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Cyber-Security Engineer (m/w/d)
IVM Technical Consultants, Wien
IVM spezialisiert sich seit 40 Jahren auf die Ziele ihrer Projektpartner*innen und ihrer Kunden im technischen Umfeld. Mit Hilfe unserer technisch affinen Wissensträger*innen schaffen wir jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen. Werden Sie Consultant bei IVM und arbeiten Sie an spannenden Projekten bei den Top Unternehmen Österreichs! Job-Nr.: 104744 Einsatzort: Wien Fachbereich: Software & IT Art der Anstellung: Vollzeit Gehalt (Brutto/Monat): ab € 3.000,- Begleitung des gesamten Entwicklungsprozesses anhand IT-Security relevanter Gesichtspunkte, von der Planung und Konzeption bis hin zur Umsetzung Enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden betreffend Beratung und Entwicklung ganzheitlicher Konzepte in den Bereichen Internet of Things (IoT) und Cloud-Lösungen sowie regelmäßige Abstimmungen mit weiteren bedeutenden Stakeholdern Analyse von Bedrohungen sowie die Einführung und regelmäßige Evaluierung angemessener Sicherheitskonzepte Abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung (HTL, FH, Uni) in den Bereichen IT-Security, Informatik, Kommunikationstechnik, Embedded Systems, Elektrotechnik, Mathematik oder ähnlichen Fachrichtungen, Umfassende praktische Erfahrung sowie sehr gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Kommunikationsprotokollen, Kryptographie und Embedded Lösungen im Cyber-Security Bereich Branchen Know-how im Automobilsektor sowie Erfahrung in der Embedded Entwicklung mit C/C++ von Vorteil Ausgezeichnete logisch-analytische Fähigkeiten, sehr gute kommunikative Skills sowie ein umfassendes und kompromissloses Qualitätsbewusstsein Sehr gute Deutsch- sowie gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift Ausgewogene Work-Life Balance Langfristige Karriereplanung Online Skillboosting mit LinkedIn Learning Spannende Projekte und abwechslungsreiche, verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben bei einem international tätigen Know-how und Technologieführer Ein vielseitiges Aufgabenfeld mit hoher Eigenverantwortung und die Job-Perspektive eines erfolgreichen Unternehmens Flexible Arbeitszeiten sowie Home-Office Möglichkeit Sehr gute öffentliche Erreichbarkeit und Infrastruktur Betriebskantine Für diese Position gilt ein Monatsbruttogehalt ab € 3.000. Geboten wird eine marktkonforme Überzahlung abhängig von Qualifikationen und Erfahrung
International Talent Acquisition Partner:in (m/w/d)
CML Construction Services GmbH, Wien
Bei STRABAG bauen rund 86.000 Menschen an 2.400 Standorten weltweit am Fortschritt. Einzigartigkeit und individuelle Stärken kennzeichnen dabei nicht nur unsere Projekte, sondern auch jede:n Einzelne:n von uns. Ob im Hoch- und Ingenieurbau, Straßen- und Tiefbau, Brücken- und Tunnelbau, in der Projektentwicklung, Baustoffproduktion oder im Gebäudemanagement – wir denken Bauen weiter, um der innovativste und nachhaltigste Bautechnologiekonzern Europas zu werden. Chancengleichheit, Vielfalt und Inklusion sind integrale Bestandteile dessen, wer wir als Unternehmen sind und wie wir arbeiten. Gemeinsam setzen wir Vorhaben erfolgreich und partnerschaftlich um und wachsen an neuen Aufgaben. Gemeinsam erschaffen wir Großes. Bau mit uns die Zukunft! Bewirb dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres Teams. Die CML Construction Services GmbH ist eine 100%-ige Tochtergesellschaft der STRABAG SE. Ihre Aufgabe ist die bauwirtschaftliche und rechtliche Betreuung der Konzerngesellschaften. Als Zentralbereich