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Senior Property Manager:in
UNIQA Versicherungen AG, Wien
Bei UNIQA Real Estate liegt unser Fokus auf dem Erwerb, dem Asset Management und der Verwaltung von Wohn-, Büro- und Gewerbeimmobilien in den Zielmärkten der UNIQA Gruppe. Durch breit gefächertes Tun bieten wir Raum für Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen der Immoblienwelt. Bei UNIQA sind wir deshalb die Gemeinschaft für ein besseres Leben und fördern die individuellen Stärken unserer Mitarbeiter:innen. Wir nutzen unsere individuellen Fähigkeiten, um zusammen eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu gestalten und leidenschaftlich Immobilien zu bewirtschaften. Erzähle uns von deinen Stärken und bewirb dich bei UNIQA Real Estate Management GmbH als Senior Property Manager:in Als Senior Property Manager:in vertrittst du die Interessen der Objekteigentümer:innen und trägst gemeinsam mit dem Junior Property Manager:in die Verantwortung für die kaufmännische Bewirtschaftung unserer Objekte. Selbständige Abwicklung der operativen Aufgaben im Geschäftsfeld Immobilien Mitwirkung bei der Umsetzung und Weiterentwicklung der Asset Strategie und Unterstützung bei Investmentthemen Laufende Kunden:innenkommunikation (Schwerpunkt Mieter:innen) Vertragsverhandlungen und- gestaltung von immobilienbzogenen Verträgen (Ziel- als auch Dauerschuldverhältnissen) Steuerung und Umsetzung der Aufgaben aus dem operativen Tagesgeschäftes mit Fokus auf Bestandsentwicklung und Kundenzufriedenheit Optimierung und Monitoring der Bewirtschaftungskosten inkl. Durchführung von Ausschreibungen sowie Erkennen und Umsetzung von Ertragspotentialen in enger Abstimmung mit dem Asset Management Mitwirkung bei der Budgeterstellung und laufendes Budgetmonitoring in Bezug auf Kosten und Maßnahmenumsetzung Monitoring der objektbezogenen Zahlungsflüsse (inkl. Rückstände) und Veranlassung der notwendigen Maßnahmen Reporting und Erstellen von Entscheidungsgrundlagen Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Asset Management, Construction und Accounting Wir erwarten uns: Abgeschlossene Studium oder vergleichbare Qualifikation (Immobilienwirtschaftliche Ausbildung (FH, Befähigungsprüfung)) oder einschlägige Erfahrung in der Immobilienbranche sowie sehr gute Kenntnisse im Mietrecht Mehrjährige Erfahrung in einer gleichwertigen Position Sicherer Umgang mit MS-Office, Grundkenntnisse von Real Data von Vorteil Selbständige, strukturierte und genaue Arbeitsweise mit lösungsorientiertem Denken Sehr gute Kommunikationsstärke, Organisationsfähigkeiten und Teamfähigkeit Routinierter Umgang mit herausfordernden Situationen Competencies: Arbeitet mit anderen zusammen; Effektive Lösungen finden; Eigenverantwortung fördern; Handlungsorientiert; Kundenorientierung Du passt zu uns, wenn du: Freude an der Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Menschen hast einfache und realisierbare Lösungen findest eigenverantwortliches Handeln förderst handlungsorientiert agierst und aus Fehlern lernst Kund:innenbedürfnissen oberste Priorität zuschreibst Wir bei UNIQA leben Vielfalt. Wir setzen auf unterschiedliche Perspektiven in unseren Teams und Führungspositionen. Daher freuen wir uns sehr über Bewerbungen, die unsere Vielfalt bereichern. Du bist dir nicht sicher, ob dein Profil unseren Anforderungen entspricht? Bewirb dich trotzdem! UNIQA sucht nach Kandidat:innen mit Ambition, Mut zur Veränderung und Begeisterungsfähigkeit! Du strebst nach Mehr als dem Minimum - wir ebenso! Dein tatsächliches Gehalt vereinbaren wir abhängig von deiner Ausbildung und deiner Erfahrung im Zuge des Recruitingprozesses. Wir freuen uns, dich im Rahmen eines Erstgespräches virtuell kennen zu lernen. Weitere Gespräche werden in Folge vor Ort in unserer Zentrale im UNIQA Tower in Wien durchgeführt.
Product Manager Allergy & Food Intolerance Diagnostics (f/m/x)
MacroArray Diagnostics GmbH, Wien
We have revolutionized allergy and food intolerance diagnostics and have been operating successfully in more than 70 countries for over 5 years with our diagnostic products and patented technologies. Our products help clarifying allergies or food intolerances in a single step – for humans and animals alike. Allergies and food intolerances are diagnosed in a highly specific manner so that patients receive help by their specialist in no time. We increase quality of life, enable personalized treatment, advance research and relieve our health system. Preparation of scientific content to a broad audience (e.g. marketing material, IFU, presentations, internal academy, competition dossiers, visualization of data, employee training) Product development e.g., in response to market feedback Customer training and support for analysing results Sales support (presentations, Co-Marketing, customer visits, events) and competitor analysis Point of intersection in clinical studies, customer support Production and surveillance of a biobank Degree in medical technology, biology, biochemistry, or comparable study (at least MSc.) At least three years of work experience; experience in immunology or allergology is an asset Competence to work in a team and to lead projects in an independent manner Highly communicative personality and the ability to improvise Willingness to travel (nationally and internationally) Computer skills and excellent command of German and English A full-time position, flexible working hours, home office if necessary (temporary replacement until May 2025 with the option to extend) Annual pass for Vienna's public transport and Sodexo vouchers Collaboration with people who care about human and veterinary patients alike Personalised mentoring – in scientific, career-associated, and personal regards An environment where you feel empowered to ask questions, make requests and offer ideas An atmosphere created by the thoughts of sustainability, equity, diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect
Commercial Director
Hilton Hotels Österreichs, Wien
