Aufstieg!!! Mitarbeit bei Aufbereitung, Implementierung von bestehenden Softwarelösungen Dokumentation und Inbetriebnahme von Erweiterungen und Änderungen Lösungen von Software Incidents an Kundensystemen sowie Dokumentation basierend auf Service Prozessen Eingrenzung (technisch) der gemeldeten Service Anfragen der Kunden Anwendungsunterstützung des Kunden, eigenständige Lösung der Fehlersituation Optimierung und Erweiterung vorhandener Kunden- anlagen und - prozesse Kenntnisse in der Softwareentwicklung und der Programmiersprache Java Abgeschlossene (höhere) Ausbildung im Bereich IT oder Technik Facheinschlägige Berufserfahrung von Vorteil Verständnis für relationale Datenbanken (MS SQL, Oracle etc.) Erfahrung mit der IDE Eclipse wünschenswert Know-How über Design Patterns Gute Englischkenntnisse Kommunikative Persönlichkeit mit Freude am Kundenkontakt Internationale Reisebereitschaft (ca. 15% der Jahresarbeitszeit) Teamfähigkeit, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Sprachgewandtheit Individuelle fachbezogene Aus- und Weiterbildungen Ein sehr gutes Betriebsklima in einer international erfolgreichen Unternehmensgruppe Flache Hierarchien und kurze Entscheidungswege Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Mitarbeiterparkplätze sowie gute öffentliche Verkehrsanbindungen Die Möglichkeit zur aktiven Mitgestaltung und -entwicklung der eigenen Karriere im Unternehmen EUR 3.700 brutto / Monat (auf Vollzeitbasis). Es besteht die ausdrückliche Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und beruflicher Erfahrung!
Senior Java Developer (m/f/x)
STRABAG BRVZ GMBH, Wien, Spittal/Drau, Linz, Villach, deutschlandweit ...
STRABAG employs about 86,000 people at 2,400 locations around the world, working on progress. Our projects are characterised by their uniqueness and individual strengths, just like each and every one of us. From building construction and structural engineering, road construction and civil engineering, bridge building and tunnelling, project development, building materials production or facility management – we think ahead, and aim to become the most innovative and sustainable construction technology group in Europe. Equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion are an integral part of who we are as a company and how we operate. Together we work as partners to complete projects successfully and grow with new challenges. Together we achieve great things. Build the future with us! Apply now to become part of our team. As part of the STRABAG Group, we - STRABAG BRVZ - provide all commercial and IT services throughout the Group. In IT, we look after many thousands of international users and cover the entire spectrum of the IT world. From software development, IT purchasing, product management and support to classic IT operations with our own data centres and the internal service desk. 500 IT employees work every day to optimally equip and support the STRABAG Group units. Become part of our IT team - we look forward to receiving your application!Your heart beats faster when you can drive international software products? With our internally developed cloud platform, we design and digitalise the construction processes of tomorrow, which is developed based on the Google Cloud Platform with Java microservices, Spring Boot and Angular. You will be there when entire construction sites are digitally mapped in a BIM model or components are tracked for project progress. You take on a mentoring role in international agile scrum teams and are happy to pass on your knowledge and experience You are involved in the entire development process from the recording of requirements to the implementation and release of applications You keep an eye on the conception and strategic development of the software architecture You drive important technical decisions, set high coding standards yourself and carry out code reviews You are happy to pass on your knowledge and experience and have the opportunity to develop into a group leader in the future You have in-depth knowledge of the Java platform (core, multithreading, collections) as well as experience with Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud You have very good knowledge of design patterns and best practices in software design You have sound experience in building scalable distributed applications, micro-service architectures and cloud platforms Experience with code quality metrics and test coverage You are familiar with current web development standards and trends, frameworks and build tools Good written and spoken English skills Motivation and interest in passing on your knowledge diverse career opportunities career development Parking facilities sport activities competitive compensation employee discounts cantine health promotion employee events good transport connection Are you looking for a new challenge where you can utilise your experience in software development and take on a leadership role? Then we look forward to receiving your application! The gross annual salary for this position in Austria is from EUR 46,318 for a Bachelor's degree and from EUR 50,732 for a Master's degree. In addition, we offer a market-compliant overpayment depending on qualifications and experience. If you are employed in Germany, you will be paid in accordance with the Federal Framework Agreement for the Construction Industry.