unterstützt die CML die operativen Kollegen in allen Phasen der Projektabwicklung. Die Einbindung in das Projekt findet je nach Erfordernis statt und reicht vom Telefongespräch bis zu einer mehrwöchigen bzw. ständigen projektbegleitenden Betreuung. Steuerung des gesamten Recruiting-Prozesses von dem ersten Briefing bis hin zur finalen Besetzung / Onboarding Aktive und zielgruppenorientierte Kandidatensuche (inkl. Direktansprache in sozialen Netzwerken) Entwicklung sowie Anwendung von Recruitingstrategien mit Einbindung aktueller Sourcing-Trends Strategische Mitarbeit bei der Konzipierung, Verbesserung und Umsetzung von Prozessen sowie Maßnahmen im Bereich Recruiting und Employer Branding Beratung der Fachbereiche sowie Zusammenarbeit mit dem:der People & Culture Partner:in, externen Personalberatern sowie relevanten internen Schnittstellen (Personalverwaltung, Employer Branding, etc.) Erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Studium idealerweise mit Schwerpunkt HR oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung Einschlägige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Recruiting / Talent Acquisition, idealerweise innerhalb eines Konzerns oder in der Personaldienstleistung Leidenschaft neue Mitarbeitende für das Unternehmen zu gewinnen Verbindliches und professionelles Auftreten sowie eine selbstständige Arbeitsweise Interkulturelle Kompetenz sowie ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeit Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, weitere Sprachkenntnisse von Vorteil vielfältige Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten Karriereentwicklung kostenlose Getränke Sportangebote wettbewerbsfähige Vergütung Mitarbeiterrabatte Kantine Freitag (halber Arbeitstag) Home Office Gesundheitsförderung Mitarbeiterevents gute Verkehrsanbindung Freuen Sie sich auf eine spannende Position mit interessanten und herausfordernden Aufgaben. Es erwarten Sie ein angenehmes Arbeitsklima mit einer von Wertschätzung geprägten Führungskultur sowie praxisorientierte Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten. Sie bekommen zudem die einmalige Möglichkeit, von den vielfältigen Erfahrungen eines weltweit tätigen Konzerns zu profitieren. Beschreibt dies ein Umfeld, indem Sie Ihre Erfahrungen erweitern und Ihre Sichtweisen einbringen möchten? Dann werden Sie ein Teil unseres Teams! Für diese Position ist ein Jahresbruttobezug ab 50.000,- EUR vorgesehen. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie eine marktkonforme Überzahlung abhängig von Qualifikation und Erfahrung. Bei Interesse senden Sie uns bitte Ihre vollständigen und aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen mit Angabe Ihres frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins über das Onlineformular.
Talent Acquisition Specialist (w/m/d) ab 30 Wochenstunden
Wiener Stadtwerke GmbH, Wien
Die Wiener Stadtwerke sind mit über 16.000 Mitarbeiter*innen der bedeutendste Infrastrukturdienstleister für den Großraum Wien. Mit Innovationskraft und Erfahrung halten wir die Stadt am Laufen und machen sie klimafit für die Zukunft.Gemeinsam mit dir machen wir die Klimawende wahr: wir wollen deine Unterstützung, um gemeinsam die besten Köpfe und geschicktesten Hände für die Wiener Stadtwerke Gruppe zu finden.In unserem Recruiting-Team bist du kompetente/r Ansprechpartner*in für die aktive Suche von kaufmännischen und technischen Talenten.Die Suche und professionelle Ansprache von potentiellen Kandidat*innen in sozialen Netzwerken, Datenbanken und unserem Talentepool gehört zu deinen Hauptaufgaben. Du findest die