Unsere drei Wiener Hotels: Hilton Vienna Park Das atemberaubende, 15 Stockwerk hohe, Hilton Vienna Park ist mit seiner einzigartigen Lage nicht nur von außen zu bestaunen, sondern verleiht jedem Anlass einen besonderen Touch. Die Atmosphäre in dem größten Veranstaltungshotel Österreichs, ziert sich mit seinen großen Sälen und kulinarischen Delikatessen. Die moderne Selleny's Bar, inmitten der renovierten Lobby, erzählt eine Geschichte, wie es sich Herr Selleny's, der Stadtpark Designer, vor hunderten von Jahren gewünscht hat. Eine Metropole für nationales und internationales Publikum. Der Wiener Kaffee Kultur wird einen unsterblichen Zusatz an Cocktailfinesse verliehen und somit eine einzigartige Zeit im Hause verbracht. Sollte zu dem Getränkeangebot die dazu passende Mahlzeit genossen werden, kümmert sich das Lenz um regionale Qualität und bekannte, neu definierte Speisen. Hilton Vienna Plaza Das Hilton Vienna Plaza verzaubert nicht nur seine Gäste, sondern lässt jeden der es betritt in eine prunkvolle und unbekümmerte Zeit reisen. Die 1920er werden durch die einzigartige Kulisse und dessen motivierte Mitarbeiter in das Jahr eintauchen. Um an die edlen Soirées zurück zu denken, lädt das Émile Restaurant und Bar zu einer unverwechselbaren Geschichte eines in Wien verliebten Franzosen, namens Émile, ein. Seine französische Leidenschaft paarte er mit österreichischen Klassikern und feierlich, raffinierten Getränke. Hilton Vienna Danube Wellenrauschen und Sonnenstrahlen einfangen. Das Hilton Vienna Danube lässt einfach jeden zur Ruhe kommen und den jetzigen Moment zelebrieren. Die mediterrane Atmosphäre mit Strandkörbe und Pool, lässt einen in eine unbekümmerte und sommerliche Zeit reisen. Das Team serviert einen landesweit bekannten Brunch bis zu verführerischen, zum mediterranen Konzept passende, Speisen. Dazu, lockt das Pier269, die Hausbar und Lounge, mit einer Reihe an klassischen und ausgeklügelten Getränken auf die breite Sonnenterrasse.Der Commercial Director ist verantwortlich für die Entwicklung einer Handelsstrategie, die alle Segmente und Kanäle abdeckt, um die Gesamterlöse und Gewinne sowie den Marktanteil des Hotels in EMEA zu maximieren. Diese Rolle wird die Planung und Umsetzung der Handelsstrategie und -aktivitäten durch Unterstützung des Revenue-Management-Teams, des Vertriebs-, Catering- und Veranstaltungsteams, des Marketing-, E-Commerce- und Public-Relations-Teams vorantreiben, indem sie effektiv mit den Bereichsunterstützungsteams zusammenarbeiten. Die kommerziellen Aktivitäten im F&B-Bereich werden gemeinsame Verantwortungsbereiche des F&B-Managers, des Direktors für Betriebsabläufe, des General Managers und des Commercial Directors sein. Der Commercial Director ist ein Vorbild für die kommerzielle Gemeinschaft innerhalb des eigenen und verwalteten Portfolios in EMEA und entwickelt Teams und Einzelpersonen in diesen Funktionen, während er ein wichtiger Geschäftspartner für den Hoteldirektor ist. Sie unterstützen Hotels dabei, den größten Nutzen aus den Hilton-Vertriebsteams zu ziehen. Die Rolle des Commercial Directors ist entscheidend, um neue Chancen durch starke Kundenbeziehungen zu nutzen und als Botschafter für das Unternehmen gegenüber unseren Eigentümern und wichtigen Interessengruppen zu agieren. Die Rolle stellt sicher, dass Handelsmanagementstrategien für alle Erlösströme festgelegt werden und dass alle Systeme ihr volles Potenzial nutzen, um den höchstmöglichen Umsatz aus allen verfügbaren Flächen zu erzielen, sei es in Zimmern, Tagungsräumen, Verkaufsstellen oder anderen Erlösabteilungen. Durch eine disziplinierte Durchführung von kommerziellen Aktivitäten werden insgesamt FMS-Ergebnisse erzielt und ein unfares Anteil gewonnen. Ein Commercial Director wird zukünftige Talente führen, coachen, entwickeln, rekrutieren und halten. Er/Sie wird die Leistung managen, die kommerziellen Teammitglieder anhand der vereinbarten KPIs entwickeln und bewerten und dabei effektiv als Teil einer 4D-Struktur vor Ort arbeiten. Speziell wird ein Commercial Director die folgenden Aufgaben gemäß höchsten Standards ausführen: Direkt verantwortlich für die Steigerung des Top-Line-Budgets und der Prognose durch Umsetzung einer Handelsstrategie und eines Geschäftsplans bis zur Ausführung unter Verwendung des Hilton Commercial Focus-Prozesses und aller verfügbaren Geschäftstools und -intelligenz. Mindestens die budgetierten Umsätze über alle Erlösströme hinweg liefern, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf alle Zimmer, GC&E, F&B, Freizeit und Spa, mit Kontrolle über die Verkaufskosten, Vermarktungswege, Kanalwechsel und Marketing-/E-Commerce-Chancen. Mit dem GM, dem Finanz- und dem Betriebsdirektor zusammenarbeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass die Gewinne im Einklang mit den TGOP- und EBITDA-Zielen maximiert werden. Sicherstellen, dass Business-Review-Richtlinien (aktuell bis + 5 Jahre) und alle Preis- und Tarifangebotsstrategien vorhanden sind, um alle Preisbestandteile von Verkaufs- und Catering-Möglichkeiten zu maximieren und einen positiven Gruppenmarktanteil zu erreichen. Unterstützung verschiedener On-Property-, RDOS- und Bereichsmarketingteams bei der Koordinierung von Marketing-, Vertriebs- und Public-Relations-Aktivitäten auf Hotellebene. Mit regionalen Unterstützungs- und Markenteams zusammenarbeiten, um den maximalen Nutzen für die Hotelleistung zu erzielen. Die Cluster-Revenue-Manager/On-Property-Revenue-Manager und das RMCC bei der Festlegung eines optimalen Mix, der Überprüfung und Validierung von Prognosen, der Entwicklung von Strategien für verschiedene Nachfragezeiträume sowie der Überprüfung und Genehmigung von Einzelhandels- und Gruppenpreisstrategien unterstützen. Starke Beziehungen zu allen Interessengruppen, Eigentümern, Hotellteams, Hilton-Matrix-Unterstützungsteams, aufrechterhalten und ausbauen, um die kommerziellen Vorteile des Hotels zu gewährleisten. Mit dem VP of Operations zusammenarbeiten, um kommerzielle Strategien dem Regionalteam und wichtigen Interessengruppen vorzustellen. Konsistent den Hilton-Markenstandards und der Unternehmensidentität entsprechen und alle Kommunikationstools nutzen (unter Anleitung des regionalen Marketings und BPS). Markttrends im Auge behalten und Strategien entsprechend in Übereinstimmung mit den sich entwickelnden Marktbedingungen überprüfen/anpassen. An der Führungsaktivität des Hotels und der Region teilnehmen. Ein Commercial Director, der Marken von Hilton betreut, arbeitet immer im Namen unserer Gäste und zusammen mit anderen Teammitgliedern. Um diese Rolle erfolgreich auszufüllen, sollten Sie die Einstellung, Verhaltensweisen, Fähigkeiten und Werte aufrechterhalten, die folgen: Mindestens 3+ Jahre Erfahrung in der Hospitality-/Reisebranche in einer rolle, die Umsätze generiert oder kommerzielle Dienstleistungen erbringt. Mindestens 3+ Jahre Erfahrung im Präsentieren von Verkaufsplänen, Präsentationen usw. für Führungskräfte auf Senior-Ebene und Interessengruppen. 3+ Jahre Erfahrung in der Arbeit in einer kooperativen/Matrix-Umgebung. 3+ Jahre Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit finanziellen Daten der Abteilung, um strategische/taktische Entscheidungen zu treffen. 