Java Lead Developer (m/f/x)
STRABAG BRVZ GMBH, Wien, Spittal/Drau, Linz, deutschlandweit, Oberöst ...
STRABAG employs about 86,000 people at 2,400 locations around the world, working on progress. Our projects are characterised by their uniqueness and individual strengths, just like each and every one of us. From building construction and structural engineering, road construction and civil engineering, bridge building and tunnelling, project development, building materials production or facility management – we think ahead, and aim to become the most innovative and sustainable construction technology group in Europe. Equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion are an integral part of who we are as a company and how we operate. Together we work as partners to complete projects successfully and grow with new challenges. Together we achieve great things. Build the future with us! Apply now to become part of our team. As part of the STRABAG Group, we - STRABAG BRVZ - provide all commercial and IT services throughout the Group. In IT, we look after many thousands of international users and cover the entire spectrum of the IT world. From software development, IT purchasing, product management and support to classic IT operations with our own data centres and the internal service desk. 500 IT employees work every day to optimally equip and support the STRABAG Group units. Become part of our IT team - we look forward to receiving your application!Your heart beats faster when you can drive international software products? With our internally developed cloud platform, we design and digitalise the construction processes of tomorrow, which is developed based on the Google Cloud Platform with Java microservices, Spring Boot and New Angular. You will be there when entire construction sites are digitally mapped in a BIM model or components are tracked for project progress. As Team Lead, you will manage several international, agile Scrum teams. You take over the technical management and are responsible for disciplinary leadership You are responsible for the technical conception and strategic development of the software and products Together with the experts in the teams, you make important technical decisions regarding the software architecture and the frameworks used together with the experts in the teams You are happy to pass on your knowledge and experience and play a key role in developing technically innovative backend and frontend solutions In your leadership role, you communicate the technical solutions for customer requirements to those responsible Important topics that you drive forward are the sustainable assurance of the quality of the developed code and the development processes Experience in technical and disciplinary management (of virtual, international teams) would be advantageous Sound knowledge of the Java platform (core, multithreading, collections) with Spring, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud as well as New Angular in the frontend area Very good knowledge of design patterns and best practices in software design Sound experience in building scalable distributed applications, micro-service architectures and cloud platforms Experience with code quality metrics and test coverage You are familiar with current web development standards and trends, frameworks and build tools Good written and spoken English skills diverse career opportunities career development Parking facilities sport activities competitive compensation employee discounts cantine health promotion employee events good transport connection We offer you the opportunity to help design a customised software solution for construction execution and thus digitalise a group in the construction industry. You will have excellent development and career opportunities with innovative and technologically challenging projects. Our collegial, competent team of over 100 developers is looking forward to reinforcement. The gross annual salary for this position in Austria is from EUR 46,318 for a Bachelor's degree and from EUR 50,732 for a Master's degree. In addition, we offer a market-compliant overpayment depending on qualifications and experience. If you are employed in Germany, you will be paid in accordance with the Federal Framework Agreement for the Construction Industry.