richtigen Wege, Talente (persönlich, schriftlich oder via Video) professionell anzusprechen und laufend in Kontakt zu bleiben.Du begeisterst potentielle Mitarbeiter*innen für die Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe auf Messen und Veranstaltungen.Du beobachtest die aktuellen Trends und Methoden im Active Sourcing und erweiterst dein Wissen u.a. im Bereich Suchmaschinenoptimierung selbstständig. Auch die Datenpflege z.B. Tags setzen im internen Talentepool, Unterstützung in der Koordination gehört zu deinen Tätigkeiten. Hier in diesem Video erfährst du näheres zu deinen Aufgaben und lernst deine zukünftigen Kolleginnen kennen. Du hast ein abgeschlossenes oder laufendes Studium in HR-Bereich oder Marketing und bringst zudem bereits erste einschlägige Erfahrung im Active Sourcing / Recruiting mit.Du hast Interesse, die Recruiting-Welt der Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe kennenzulernen und mit unterschiedlichsten Menschen in Kontakt zu treten.Die Arbeit mit digitalen Medien ist für dich selbstverständlich und du nutzt Social Media Kanäle aktiv.Mit deinem Durchhaltevermögen, deinem Ehrgeiz und deiner Zielorientierung findest du auch die Nadel im Heuhaufen.Teamwork hat für dich Priorität und du arbeitest gerne in einem offenen, hilfsbereiten und humorvollen Umfeld.Gemeinsam mit der Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe willst du Wien klimafit für die Zukunft machen. Wir setzen uns für Vielfalt, Inklusion und Chancengleichheit ein und suchen Menschen, die so vielfältig sind wie unsere Stadt! Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Behinderungen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Des Weiteren streben wir eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils in Leitungspositionen und in technischen Bereichen an und freuen uns besonders über Bewerbungen von Frauen. Gehalt Für diese Position bieten wir ein Mindestgehalt von EUR 3.180,22 brutto pro Monat, abhängig von Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung. Arbeitsmittel und Umfeld: Topmodernes Büro mit guter öffentlicher Anbindung, Duschen und Fahrradraum für Sportliche inklusive. State-of-the-art IT-Ausstattung und frei wählbares Firmenhandy. Events und Aktivitäten: Von Sommerfest bis Punschstand – unterschiedlichste Gelegenheiten fürs Vernetzen und gemeinsam Feiern. Teilnahme am Wien Energie Business Run kostenlos. Gesundheit und Vorsorge: Von gratis Vorsorgeuntersuchung und Mundhygiene bis Impf- und Blutspendeaktionen. Arbeitspsychologische Beratung und günstige private Gruppenkrankenversicherung - auch für die Familie. Onboarding und Entwicklung: Eine nachhaltige Welcome Journey bringt die Wiener Stadtwerke-Gruppe und interessante Persönlichkeiten näher. Das Pat*innen-Programm erleichtert den Einstieg, Jobbörse und Förderangebote für die Karriere sowie Mentoringprogramme für Frauen. Sonstiges: Ein Job mit Mehrwert - im Dienst einer großartigen Stadt und ihrer Menschen. Gemeinsam halten wir Wien am Laufen und machen die Stadt klimafit für die Zukunft. Speisen und Getränke: Kantine „Kuchl“ sorgt wochentags für kulinarische Abwechslung zu gestützten, günstigen Preisen. Dazu gibt es Kaffee, Tee und Obstkorb – gratis. Vergünstigungen: Unter wstw.corplife.at wöchentlich neue und vielfältige Freizeitangebote, günstige Konditionen in Partnergeschäften, Zuschüsse für Freizeit-, Sport- und Gesundheitsangebote. Work-Life Balance: 37,5 h Normalarbeitszeit, Gleitzeitvereinbarung und Home-Office, Einarbeitungstage und Sonderurlaube – hier lassen sich Arbeit und Privatleben gut miteinander verbinden.