3+ Jahre Erfahrung in der Bewertung und Identifizierung von Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für ein Unternehmen. Mindestens 3 Jahre Erfahrung in der Leitung eines Vertriebs- oder Commercial-Teams. Fließend in Englisch. In dieser Position wäre es vorteilhaft, wenn Sie die folgenden Fähigkeiten und Auszeichnungen demonstrieren könnten: 3+ Jahre Erfahrung in einer Multi-Komplex-Hotel-/Reisebranche-Umgebung. Erfahrung in mehreren Aufgabenbereichen mit Kenntnissen in Marketing, E-Commerce und Finanzen. Kenntnisse der lokalen Sprache sind von Vorteil. Warum Du bei Hilton arbeiten solltest: Flache Hierarchien & eine „first name“ Mentalität sorgen für den richtigen Teamspirit Professionelle Einschulung und Ausbildungen, Sicherstellung eines persönlichen Buddy´s um einen guten Start in die Karriere zu garantieren Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben Internationale und nationale Karriere Möglichkeiten und Aufstiegschancen in unseren drei Hotels Healthy mind & body- dazu gehört unser Team Member Restaurant mit gesunder, kostenloser Verpflegung Team Events und regelmäßige Career Talks „Sleep In Experience“- erlebe das Hotel aus der Perspektive eines Gastes Tolle und vor allem erschwingliche Reisemöglichkeiten-plane deinen perfekten Urlaub mit Hilton Wir übernehmen deine Wegkosten ins Hotel und bezahlen dir dein Öffi -Ticket (Jahreskarte) Wir haben noch so viel mehr zu erzählen und „Dir zu zeigen“, dafür reicht ein Inserat allerdings nicht aus. Für mehr Einblicke in unsere Hotels und hinter die Kulissen, besuche uns gerne auf unseren Social Media Kanälen à KarriereHiltonAustria Instagram und Hilton Hotels Austria HR (@hiltonvienna) TikTok Wenn wir Deine Neugier erweckt haben, freuen wir uns darauf Deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung (Anschreiben, CV mit Foto, Zeugnisse) zu erhalten. Wir freuen uns Dich kennenzulernen! Herzliche Grüße, Dein Hilton Team Österreich
Product Manager RIS (m/f/d)
Dedalus HealthCare GmbH, Wien
Dedalus produziert, vertreibt, implementiert und wartet komplexe, technologisch höchstwertige und innovative IT-Lösungen für Krankenhäuser, Rehabilitationskliniken, Psychiatrische Kliniken sowie diagnostische Einrichtungen wie Radiologien und Kardiologien. Diese IT-Lösungen unterstützen alle wesentlichen Prozesse der Verwaltung, der Dokumentation, der Workflowsteuerung und der revisionssicheren Archivierung der Daten und Dokumente in Unternehmungen des Gesundheitswesens. Die 1982 in Florenz gegründete Dedalus Gruppe ist führender Anbieter von Gesundheits- und Diagnosesoftware in Europa und einer der größten der Welt.Kaum eine andere Branche entwickelt sich so rasant wie aktuell die IT-Healthcare. Allein dieser Punkt könnte schon spannend genug sein. Dennoch finden wir es noch spannender, für unsere Kunden jeden Tag das Beste aus dem Produkt herauszuholen. Für unsere Geschäftsstelle in Wien oder Bonn (Homeoffice möglich) suchen wir einen Product Manager RIS (m/w/d) Deine Aufgaben: Hauptverantwortung für unser Radiologie-Informationssystem, ORBIS RIS Erarbeiten und voran treiben der Produkt-Vision und -Strategie Einholen von Marktanforderungen und Anwender-Feedback Spezifikation und Priorisierung offener Anforderungen Pflege der Produkt-Roadmap Fachliche Unterstützung der Entwicklung Stakeholder Management Präsentation aktueller Neuerungen und Wissenstransfer Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Medizinisch-Technischer Radiologie-Assistent (MTRA) oder Studium bzw. Ausbildung im Bereich medizinische Informatik Tiefgreifendes Fachwissen im Bereich Radiologie und der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse Vorzugsweise Berufserfahrung im Bereich Radiologische Informationssysteme Selbständige, eigenverantwortliche und zielgerichtete Arbeitsweise Spaß am Umgang mit Menschen und Technik Sehr gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten Sehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse Einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag mit attraktivem Gehalt für eine langfristige Perspektive Verantwortungsvolle und spannende Aufgaben in einer zukunftsorientierten Branche Professionelles Onboarding Nette Kollegen, die Dich gerne unterstützen und mit denen du auf „DU-Ebene“ bist Vertrauensarbeitszeit und flexible Arbeitszeiten Aktuelles Firmenhandy mit Dual-Sim (Android oder iOS) auch zur privaten Nutzung Gesamte Hardware- und Softwareausstattung für ein angenehmes Arbeiten im Homeoffice Das Mindestgehalt für diese Position beträgt € 48.500,-- brutto pro Jahr (38,5 Arbeitsstunden) gemäß IT-Kollektivvertrag in Österreich. Eine Überzahlung plus Bonusregelung je nach Qualifikation/Erfahrung ist für uns selbstverständlich. Werde Teil unserer Innovationskraft und gestalte mit uns die Zukunft! #teamdedalus #together4success #dedalusgroup Wir freuen uns auf Deine Online-Bewerbung mit Motivationsschreiben inkl. Gehaltsvorstellung, Lebenslauf und Zeugnissen! Dedalus HealthCare Ges.m.b.H. Human Resources Quartier Belvedere Central Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße 1 A - 1100 WienGehalt: 48500 – 65000 EUR / YEAR
Asset- und Property Manager:in
Bei STRABAG bauen rund 86.000 Menschen an 2.400 Standorten weltweit am Fortschritt. Einzigartigkeit und individuelle Stärken kennzeichnen dabei nicht nur unsere Projekte, sondern auch jede:n Einzelne:n von uns. Ob im Hoch- und Ingenieurbau, Straßen- und Tiefbau, Brücken- und Tunnelbau, in der Projektentwicklung, Baustoffproduktion oder im Gebäudemanagement – wir denken Bauen weiter, um der innovativste und nachhaltigste Bautechnologiekonzern Europas zu werden. Chancengleichheit, Vielfalt und Inklusion sind integrale Bestandteile dessen, wer wir als Unternehmen sind und wie wir arbeiten. Gemeinsam setzen wir Vorhaben erfolgreich und partnerschaftlich um und wachsen an neuen Aufgaben. Gemeinsam erschaffen wir Großes. Bau mit uns die Zukunft! Bewirb dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres Teams. Die Dienstleistungsgesellschaft STRABAG BRVZ GmbH nimmt alle zentralen kaufmännischen und informationstechnologischen Aufgaben für die Konzernunternehmen der STRABAG SE wahr.Als Asset- und Property Manager:in in unserer Corporate Real Estate Abteilung sind Sie u. a. für die Verwaltung und Betreuung unserer Immobilien in Österreich zuständig. Konkret zählen folgende spannende Tätigkeiten zu Ihren Aufgaben: Kaufmännische Projektbetreuung für Betriebsliegenschaften (Kommunikation mit Behörden, Aufbereitung von Unterlagen) Zusammenarbeit mit Makler:innen, Behörden, Rechtsanwält:innen und Hausverwaltungen An- und Vermietung von Liegenschaften An- und Verkauf von Liegenschaften (Marktrecherche, Besichtigungen, Preisverhandlungen, Prüfung von Grundbuchsauszügen, Begleitung von Ankaufsverträgen) Mitwirkung beim Berichtswesen und bei der Aufbereitung von Investmentanträgen Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung oder Abschluss einer betriebswirtschaftlichen oder immobilienspezifischen Fachhochschule Einschlägige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Immobilien von Vorteil Kommunikatives, selbstbewusstes und überzeugendes Auftreten Ausgeprägte Kenntnisse in MS Office und Offenheit für neue Tools Führerschein der Klasse B Sehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift vielfältige Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten Karriereentwicklung Parkplatz kostenlose Getränke Sportangebote wettbewerbsfähige Vergütung Mitarbeiterrabatte Kantine Freitag (halber Arbeitstag) Home Office Gesundheitsförderung Mitarbeiterevents gute Verkehrsanbindung Wir bieten ein interessantes und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabenspektrum mit vielfältigen Möglichkeiten zur persönlichen und fachlichen Weiterentwicklung. Freuen Sie sich außerdem auf ein angenehmes und offenes Arbeitsklima sowie auf einen kurzen Freitag. Für diese Position ist ein Jahresbruttobezug ab 39.676 EUR (Maturaabschluss) bzw. 46.290 EUR (Bachelorabschluss) vorgesehen. Darüber hinaus bieten wir eine marktkonforme Überzahlung abhängig von Qualifikation und Erfahrung. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Principal Product Manager (m/f/x) - Security