App Developer
smaXtec animal care GmbH, Graz
APP DEVELOPERHQ Grazfull-timeall gendersexperiencedsmaXtec offers a unique CLOUD-BASED health system for dairy cows. By analyzing data collected inside the cow using SMART ALGORITHMS & AI APPLICATIONS, smaXtec helps farmers to improve animal health considerably & contributes to a more sustainable dairy industry.YOU WANT TOApp Development with React Native (iOS & Android)Programming & development of shared libs (React, JavaScript, TypeScript)API Services: Rest APIs, GraphQLTooling: Fastlane, Jest, Git, Docker, NodeDeveloping projects with your teamTest code, to ensure happy customersYOUR PROFILEYou have a completed technical education (HTL, Computer Science, Software Development...) & bring experience in (native) App Development.You love to perfectly match the UI to the use case, UX is not just an empty shell for you.You bring a high degree of initiative & the will to contribute and implement your own ideas.You like to work in a modern technical environment in which you select the appropriate technologies & tools to achieve solutions.You bring excellent technical understanding & organizational talent as well as very good English (and German) skills.You have heard of or used our tools and technologies.OUR OFFER    As a team, we collectively and sustainably work together with full commitment to increase herd health on dairy farms and at the same time reduce the workload and costs for farmers.Agile collaboration in combination with the dynamics & freedom of an international Scale UpFree drinks, subsidy for the annual "Öffi" ticket, food subsidy, “Firmenradl”, company fitness cards, team events, as well as …... an amazing & modern office in the Data House at the TU Inffeld Campus, but also the possibility to work partly from homeWe offer a transparent salary package (annual gross and full-time basis):Completed relevant Master's degree or equivalent relevant professional experience: from EUR 47,600.00Additionally at least 5 years of relevant professional experience: from EUR 53,200.00
Master Thesis: Automated planning of front-end production routines (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Villach
Master Thesis: Automated planning of front-end production routines (f/m/div)At a glanceThis specific internship is suitable for students within a master degree program in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or similar! The Frontend cluster is responsible for the planning, quality and productivity of its semiconductor manufacturing and drives related process and manufacturing innovations. Our team in Villach is looking forward to receiving your application!Quick InfoLocationVillachEntry Level0-1 yearJob IDHRC0752834Start01. Mai 2024TypeFull timeContractTemporaryJob descriptionAs part of the Technology Tool Kit project this position focuses on the development of a planning approach that, given a knowledge graph and a set of product requirements, can construct and validate a production plan optimal with respect to a selected criterion. The approach should be able to (a) construct production plans from scratch or a partial plan, (b) verify a set of existing plans for consistency, and whenever possible, (c) suggest repairs to identified inconsistencies.In your new role you will further:Define the fabrication planning problem and identify data sources for its inputsPerform a literature review to identify suitable planning approachesSuggest improvements to the Knowledge Graph data required by the selected planning methodImplement planning methods for the three tasks listed aboveThis thesis has to be written in cooperation with an university.Further InformationType of employment: Temporary / Full-time (flexible working hours from Monday to Friday between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.)Duration: min. 12 monthsYour ProfileYou successfully meet the requirements if you are a motivated and committed student in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or similar.You are best equipped for this task if you additionally have the following qualifications:Knowledge of planning approaches including standard languages, like PDDL, and basics of planning methodsBasic knowledge of semantic technologies, such as ontologies, RDF, and SPARQL; experience with graph DBs is a plusA basic understanding of the cloud infrastructures, e.g., OpenShift and containers, is a plusThis position is subject to the collective agreement for workers and employees in the electrical and electronics industry (full-time), employment group D for master students (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf).Please attach the following documents (German or English) to your application:Motivation letterCVCertificate of matriculation at a universityLatest Transcript of records (not older than 6 months)Highest completed educational certificate (Bachelor certificate for Master students)Reference letter (optional)About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.The Frontend (FE) cluster offers a broad range of manufacturing competence specialized in high-quality logic products. The portfolio represents Power, Bipolar, Sensor, Passive and Diode technologies as well as CMOS, RF-CMOS and embedded flash technologies. The manufacturing sites in Dresden, Kulim, Regensburg and Villach are committed to Operational Excellence with strong customer focus.>>Click here
Senior Java Software Developer with leadership potential (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
You're smart, curious, and love the challenge of solving problems that improve people's lives? We believe that a better world needs software to run perfectly, so as a Software Engineer at Dynatrace, you will help take our product to new heights and extend our leadership in the Software Intelligence field. Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Your role at Dynatrace Your role in the team Software development in Java : you will work actively in software development to get to know our product and the challenges at Dynatrace, especially in the initial phase. As soon as you take over the responsibility for your team, your development part will be gradually reduced and supplemented by other exciting tasks. Leadershiptasks : Once you are aleader, you are responsible for the individual development of your colleagues and the team.As coordinator between product management, product architects and other teams, you accompany the conception and development of new features (feature ownership). Java | Leadership | Mentoring | Coaching Would you like to take on more responsibility and continue your passion for software development ? You enjoy mentoring and coaching your colleagues? You want to share your knowledge and be active in team development?ThenstartyourcareeratDynatrace. Experienced software developer (m/f/x) with drive and clear goals 5+ years of experience with Java Communicative personality with end-to-end thinking who is enthusiastic aboutsoftwareengineering Passion for mentoring,coaching and transferring your own knowledge toothers Hands-on team player who also supports the development team Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging fromfull remote optionstohybridones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Clickthis linkto find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards Attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages . Due to legal reasons,we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 56,000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Java Software Developer & Product Owner (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