Partner Digital Acceleration Specialist - Digital Hub MEE
SAP AG, Wien
We help the world run better Our company culture is focused on helping our employees enable innovation by building breakthroughs together. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values flexibility, and is aligned to our purpose-driven and future-focused work. SAP Digital is chartered with bringing an end-to-end world-class digital customer experience at scale. We are a cross-functional diverse team responsible for setting and scaling organizational best practices and driving enablement across field-facing organizations. A core part of this community is designing the work that we present to our customers and stakeholders. We work to shape the company's overall approach to digital services while working on projects across departmental, organizational, and regional boundaries. We are driving a unique culture of digital talents and career progression by being part of a strong global community of SAP Digital. We build breakthroughs together SAP innovations help more than 400,000 customers worldwide work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively. Originally known for leadership in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, SAP has evolved to become a market leader in end-to-end business application software and related services for database, analytics, intelligent technologies, and experience management. As a cloud company with 200 million users and more than 100,000 employees worldwide, we are purpose-driven and future-focused, with a highly collaborative team ethic and commitment to personal development. Whether connecting global industries, people, or platforms, we help ensure every challenge gets the solution it deserves. At SAP, we build breakthroughs, together. As Partner Digital Acceleration Manager (PDAM) you will help SAP Sell Partners to build their own digital selling franchise. You will facilitate partner´s enablement and access to various Digital Hub Services across the sales cycle. You will define prerequisites for participation in the Partner Digital Acceleration Program, organize and facilitate the SAP Digital Hub – Partner Digital Franchise collaboration. The PDAM will monitor the partner's Digital Hub Franchise adoption progress throughout the implementation phase and the progress in collaborative and independent digital deal support execution. The PDAM will drive partner scale for NNN growth and installed based cloud conversion in Midmarket and will be instrumental to setup the digital support for Partner-driven motions. · Align with the PES organization on how to collaborate and how to measure scalable partner success and partner self-sufficiency. · Help partners to build their own Digital Hub Franchise in terms of capacity building, skill transformation, Go-to-Market execution, and best practice adoption. · Build a digital collaboration and acceleration program for partners to help them execute digital campaigns and digital services to shape their own digital practice. · Coordinate with all Digital Hub roles for service offerings/engagement levels/sales cycle timing and digital content collaboration with partners. · Qualify partners' deal support requests to the SAP Digital Hub and help to setup methodologies and workflows for the automation of opportunity support. · Facilitate SAP partners' access to reusable assets and ready-made tools, and content that they can use for collaborative and independent digital execution. · Monitor partner's access to digital hub services to have an eye on the partner's consumption and deal conversion of the service(s). · Orchestrate Digital Hub activities to make sure that customers are getting the best and seamless sales experience from SAP and the Partner Ecosystem. · Set the right KPIs to follow up on the partners' progress on adopting digital best practices, measure outcomes and monitor the status with PES and the partner´s C-level · Have a bachelor´s or master's degree in business administration, Marketing, or comparable · Fluency in English, German and at least one language of key markets in CEE (Czech, Polish, Hungarian) · Knowledge of Digital Selling methodologies and best practices, ideally from a work experience in a previous digital or innovation driving role working with CEE Market Units · Experience in working with SAP Partner Ecosystem in generating and supporting partner business and concrete sales opportunities together with partners · Experience in the setup of partner programs and plans, joint execution governance, necessary analytics, and stakeholder management · Strong work ethic: Team player, networker, self-starter with high level of result orientation · SAP product experience and/or prior relevant solutions/Lob experience is a plus · Knowledge of the Digital Hub function, its stakeholders, and services us a plus · Seniority (2+ years) in a professional role working with virtual teams, digital talents, marketing or partners to drive scale and innovation We offer a highly collaborative, caring team environment with a strong focus on learning and development, recognition for your individual contributions, and a variety of benefit options for you to choose from. Apply now! SAP's culture of inclusion, focus on health and well-being, and flexible working models help ensure that everyone – regardless of background – feels included and can run at their best. At SAP, we believe we are made stronger by the unique capabilities and qualities that each person brings to our company, and we invest in our employees to inspire confidence and help everyone realize their full potential. We ultimately believe in unleashing all talent and creating a better and more equitable world.SAP is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. We are committed to the values of Equal Employment Opportunity and provide accessibility accommodations to applicants with physical and/or mental disabilities. If you are interested in applying for employment with SAP and are in need of accommodation or special assistance to navigate our website