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck, Hagenbe ...
Your role at Dynatrace Our cloud-based software intelligence platform provides actionable data on how applications are performing in real-time—for example, crash reporting, server-side tracking, and root cause analysis, to name a few—our full stack monitoring platform helps our customers anticipate and resolve their software issues. So we're talking about terra and peta bytes of sensitive customer data. We have made it our mission to ensure that customer data is safer with us than anywhere else. Therefore, we want to be not less than the best-in-class and innovative SaaS company in the world. About Dynatrace Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Develop and implement strategies and roadmap for the Dynatrace SDLC (secure software development lifecycle) and secure operations controls. Drive security by design for a product-led software company for all product areas. Design security solutions, so our customers can get the maximum value out of our platform, such as data access and encryption features. Work in a global team and collaborate tightly with development, product management, sales, support, services, the CISO, marketing, and legal to bring Dynatrace to the next level. Apply customer-and user-centric thinking to define the target audience, use cases, needs, and pain points in the highest regulated sectors. Provide market and competitive insights , product positioning, and concrete assets to enable and contribute to go-to-market activities. Create, drive, and maintain the product roadmap with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) mindset. 8+ years experience working in the field of application/product security , ideally in the world of SaaS products. 3+ years of equivalent product management experience in an agile software product environment. Plenty of experience successfully collaborating with multidisciplinary teams of product managers, engineers, designers, and other business stakeholders in a software product company. Passionate about combining security, software, and business value. Knowledge of user journeys, personas, use case development, market, business, and competitive analysis. Ability to bring market and business understanding into the product to deliver differentiated value for customers and prospects that are aligned with Dynatrace's goals and strategy. Strong interest and understanding of technical topics such as Software Intelligence, Cloud Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Application Security, SaaS Software, ... Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need , ranging from remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work . A team that thinks outside the box welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country, always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 80.000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
IT License Management Specialist (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna
Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Your role at Dynatrace Join an innovative IT team and help build Software Asset Management (SAM) to achieve precise business objectives. This role will partner with Business and IT teams in actively managing the application inventory of 3rd Party Vendor applications to enable digital planning and decision-making throughout the Enterprise. As a IT License Management Specialist, you'll be responsible for the maintenance of application inventory data, as well as the completion of SAM tasks and supporting various processes in several different tools. Your role at Dynatrace Build a comprehensive inventory of all software applications used and maintain the Application Portfolio configuration items incl. their use cases. Identify owners, their responsibilities and affected stakeholders (users) of applications. Grade the technical and functional value of applications. Be an integral member of the advisory team to update or retire applications based on their appropriateness. Document future applications planned to be deployed inside our organization and facilitate decisions regarding if a procurement request should be made. Manage and administer licenses and access for all existing and new applications. Timely trigger all necessary activities in the software contract lifecycle such as extensions, renewals, or terminations Support the purchasing department in vendor consolidation and optimization of licensing costs. Collaborate with technical teams to automate software deployment and integrate with the system landscape. Process and load expense data in the license management tool to generate a Total Cost of Ownership and manage enterprise software licensing. Help us avoid opening ourselves up to potential regulatory and security breaches by working closely with other teams. Developing and producing ad-hoc and automated reports and spreadsheets for applications. Reporting on APM metrics and KPIs via data extracts, spreadsheets, and dashboards. Education in Information Technology, Computer Science, or a related field. Minimum of 3 years of experience in a similar IT license management role. Positive attitude , collaborative skills, and ability to communicate and work well with cross-functional teams. Strong knowledge of software licensing models , compliance requirements, and industry standards. Experience with license management tools and software asset management (SAM) processes. Excellent analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and generate meaningful insights. Exceptional attention to detail and accuracy in license tracking and reporting. Strong negotiation and vendor management skills. Proficient in contract review and analysis, with a solid understanding of licensing terms and conditions. Self-motivated and proactive, with the ability to work independently and prioritize tasks effectively. SAM certification such as BCS Certificate in SAM Essentials, IAITAM Certified Software Asset Manager (CSAM) or BSA Certified in Standards-Based SAM - for Professionals (CSS-P) is a plus. Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from full remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages . Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 52.500 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Worldwide locations Our 60+ offices are spread across the globe and designed to inspire innovation, collaboration, and big ideas. We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Senior DesignOps Specialist (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt, Innsbruck, Hagenbe ...
Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Do you care about design processes, product workflows, and incorporating design best practices to optimize productivity? That good design teams thrive working with consistent product experience approaches that ultimately lead to satisfied customers? If you're as passionate as we are about solving problems and operationalizing cohesive product experiences, you'd be a perfect fit for this role. We are looking for an enthusiastic DesignOps Specialist to help our global experience design community work more effectively and feel more fulfilled in their day-to-day lives. We're looking for someone who will advocate for the practice, provide direction and mentorship to other design practitioners, and help educate multidisciplinary teams through enablement initiatives. You'll be crafting and improving design processes, workflows, and guidelines which will help us build a strong foundation. As a DesignOps Specialist in our Design & Experience Operations (DXO) team, you will collaborate with an international team of passionate designers, researchers, product managers, and developers across our Global R&D labs. In this role, you will Develop a deep understanding of how all the design practitioners work, what's in their way and how to help them succeed. Build systems, workflows, templates, and guides that enable design practitioners to operate effectively and efficiently; and ensure these best practices extend beyond design practitioner and are understood by other key roles such as: product managers and engineers. Develop and maintain a program of rituals designed to foster collaboration and learning opportunities for the design and experience community. Be a strong advocate for design and experience within Dynatrace - elevate the global design practice and encourage and drive best practices. Translate strategic company goals into DesignOps initiatives. Interface with different roles and departments across the organization. Ultimately enable and support the cross organizational product development team to deliver with best-in-class experience. You will love this job if You can take ownership of projects and work autonomously. You're a team player, and you're passionate about operational topics and people. You always find ways to teach and build conviction in others – across teams, offices, and cultures. You're not afraid to try and experiment with new approaches, and you're not afraid if they are unsuccessful. You're an optimistic, motivated self-starter with a can-do attitude; no task will be too small or big for you. You give and receive feedback freely and constructively, always open to learning and improving. What will help you succeed 8+ years of professional experience in the UX space, with 2+ years in DesignOps or Design Program Management. Proven track record of rolling out changes in a large and complex organizational environment, providing measurable impact. Solid knowledge of DesignOps practices, as well as UX methods. Strong understanding of design and collaboration tools. (e.g. Figma, Miro, or similar) Experience with project management (e.g. setting up and working with tools such as Jira, Confluence, or similar). Experience with Documentation, and the knowledge to scale its adoption inside and outside the design team. (e.g. playbooks, onboarding, training). Experience working with remote and international teams. Fluent in English, with excellent written and verbal communication skills. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need , ranging from remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work . A team that thinks outside the box welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country, always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program. Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 60,000 gross per year based on full-time employment (38.5 h/week). We offer a higher salary in linewith qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Senior Technical Product Manager (m/f/x) Platform
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna
Your role at Dynatrace We are a passionate and open-minded group of software enthusiasts , and together, we are global market leader in software intelligence . By providing actionable data on how applications are performing in real-time —for example, crash reporting, server-side tracking, root-cause analysis to name a few—our full-stack monitoring platform helps our customers anticipate and resolve their software issues . We have made it our mission to ensure that millions of people worldwide have an excellent user experience , made possible through a unique combination of observability, automation, and AI—all compacted into one cloud-based software intelligence platform . The Core Platform is the heart of Dynatrace and serves multiple product purposes such as storing and analyzing observability data as well as frameworks that are used to build the different Dynatrace modules. The entire product is built on the Platform and relies on it. Hyperscale, lightning performance and delivery are key to the aspect you will deliver. About Dynatrace Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. You will work on taking the Dynatrace Platform to the next level You own parts of functional- anduse case-based aspects of the product roadmap , represent the end user's point of view, and strive for innovative solutions by answering the WHY and understanding the end user's pain points. As part of a larger team, you drive the product roadmap definition and our near-term and long-term product strategy . You work together with our agile R&D teams to deliver product capabilities that WOW customers and create value-add that sells and impacts product adoption in a measurable fashion. You manage cross-functional product initiatives with our customer support to excel in customer support situations, prevent escalations and “smooth sailing'. You partner withproduct marketing to develop targeted messaging, define go-to-market strategies and tactics, and enable the sales team. Technical Product management experience in a B2B environment , with prior success in setting product (back-up) strategy and executing it based on research, data, and industry trends as well as scaling and optimizing Good technical understanding , worked as a developer before, would be an advantage. Experience with cloud technologies (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP), SaaS, shared infrastructure, mass storage databases, and Web apps Knowledge in privacy, scaling, and access control topics You have an entrepreneurial mindset to understand the business goals and needs and you're able to translate product strategy into business impact . You can think big , but at the same time break things down into smaller components, and build high-level roadmaps from that Clear sense of ownership and accountability, effective communication skills towards team, peers, and stakeholders alike, as well as a bias for action Willingness to travel (< 15%) Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from full remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Clickthis linkto find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 70,000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information #LI-DNI Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Agile Program Manager (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Vienna, Linz
Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. As Agile Program Manager , you'll orchestrate the collaboration of product management and engineering for a customer-facing solution or the core platform of our product. You will foster the creation, prioritization, and predictable realization of the solution roadmap with particular attention to collaboration and dependencies . You aim to be part of the solution leadership team and ensure you always have up-to-date data to report to higher management and facilitate decision-making . In close collaboration with your team, you will roll out and scale agile methods and principles in parts of the organization and continuously optimize them. You will act as driver for cross functional topics as Project Manager . In your daily tasks you will facilitate solution specific meetings and workshops . Several years of professional experience as an agile project/program manager or enterpriseagile coach working with distributed teams (international experience is a plus). Excellent project management , execution, and planning skills. Strong communication skills , experience running workshops using various techniques depending on the problem at hand and fun working with people. As plus, track record in change management. As plus, experiences with scaled agile practices in large organizations. As plus, experience with continuous delivery pipelines and cloud deployments. As plus, experience as a software engineer , so you can better understand our topics. As plus, experience with Cloud application / Product security to better understand the domain you would work in Moderate willingness to travel. Excellent English skills. Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from full remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation We offer a competitive salary with a minimum 60,000 € per annum based on full-time for this position. The final offer could be higher in line with qualifications and experience. We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information #LI-DNI Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Strategic Technology Alliance Manager (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Vienna, Linz, Klagenfurt, Graz, Hagenberg, Innsbru ...
Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Your role at Dynatrace As the primary liaison for designated Strategic Technology Alliances, your role is pivotal in driving the success of our joint customers. You will play a key role in crafting and implementing the partnership strategy, fostering and preserving valuable relationships with your assigned partners. Your responsibilities encompass ensuring seamless interoperability between our software offerings, fostering continuous co-innovation, and executing collaborative go-to-market strategies. You will report directly to the Director of Global Strategic Technology Alliances and Ecosystems, situated within the Office of Technology and Product (OTP), where your contributions will significantly influence our shared achievements and innovation trajectory. Your role at Dynatrace: You develop and implement customized alliance strategies for each partner to maximize mutual benefits and achieve shared objectives. You coordinate with cross-functional teams to align alliance goals with the overall business strategy, driving coherence and effectiveness. You take ownership of collaborative programs and initiatives , leveraging internal and external resources to deliver prompt and precise updates on progress and achievements to stakeholders within and outside the organization. You actively seek and capitalize on new opportunities for joint ventures, collaborative projects, and business development to fuel innovation and revenue growth. You cultivate robust relationships with stakeholders across organizations , from executives to product and sales teams, ensuring collaboration and alignment. You exhibit excellent leadership, inspiring and motivating cross-functional stakeholders effectively. You have experience planning, developing, and managing technology alliances with major software vendors. You've demonstrated prowess in product management, using product knowledge to drive strategic decisions. You possess exceptional business acumen and understanding of and ability to navigate complex business landscapes and partnerships. You are familiar with technological concepts in Observability, Security, DevSecOps, and the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). You have strong interpersonal skills, comfortably engaging with executives, sales, marketing, and engineering teams. Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world wheresoftware works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from fullremote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. Attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options withnumerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 80.000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Product Management Lead - Solution Experience (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Hagenbe ...
We are looking for a strong leader to shape and define our solution experience, ensuring our customers get unmatched value at every touchpoint with our platform. Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. We are looking specifically a Product Management Lead for our Solution Dynatrace Hub. In this leadership role, you lead and shape our solutions experience for realizing customer value You will drive the solution experience for a product-led software company for its major product areas You will develop and implement strategies to ensure an outstanding end-to-end solution experience to increase the customers' value and drive business results You apply customer- and user-centric thinking to define target audience, use cases, needs, and pain points “ Act as champion ” and voice of the customer in collaborating with design and engineering to “ WOW” the customer through simplicity, automation, and scale You will collaborate hands-on with the amazing Dynatrace Team to define and lead end-to-end customer journeys and workflows You have the great opportunity to improve in-product experiences to support growth initiatives for upselling and cross-selling within and across solutions You have 7+ years of equivalent product management experience in a software product environment We are searching for great leaders; therefore, we expect more than 5+ years' experience in a leadership function and a good understanding of how to lead and drive vision and strategy in an international environment You have strong knowledge of UX/CX including customer journeys, personas, use case development, market, business, and competitive analysis You got plenty of experience successfully collaborating with multidisciplinary teams of product managers, engineers, designers, and other business stakeholders Thinking outside the box – you can bring market and business understanding into the product to deliver differentiated value for customers and prospects, that are aligned with Dynatrace's goals and strategy You have a strong interest in and understanding of technical topics such as Software Intelligence, Cloud Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Application Security, SaaS Software, ... You are a proactive and hands-on personality with a high drive and a dynamic mindset? Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, r anging from full remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is €70 000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Principal Product Manager (m/f/x), Go-To-Market with focus on Competitive Intelligence
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Vienna, Linz
Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. You are the sparring partner of R&D leadership teams , providing insights and recommendations to help shaping strategic decisions based on competitive product intelligence as well as market trends and competitors' strategies . You co-drive end-to-end alignment from product strategy to competitor analysis including business, marketing and product aspects. You collect and process competitive intelligence data for various stakeholders and audiences within the organization. You innovate on best practices, workflows and analyses based on the gained market insights. You drive short- and long-term initiatives for selected topics end-to-end, delivering insights and actionable recommendations , selecting the appropriate format and forum, co-driving the discussion on impact on the business. You have 5+ years of experience in customer facing roles representing software companies, ideally in a large tech enterprise. You translated technical solutions into value focused messages – simple, clear and with a wow factor to fascinate and thrill potential customers. You have excellent verbal and written communication skills including presentation, facilitation, and demonstration skills. You have a solid technical foundation . Expertise in the observability and application security market is a plus. You have experience in setting appropriate success metrics and goals, driving initiatives , and collaborating across a broad set of stakeholders. Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from full remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation We offer a competitive salary with a minimum 80,000 € annually based on full-time for this position. The final offer could be higher in line with qualifications and experience. We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Principal Product Manager Platform (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Vienna, Linz
Your role at Dynatrace We are a passionate and open-minded group of software enthusiasts , and together, we are global market leader in software intelligence . By providing actionable data on how applications are performing in real-time —for example, crash reporting, server-side tracking, root-cause analysis to name a few—our full-stack monitoring platform helps our customers anticipate and resolve their software issues . We have made it our mission to ensure that millions of people worldwide have an excellent user experience , made possible through a unique combination of observability, automation, and AI—all compacted into one cloud-based software intelligence platform . The Core Platform is the heart of Dynatrace and serves multiple product purposes such as storing and analyzing observability data as well as frameworks that are used to build the different Dynatrace modules. The entire product is built on the Platform and relies on it. Hyperscale, lightning performance and delivery are key to the aspect you will deliver. You can shape how and by which components the Core Platform can be extended. At the end of the day, every Dynatrace user should have the opportunity to build an extension according to their individual ideas and following the specifications that you have defined. The Core Platform is divided into 6 areas called “Capabilities” and each of these areas consist of key components like Grail, AppEngine and Unified Ingest and more: https://www.dynatrace.com/platform/. About Dynatrace Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. You will drive new innovative core product capabilities , with hyperscale and high-performance in mind as domain lead for Unified Ingest together with the respective product managers. Establish capability communication channels and decision-making paths and make decisions transparent for a growing organization. Collaborate with the capability leadership team to drive the capabilities product responsibilities, act as main contact for other capabilities and leadership teams. Together with your capability leadership team and the product managers you define the capability product roadmap and our near-term and long-term product strategy. Make sure that the priorities and workstreams of your capability are aligned with the core platform and outside the core platform. Together with the capability and solution leadership team you need to balance the right investment for product/maintenance and innovation . Work with the core platform leadership team to fulfill the company goals and strategy and to align on staffing & resource planning. Working together with key stakeholder to get their feedback to identify the pain and opportunities for additional customer and business value . Acting as a companywide accepted expert that drives knowledge not only into the organization but also to the customers. Leading the capability via a transparent backlog and communicating the roadmap and its state to the different stakeholders. 7+ yearsof product management experience , with prior success in setting product strategy and executing it based on research, data, and industry trends. Technical Product management experience in a B2B environment , with prior success in setting product (back-up) strategy and executing it based on research, data, and industry trends as well as scaling and optimizing Good technical understanding , worked as a developer before, would be an advantage. Experience with cloud technologies (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP), SaaS, shared infrastructure, mass storage databases, and Web apps Knowledge in privacy, scaling, and access control topics Leadership experience as either domain lead or people manager is required Proficiency in presenting to a big spectrum of diverse stakeholders such as exec leadership, customers and non R&D teams and be able to deliver the key messages to the different audiences. Being able to motivate technical people like developers, architects and product managers will make you successful An entrepreneurial mindset to understand the business goals and needs and you are able to translate product strategy into business impact . Thinking big , but at the same time break things down into smaller components, and build high-level roadmaps from that Clear sense of ownership and accountability, strong communication skills towards team, peers, and stakeholders alike, as well as a bias for action Willingness to travel (< 15%) Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from full remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation We offer a competitive salary with a minimum 80,000 € gross per year based on full-time for this position. The final offer could be higher in line with qualifications and experience. We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Team Lead (m/f/x) for configuration as code tooling
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Klagenfurt, Graz, Linz, Vienna, Innsbruck, Hagenbe ...