You're smart, curious, and love the challenge of solving problems that improve people's lives? We believe that a better world needs software to run perfectly, so as a Software Engineer at Dynatrace, you will help take our product to new heights and extend our leadership in the Software Intelligence field. Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Your role at Dynatrace Software Engineer| Product Owner | Team Enablement | Agile Methods You have a distinctive agile mindset and experience in the software development environment? You want to combine your technical and communicative strengths ? Then joining our team in Graz as Software Engineer and Product Owner is the step you have to take! Your role in the team Active participation throughout the entire software development process , including software development, code reviews, testing and DevOps activities In cooperation with your team and internal stakeholders you define user stories and prioritize the backlog Make sure that our product and feature requirements are met You define user stories in collaboration with your development team, which you support throughout the entire software development process in a micro-service architecture You ensure that user stories are ready for the sprint and accept them for delivery You monitor the services throughout all staging areas, including production You represent your team in all services you jointly build and maintain ( ownership !) Technical study related to Software Engineering or equivalent practical experience in software development. 3+ years of hands-on work experience in Java development. Experience as technical product owner Have broad experience within software-developing teams and understanding DevOps principles. Team player with a proactive and inspiring approach . Joy in learning new technologies or agile working methods . Being able to express ideas and share concepts in fluent English. Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world wheresoftware works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from fullremote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Clickthis linkto find out more information about our relocation program Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 45,500 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Senior iOS Developer (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna, Oberösterreich, Wien
Excited about “behind the scenes” mobile development ? Do you want to join a global leader that enables digital transformation ? Looking for teammates who appreciate open communication and face challenges together as a team? Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. MobileAgent Development for iOS (Swift and Objective-C), App Development is out of scope. Conception of new innovative features in close cooperation with product managers and software architects. Close interaction in an international development team. Technical study related to Software Engineering (ideally focus on Mobile Development) Several years of experience with Swift and Objective-C Knowledge about iOS architecture Ideally Gradle know-how Teamplayer and pro-active (wo)man of action Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Your role at Dynatrace iOS | Swift | SwiftUI |Objective-C | Mobile Agent Development Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging fromfull remote optionstohybridones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all. A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 56,000 gross per year based on full-time employment (38.5 h/week). We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Senior Android Developer (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna, Oberösterreich, Wien
Your role at Dynatrace Excited about “behind the scenes” mobile development ? Do you want to join a global leader that enables digital transformation ? Looking for teammates who appreciate open communication and face challenges together as a team? About Dynatrace Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. MobileAgent Development for Android, App Development is out of scope. Conception of new innovative features in close cooperation with product managers and software architects. Close interaction in an international development team. Technical study related to Software Engineering (ideally focus on Mobile Development) Several years of experience with Android (Kotlin/Java) Knowledge about Android architecture Ideally Gradle know-how Teamplayer and pro-active (wo)man of action Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging fromfull remote optionstohybridones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all. A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 56,000 gross per year based on full-time employment (38.5 h/week). We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Senior Java Software Developer with focus on Big Data and High Performance Computing (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Hagenberg, Oberösterreich
You're smart, curious, and love the challenge of solving problems that improve people's lives? We believe that a better world needs software to run perfectly, so as a Software Engineer at Dynatrace, you will help take our product to new heights and extend our leadership in the Software Intelligence field. Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Developing the Dynatrace Software Intelligence Solution in Java (Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, Lucene, Kubernetes, Git, Jenkins, Eclipse/IntelliJ) Backend specialization (big data, cluster technologies, horizontalscale, storage, analytics) Independent design and implementation of the Dynatrace Platform Collaborate with local and internationaldevelopment teams Technical studyrelated to Software Engineering A minimum of 5 years experience inJavadevelopment, including architectural design Excited to learn new technologies Teamplayerwith proactive approach Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging fromfull remote optionstohybridones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Clickthis linkto find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards Attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages . Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 56,000 gross per year based on full-time employment (38.5 h/week). We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?