or to complete your application, please send an e-mail with your request to Recruiting Operations Team: [email protected] SAP employees: Only permanent roles are eligible for the SAP Employee Referral Program, according to the eligibility rules set in the SAP Referral Policy. Specific conditions may apply for roles in Vocational Training. EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability: Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their age, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, et al), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, protected veteran status, or disability.Successful candidates might be required to undergo a background verification with an external vendor. Requisition ID: 391323 | Work Area: Sales | Expected Travel: 0 - 10% | Career Status: Professional | Employment Type: Regular Full Time | Additional Locations: #LI-Hybrid. Job Segment: ERP, Cloud, SAP, Database, Technology
Technische Universität Wien, Wien
TU-ID: 150 | 2024 | 14 | 231213University Professor (all genders)Specialist field of Chemische WerkstofftechnologieTU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society. At the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at TU Wien, the position of a University Professor in the field of Chemische Werkstofftechnologie with permanent (full-time) contractual employment is to be filled as of January 2025.This is a professorship regulated by § 98 of the 2002 Universities Act (UG).The position as professor for Chemische Werkstofftechnologie has been allocated in TU Wien's development plan to the following TU Focal Area(s) of Research: Materials and Matter.Professional focus:At the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at TU Wien, the subject of Chemical Technology of Materials is to be strengthened and expanded by a professorship. The main focus will be on the chemical aspects of the production of inorganic materials (including synthesis from raw materials and processing), the chemical and structural changes during use up to the end of the utilisation cycle and their reintegration into the materials cycle after use. On the one hand, the professorship will be required to conduct basic technological research in this area, but will also be a partner to Austrian and international industry, which is very strong in these areas, in order to be able to carry out the necessary transformation processes (especially in the context of the energy transition and sustainable development). The professorship should not be restricted in terms of the class of materials, as long as they are inorganic materials.Potential, future-orientated topics for this professorship could therefore beDisruptive, unconventional inorganic-chemical technologies with the overarching goal of drastically reducing CO2 emissions and resource-efficient productionUse of new and future digital tools in the field of materials research (AI/machine learning, digital twinning of material development and manufacturing processes)"High-throughput processing" for alloy development, upscaling to industrial dimensionsMaterials for use in extreme conditions (energy conversion, energy generation, aerospace applications, etc.)Materials for H2 conversion, storage and transport technologyDevelopment of materials for energy generation and storage, carbon/CO2 capture and utilisation (CCS/CCU)Reducing Europe's dependence on raw materials by reintegrating materials into the material cycleExtending the life cycles of materials and products, taking into account the complexity of interactions Synergies in the utilisation of existing analytical instruments, measuring devices and technical equipment are highly desirable, as is the contribution of know-how not available at TU Wien and the development of new methods.We are therefore looking for a person with an excellent academic profile and relevant experience in one or more of the above-mentioned subject areas, who is able to help shape the research and teaching profile of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry in the field of Chemical Technology of Materials and expand it to include new, promising areas of specialisation.In addition to research, the tasks of a university professor at TU Wien also include teaching (in German and English) in Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programmes (within the faculty, between faculties, and also within the framework of cross-university cooperative curricula) as well as participation in the management of the institute and the faculty. Teaching duties include representing the subject of Chemical Technology of Materials in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes as well as holding lectures and laboratory exercises on subject-related topics in the degree programmes of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry.On the one hand, the professorship is embedded in the TU-wide research focus "Materials and Matter" with its eight research fields, and on the other hand it is closely linked to the Faculty of Technical Chemistry through the faculty focus "Chemistry and Technology of Materials".At institute and faculty level, potential synergies include the subject areas of Applied Solid State Chemistry (E164), Theoretical (Solid State) Chemistry (E165), Technical Electrochemistry (E164), (Molecular) Materials Chemistry (E165), Analytical Chemistry (E164), but possibly also the area of recycling-based circular economy (E166). Further extensive opportunities for cooperation may arise with the departments of other faculties that are heavily involved in the properties and use of materials, e.g., Materials Science and Materials Engineering (E308), Applied Physics (E134), Solid State Electronics (E362), Mechanics of Materials and Structures (E202) or Sensor and Actuator Systems (E366).The TUW's technically well-equipped X-Ray Centre (XRC) and the wide range of surface analysis methods at the Analytical Instrumentation Center AIC (XPS, AES and others in the ELSA cluster) as well as the University Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy (USTEM) are also potentially highly relevant for the new professorship.Your profile:Completed doctoral or PhD studies in the relevant subject from a domestic or equivalent foreign university or research institution or achievement of an equivalent scientific qualificationThe qualification for teaching (venia docendi) acquired at a domestic or equivalent foreign university or an academic qualification recognisable as being equivalent to the venia docendiHigh scientific reputation, proven by publications in internationally prestigious scientific journals, patents, scientific lectures, editorial and expert work, organization of conferences, awards etc.Ability to form networks, proven e.g., by extended relevant stays abroad and/or through cooperation with foreign and domestic universities and research institutionsExperience in the acquisition, execution and management of research projectsThe ability and willingness to manage a research division or a research groupPedagogic and didactic suitability for academic teaching in the relevant subject in German and EnglishExperience in the supervision of scientific work of studentsThe prospective position holder has social and gender competence and experience in the promotion of young researchers and the advancement of female students/colleagues/ employees. (In the course of the advanced selection process, a professionally accompanied survey of social skills will take place).Willingness to move the centre of life to Vienna (On-site presence)In case there is no adequate knowledge of German, willingness to quickly learn German is presupposed for teaching in bachelor programmes and participation in management of the institute and the faculty as well as in university bodiesWe offer:Excellent working conditions in an attractive research environmentAttractive compensation and further benefits (see also: Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)Financial support of research activities in the first years (e.g. equipment endowment/ start-up funds)Support in moving to ViennaDual career advice offers partners and families of the university professors appointed to TU Wien various support opportunities tailored to their individual situationAn employee-friendly environment in a city with an extraordinary high quality of lifeTU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter. Classification in the A1 category of the collective bargaining agreement for employees of universities and a full-time minimum salary of EUR 89.075.00 gross annual is provided for. Furthermore, on top of the employee benefit fund, a company pension scheme will be set up for employees, depending on the duration of their employment, with the result that personnel benefits will increase. A higher salary depending on qualifications and experience is subject of appointment negotiations as well as detailed information about benefits.General information can be found at the following links: Faculty https://www.tuwien.at/tchInstitute https://www.tuwien.at/tch/ctaInformation about professorships and appointment procedures: Appointment ServiceWe look forward to receiving your complete application documents by May 23th, 2024.Applications in English must include at least the following documents: A detailed curriculum vitae (complete with professional and academic background)A short letter of motivationA presentation of previous academic activities including a survey of research and development projects carried out and of funding/grants raised (volume, duration, funding body etc), a list of patents, editorial and expert work, organized conferences and awards etc. as well as a list of lecturing and teaching activities evidenced by a list of the university courses held so far, a list of supervised scientific works of students and a list of invited lecturesA list of publications (including a link to a unique research identifier like ORCID) and copies of the five most important publicationsA research as well as a teaching concept with considerations on the future positioning and further development of the fieldRelevant certificates and official letters should be uploaded under the category: +add more documentsA data fact sheet should be uploaded under the category: +add more documents   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact usApplication Management:Phone: +43 (1) 588 01 406201 Carmen Keck, Informations of the application processFaculty of Technical Chemistry:Phone: +43 (1) 588 01 ext. 15001 Dean Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marko MihovilovicPhone: +43 (1) 588 01 ext. 15002 Dean´s Office Sabrina LamprechtAppointment Service: Information about on-going appointment procedures Technology for People
Sales Development Specialist - Digital Hub Vienna/Barcelona/Walldorf
SAP AG, Wien
We are looking for our next Sales Development Specialist (SDS) to join our team and Digital Hub Vienna and support SAP Hungary. Within the SDE team, our purpose is to be a game changer in the software industry by delighting and offering our customers a memorable digital experience. Our mission is to increase sales productivity by generating highly qualified pipeline that converts into won revenue. SAP innovations help more than 400,000 customers worldwide work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively. Originally known for leadership in enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, SAP has evolved to become a market leader in end-to-end business application software and related services for database, analytics, intelligent technologies, and experience management. As a cloud company with 200 million users and more than 100,000 employees worldwide, we are purpose-driven and future-focused, with a highly collaborative team ethic and commitment to personal development. Whether connecting global industries, people, or platforms, we help ensure every challenge gets the solution it deserves. At SAP, we build breakthroughs, together. POSITION PURPOSE The primary responsibility of the SAP Sales Development Specialist is to engage with our Net New customers