Would you like to take on more responsibility and continue your passion for software development? Do you enjoy mentoring and coaching your colleagues and still want to work hands-on in an open-source environment? Then this job is your way to go. With the open-source project Monaco, we enable users of Dynatrace to manage observability configurations as code. Apply now to be part of a young, motivated, and highly talented team and help drive the future of configuration-as-code for Dynatrace. Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Open Source / Observability Configuration as Code / GitOps Ensuring smooth and effective teamwork , focusing on mentoring, coaching, and leadership Acting as a software engineer , continuously building upon and improving the Monaco open-source project as well as future configuration-as-code solutions Collaboration with Directors, Product Owners, Lead Product Engineers as well as Agile Coaches so you as a team reach your goals Creating an inspiring, cooperative environment with open communication and fostering teamwork Discovering training needs, motivating, and supporting team members to grow Empathetic and sympathetic person with a passion for mentoring , coaching , and transferring your own knowledge Several years of software engineering experience – preferably in Go Experience with configuration-as-code tools (e.g. Terraform) A solid understanding of the Agile Software development lifecycle, interest in open-source projects and open to learn Communicative personality with customer-centric end-to-end thinking Excellent problem-solving, organizational, and analytical skills Experience in developing software using Git and GitHub is nice to have Working knowledge of containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes) and cloud-native configuration-as-code (Crossplane) is nice to have Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world wheresoftware works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from fullremote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Click this link to find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages . Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 56,000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Principal Product Manager Growth (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna, Hagenberg, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Gr ...
Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Your role at Dynatrace As a Growth Product Manager, you put the customer value at the center of every decision. You work with the product team to explore which features or improvements have a big, small, or no impact on our business goals and drive initiatives upon these lessons learned. As part of the 'Delivery' and “Site Reliability Engineering” Team, you'll play a crucial role in the mission to create and deliver an innovative suite of reusable, scalable products and services. Our goal is to empower Dynatrace teams to focus on their core user needs while autonomously delivering and owning in-production features. You'll provide the business perspective on topics like Hyperscaler Region Expansion, Security and Privacy, Certifications and actively support customers in moving from Dynatrace Managed to SaaS. Your role: You work closely with other Product Managers to shape an approach that enables Leadership Teams to tie roadmap increments to Business Value . You define team success metrics for key needle movers, comparing predetermined targets against actual performance and sharing actionable insights in Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs). You drive the process of growing Dynatrace Hyperscaler regions by guiding Field Teams to build comprehensive plans that include opening blueprints and footprint development. You manage and optimize Dynatrace's cloud cost and operational efficiency strategy by establishing KPIs with yearly targets, running roadmap-based scenario analysis, and providing insights and guidance to other teams. You develop and execute growth strategies to transition Dynatrace Managed customers to SaaS, and drive adoption once a customer begins the transition phase. You're fanatic about product-led growth? You bring a value-first mindset and love to influence others? You relentlessly focus on ‘what moves the needle' and methodically explore ways to increase customer adoption? You gained several yearsof related work experience in the IT industry e.g. Product Management, Software Engineering, Software Product Design, or an equivalent combination of transferable experience and education. Ideally, you already have experience with Enterprise B2B SaaS products , preferably deployed in the Cloud. You have validated conceptual and analytical skills and are fluent in analyticsand other forms of qualitative and quantitative feedback. Ideally, you successfully engaged with Hyperscalers in a business capacity, demonstrating the ability to identify and implement mutually beneficial bi-directional growth strategies . You can break through organizational boundaries and persistently navigate a complex environment without losing focus. You are a leader. You live, support, and develop company values and culture. You inspire and empower through mentorship and coaching. Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world wheresoftware works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from fullremote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. Attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options withnumerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 80.000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Senior iOS Developer (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna
Excited about “behind the scenes” mobile development ? Do you want to join a global leader that enables digital transformation ? Looking for teammates who appreciate open communication and face challenges together as a team? Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. MobileAgent Development for iOS (Swift and Objective-C), App Development is out of scope. Conception of new innovative features in close cooperation with product managers and software architects. Close interaction in an international development team. Technical study related to Software Engineering (ideally focus on Mobile Development) Several years of experience with Swift and Objective-C Knowledge about iOS architecture Ideally Gradle know-how Teamplayer and pro-active (wo)man of action Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Your role at Dynatrace iOS | Swift | SwiftUI |Objective-C | Mobile Agent Development Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging fromfull remote optionstohybridones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all. A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 56,000 gross per year based on full-time employment (38.5 h/week). We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Senior Android Developer (m/f/x)
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna
Your role at Dynatrace Excited about “behind the scenes” mobile development ? Do you want to join a global leader that enables digital transformation ? Looking for teammates who appreciate open communication and face challenges together as a team? About Dynatrace Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. MobileAgent Development for Android, App Development is out of scope. Conception of new innovative features in close cooperation with product managers and software architects. Close interaction in an international development team. Technical study related to Software Engineering (ideally focus on Mobile Development) Several years of experience with Android (Kotlin/Java) Knowledge about Android architecture Ideally Gradle know-how Teamplayer and pro-active (wo)man of action Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly . Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging fromfull remote optionstohybridones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries . An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow . A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all. A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 56,000 gross per year based on full-time employment (38.5 h/week). We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?