through digital selling methodologies and techniques, build and manage a pipeline of cloud opportunities and incremental revenue aligned with Sales Executives within the Midmarket segment. The Midmarket segment represents SAP´s fastest growth opportunity, particularly to drive Cloud and NNN revenue and accelerate market share.As an integral part of the account team, the Sales Development Specialist leverages multiple resources, including among others, marketing, sales, presales teams, partners and innovative tools to engage with our Net New customers in a given territory.Challenge yourself by selling the value of software solutions to our customers and grow with one of the most successful sales organizations in the world as a Sales Development Executive! Expectations and Responsibilities: • Generate Leads and Opportunities through digital motion, social selling, strategic & targeted prospecting into companies in given industry / LoB (Line of Business)• Plan prospecting strategy in alignment with the Sales Team and Partners• Drive proactive outbound activities into net new contacts• Engage with C-Level executives through multi-channel touch points• Meet ambitious sales - and Demand Generation targets• Be SAP's cutting edge for driving digital transformation• Adopt and deploy the latest digital prospecting and sales tools and methodologies• Support the team on strategic projects and business activities• Leading the best practices enablement among the team• Being a train to trainers about DG and Digital tools• Leading initiatives on the team focused on increasing pipeline generation • Native/Fluent Hungarian Language (Mandatory)• Fluent English (Mandatory)• Graduated with a University degree in Business Administration / IT / Digital Transformation or other disciplines• 2-3 years experience of B2B Demand Generation and/or Sales Experience working in a software sales organization is a plus.• Interest for new technologies• Understanding of business challenges facing a defined industry and/or line of business• Strong customer centricity and interpersonal skills to serve as a trusted advisor• Capacity to listen actively in order to identify prioritized customer needs• Ability to work independently with a strong drive for results• Strong ability with teamwork and equipped to learn and adapt quickly• Natural drive to excel, being curious, agile with a growth mindset• Experience as “team leader” with direct or indirect teams or initiatives, desirable• Over achiever proved track We help the world run better Our company culture is focused on helping our employees enable innovation by building breakthroughs together. How? We focus every day on building the foundation for tomorrow and creating a workplace that embraces differences, values flexibility, and is aligned to our purpose-driven and future-focused work. We offer a highly collaborative, caring team environment with a strong focus on learning and development, recognition for your individual contributions, and a variety of benefit options for you to choose from. Apply now! What's in it for you? • Culture of collaboration: meet with mentors and create a thriving personal network• World - Class Training & Development in the areas of professional growth, product and industry knowledge: gain cross-functional skills• Constant learning and knowledge sharing with some of the best complex selling professionals in the industry• Chance to work in a dynamic, competitive and collaborative environment where you we will make sure you reach your full potential. What's next for you @ SAP • This is a great opportunity to develop your international experience in an organization that has transformed the Cloud Enterprise Software Market• With our strong coaching culture we aim to develop world-class sales executives so you´ll be offered a clear and structured career path with the opportunity to be part of the most wanted and recognized talent pool at SAP• Success is what you make it and at SAP we help you make it your own!• After continuous achievement, learning & development you will be offered the opportunity to extend and continue the journey with the SDE organization as part of our SDE Career Framework and prepare your next step in your sales career. Location : Vienna, Walldorf, Barcelona # SAPDigitalHubCareers We win with inclusion SAP's culture of inclusion, focus on health and well-being, and flexible working models help ensure that everyone – regardless of background – feels included and can run at their best. At SAP, we believe we are made stronger by the unique capabilities and qualities that each person brings to our company, and we invest in our employees to inspire confidence and help everyone realize their full potential. We ultimately believe in unleashing all talent and creating a better and more equitable world.SAP is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. We are committed to the values of Equal Employment Opportunity and provide accessibility accommodations to applicants with physical and/or mental disabilities. If you are interested in applying for employment with SAP and are in need of accommodation or special assistance to navigate our website or to complete your application, please send an e-mail with your request to Recruiting Operations Team: [email protected] SAP employees: Only permanent roles are eligible for the SAP Employee Referral Program, according to the eligibility rules set in the SAP Referral Policy. Specific conditions may apply for roles in Vocational Training. EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability: Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their age, race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, et al), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, protected veteran status, or disability.Successful candidates might be required to undergo a background verification with an external vendor. Requisition ID: 392077 | Work Area: Sales | Expected Travel: 0 - 10% | Career Status: Professional | Employment Type: Regular Full Time | Additional Locations: #LI-Hybrid.