Immobilien-Asset Manager (m/w/d), Operatives Immobilien- und Projektmanagement
DWL Consulting, Wien
Unser Auftraggeber zählt zu den renommiertesten Handelsunternehmen in Österreich. Das eigene, über mehrere Jahrzehnte aufgebaute Immobilienbestandsportfolio besteht aus hochwertigen Zinshäusern und Gewerbeobjekten. Bei der Auswahl der Investments wird stets auf Langfristigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit sehr großen Wert gelegt. Demgemäß wird ein professionelles Immobilienmanagement realisiert und umgesetzt. Aufgrund der positiven Geschäftsentwicklung gelangt am Standort Wien folgende Position zur Ausschreibung: IMMOBILIEN-/ASSET MANAGER (m/w/d) OPERATIVES IMMOBILIEN- UND PROJEKTMANAGEMENT In dieser Funktion sind Sie für das operative Immobilienmanagement rund um die Betreuung dieses Bestandsimmobilien-Portfolios zuständig. Sie sind die Schnittstelle zu den Mietern, arbeiten eng mit externen Dienstleistern wie Maklern und Immobilienverwaltungen zusammen und sind für die wirtschaftliche, organisatorische und administrative Verwaltung dieser Liegenschaften verantwortlich. Ihre Aufgaben: Mietermanagement, Erstellung von Mietverträgen, Mietzinskalkulation und Entwicklung von langfristigen Vermietungskonzepten Aktive Steuerung, Koordination und Überwachung von internen und externen Dienstleistern Übernahme und Übergabe von Mieteinheiten für Wohn- und Geschäftsimmobilien Projektmanagement bei neuen Bauvorhaben gemeinsam mit dem Eigentümer sowie Auftragsvergabe für Umbau, Sanierung und Reparatur von Objekten bzw. Teilen davon Vorausschauende Planung, Organisation und Abwicklung von Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen für das Immobilienportfolio und den Handelsbetrieb Optimierung der Bewirtschaftungsstrukturen und des Ablaufes Jährliche Betriebskostenabrechnung und Versicherungsmanagement Interne und externe Schnittstellenfunktion (Buchhaltung und Steuerberater) Sie verfügen für diese abwechslungsreiche Aufgabe über eine kaufmännische, rechtliche und/oder technische Ausbildung, idealerweise mit immobilienspezifischem Hintergrund und bringen eine einschlägige, mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der Immobilienwirtschaft (Fokus: Immobilienverwaltung, Property-/Assetmanagement, Projektmanagement) mit. Der Befähigungsnachweis für Immobilienverwalter ist vorteilhaft, jedoch nicht Bedingung. Sehr gute EDV-Kenntnisse und gute MRG-Kenntnisse werden vorausgesetzt. Sie sind eine proaktive, strukturierte Persönlichkeit mit hoher fachlicher und sozialer Kompetenz und überzeugen durch Eigenverantwortung, Durchsetzungsvermögen sowie unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln. Zuverlässigkeit, Genauigkeit, Loyalität, Umsetzungs- und Verhandlungsstärke runden Ihr Profil ab. Das Monatsbruttogehalt auf Basis Vollzeit ab EUR 4.000,- ist abhängig von beruflicher Qualifikation und Erfahrung. Eine Überzahlung ist je nach Vorerfahrung selbstverständlich vorgesehen. Sie suchen eine neue Herausforderung mit anspruchsvollen Aufgaben? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig. Es erwarten Sie: pannende Tätigkeiten in einem zukunftssicheren, langjährig bestehenden, eigentümergeführten Familienunternehmen Motivierende Arbeitsatmosphäre Begegnung auf Augenhöhe und offener, vertrauensvoller Umgang Flache Hierarchien mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen Viel Flexibilität und Eigenverantwortung Attraktive Rabatte im angegliederten Handelsbetrieb Familienfreundliche Dienstzeiten, Möglichkeit zu Home-Office und 4-Tage-Woche Diese Position ist in Vollzeit oder Teilzeit ab 30 Stunden möglich! Gute öffentliche Erreichbarkeit, Parkplatzmöglichkeit Langfristiger und sicherer Arbeitsplatz
Principal Product Manager (m/f/x), Go-to-market
Dynatrace Austria GmbH, Linz, Vienna, Graz
Dynatrace exists to make software work perfectly. Our platform combines broad and deep observability and continuous runtime application security with advanced AIOps to provide answers and intelligent automation from data. This enables innovators to modernize and automate cloud operations, deliver software faster and more securely, and ensure flawless digital experiences. Understanding the Software Intelligence market , evaluating the competitive dynamics and strategizing accordingly Creating compelling narratives for target personas Ensuring consistent competitive positioning and identifying opportunities for impactful product launches Collaborating with marketing and sales throughout the Product release lifecycle Engaging with customers and internal users to validate and sharpen our narratives Acting as sparring partner for Product Managers to ensure the understanding of uniqueness of the product from product-marketing – sales – analysts – to customers Providing input on impactful tactics for new-feature use-cases as main point of contact for Product Marketing Living, supporting, and developing the Dynatrace values and culture Several years of experience in a software product-focused Go-To-Market or Product marketing role Experience developing go-to-market strategies for a software product in a large tech enterprise and leading cross-functional teams Profound knowledge in doing market research , competitive analysis , and positioning Familiarity with translating technical solutions into simple and clear v alue-focused messages to create a wow factor among customers Solid technical foundation combined with strong analytical and communication skills Experience in setting appropriate success metrics and goals, driving initiatives , and collaborating across a broad set of stakeholders Dynatrace believes that potential is defined by more than qualifications or background. If you're passionate about this job, working in a tech environment, and are eager to learn, we invite you to apply. Why you will love being a Dynatracer What's in it for you? A one-product software company creating real value for the largest enterprises and millions of end customers globally, striving for a world where software works perfectly. Working with the latest technologies and at the forefront of innovation in tech on scale; but also, in other areas like marketing, design, or research. Working models that offer you the flexibility you need, ranging from full remote options to hybrid ones combining home and in-office work. A team that thinks outside the box, welcomes unconventional ideas, and pushes boundaries. An environment that fosters innovation, enables creative collaboration, and allows you to grow. A globally unique and tailor-made career development program recognizing your potential, promoting your strengths, and supporting you in achieving your career goals. A truly international mindset with Dynatracers from different countries & cultures all over the world, and English as the corporate language that connects us all A culture that is being shaped by the diverse personalities, expertise, and backgrounds of our global team. A relocation team that is eager to help you start your journey to a new country , always there to support and by your side. If you need to relocate for a position you are applying for, we offer you a relocation allowance and support with your visa, work permit, accommodation, language courses, as well as a dedicated buddy program.Clickthis linkto find out more information about our relocation program. Compensation and rewards We offer attractive compensation packages and stock purchase options with numerous benefits and advantages. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary for this position, which is € 80,000 gross per year based on full-time employment. We offer a higher salary in line with qualifications and experience. Flexible working We believe in providing a flexible, fulfilling and trusting work environment that fits your current life situation. Find out more Relocate to join us Ready to pack your bags? Relocation support awaits you if you wish to join us at one of our global locations. Learn how We're an equal opportunity employer and embrace all applicants. Dynatrace wants YOU—your diverse background, talents, values, ideas, and expertise. These qualities are what make our global team stronger and more seasoned. We're fueled by the diversity of our talented employees. More information #LI-DNI Dynatrace LLC (Dynatrace) does not accept unsolicited agency resumes. Please do not forward unsolicited agency resumes to our website or to any Dynatrace employee. Dynatrace will not pay fees to any third party agency or firm and will not be responsible for any agency fees associated with unsolicited resumes. Unsolicited resumes received will be considered property of Dynatrace. Great Place To Work® Did you know that 93% of Dynatracers say we're a great place to work?