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Digital Strategist (f/m/x)
MacroArray Diagnostics GmbH, Wien
We have revolutionised allergy diagnostics and are extremely successful with our diagnostic products and patented technologies in more than 80 countries. Our products are valuable contributions to the innovative field of precision medicine - for both humans and animals. Allergies are clarified in just one step and in a highly specific manner so that patients quickly receive optimal treatment from specialised doctors. We improve the quality of life of humans and animals, enable individualised patient care, advance science and thus relieve the burden on the healthcare system. Clinics, laboratories and physicians are our customers. Further development of internal digital platforms (B2B) Key function in the strategic planning & implementation of digital projects Optimisation of the relevant customer journey and continuous improvement of associated workflows and processes Operational responsibility & support of digital agendas Creation & adherence to project plans Data-driven reporting Professional experience in strategic planning and implementation of digital projects (at least 5 years) Agency experience is an advantage, but not a must Networked & strategic thinking High resilience & flexibility Team player German and English language skills (both business fluent), other languages are a plus A permanent full-time position with the option of working from home (1 day per week) An annual ticket for Wiener Linien public transport, Sodexo vouchers, flexible working hours Collaboration with colleagues who care equally about the well-being of people and animals An environment in which you can participate, ask questions and contribute your ideas An atmosphere in which we live and work according to the principles of sustainability, equality, diversity, inclusion and mutual respect
Sales Manager (m/w/d) im Vertriebsaußendienst Gebiet: Wien / St. Pölten / Wiener Neustadt
coffee perfect GmbH, Wien / St. Pölten / Wiener Neustadt, Vorarlberg, N ...
Coffee perfect ist mit über 300 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland, Österreich und Dänemark ein „Hidden Champion“ im Bereich Kaffee-, Wasser- und Snackautomatenaufstellung. Unser Schwerpunkt bildet die professionelle Kaffee-Versorgung von Büros und Betrieben, um tagtäglich Mitarbeiter:innen Kaffee in hunderten Varianten genießen zu lassen. Mit über 25.000 Kunden und einer internationalen Produktpalette verbinden wir das Beste aus den Welten Konzern und Mittelstand: Ein aufstrebendes, stark wachsendes Unternehmen mit vielen Chancen gepaart mit schnellen Entscheidungswegen und hoher Agilität am Markt. Coffee perfect - beyond standard. Schaffst Du es, Menschen zu begeistern? Strebst Du täglich nach mehr? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig als: Sales Manager (m/w/d) im Außendienst Gebiet: Wien / St. Pölten / Wiener Neustadt Telefonisch vorqualifizierte Interessenten beraten und begeistern, um sie als Kunden für uns zu gewinnen Durchführung qualifizierter Beratungsgespräche und Produktvorführungen zur Vorstellung und Einführung unserer Produkte Analyse der Kundenbedürfnisse und -motive durch Nutzung und Verinnerlichung des „Perfect Salesways" zur Erreichung von überdurchschnittlichen Erfolgsquoten im Direct Sales Verkauf und Vermietung unserer Kaffeevollautomaten, Frischwasserspender und Snackautomaten Aktives Beziehungsmanagement zum Kunden Systematische Verfolgung unserer Vertriebsziele in deinem Gebiet inkl. Dokumentation Kommunikationsgeschick, sowie hohe Erfolgsorientierung und den Willen, Menschen immer wieder zu begeistern Ein Gespür für unsere Kunden, Produkte und die Marktsituation entwickeln Eine selbstständige, strukturierte Arbeitsweise und strategisches Handeln Idealerweise ein abgeschlossenes Studium oder eine kaufmännische Ausbildung sowie erste Erfolge im Sales Quereinsteiger? Kein Problem! Wir suchen alle, die den nötigen Willen zum Erfolg und die Lernbereitschaft zeigen! Führerschein der Klasse B Entgeltbestandteile im Vertrieb in Österreich Überdurchschnittliche Vergütung - Durchschnittlicher Jahresverdienst von 70.000€ - 80.000€ sowie ungedeckelte Provisionsmöglichkeiten - Deine Leistung entscheidet! 13. & 14. Monatsgehalt, steuerfreies Taggeld bis zur max. Grenze Incentives Jährlich wechselnde Incentives, Monatskickerbonus, Jahresbonus Personalentwicklung im Vertrieb Regionale Führungsstruktur, regelmäßige Feedbackgespräche, zentraler Sales Support, Regio- und Jahresmeetings, Förderung von Talenten in Form von Karrieregesprächen und Präferenzanalyse Offene Unternehmenskultur im Vertrieb Freie und flexible Kalenderplanung, Duz-Kultur auf allen Ebenen, flache Hierarchien, transparente Kommunikation, regelmäßige Firmenevents Dienstwagen Fahrzeug all inclusive - alle Kosten des hochwertig ausgestatteten Dienstfahrzeuges werden übernommen Du erzielst großartige Erfolge bei uns? Dann möchten wir dies mit einem ebenso großartigen Firmenwagen belohnen! Onboarding im Vertrieb Individuelle Einarbeitung inkl. Mitfahrten, sowie Verkaufsrollenspiele, Videocoachings und Produktschulungen Moderne Ausstattung im Vertrieb State of the Art Hardware, moderne Vertriebsunterlagen, ERP-System, hoher Digitalisierungsstandard (bzgl. Urlaub & Reisekosten), hochwertige Vorführgeräte Weitere Benefits im Vertrieb in Österreich Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag, JobRad – Option für Leasing von zwei Fahrrädern, Rabatte für Mitarbeiter inkl. corporate benefits
Service Operations & Installations Manager - Vienna, Austria
ARJO Austria GmbH, Wien
Über Arjo Wir bei Arjo sind der Meinung, dass die Förderung der Bewegungsfreiheit im Gesundheitswesen eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für eine qualitativ hochwertige Pflege ist. Unsere Produkte und Lösungen sind so konzipiert, dass sie einen sicheren und würdevollen Umgang mit Patienten, medizinischen Betten, persönlicher Hygiene, Desinfektion, Diagnostik und der Prävention von Druckverletzungen und venösen Thromboembolien ermöglichen. Mit mehr als 6500 Mitarbeitern weltweit und 65 Jahren Erfahrung in der Betreuung von Patienten und medizinischem Fachpersonal setzen wir uns dafür ein, die Gesundheit von Menschen mit Mobilitätsproblemen zu verbessern. Bei Arjo wissen wir, was uns bewegt. Für Menschen mit Mobilitätsproblemen gehen wir über uns hinaus. Wir nutzen jede Gelegenheit, um als Team zu arbeiten und zu wachsen, und sind stolz darauf, unser Wissen und unsere Erfahrung zu teilen. Klingt das nach etwas, das auch Dich bewegt? Dann ist hier Deine Chance! Zur Verstärkung unseres großartigen Arjo-Teams suchen wir eine engagierte Persönlichkeit als Service Operation & Installations Manager Location: Vienna, Lembockgasse (AUT), Vienna, AT - Austria Company: ArjoDer Service Operations & Installations Manager (w/m/x) ist ein wertvolles Mitglied des österreichischen Management-Teams und hat die Verantwortung für das Budget sowie die strategische und operative Entwicklung des Geschäftsbereiches Service und Installations. Business Development sowie Verkauf von Serviceverträgen und Service Produkten (u.a. in Ausschreibungen) Steigerung unseres profitablen After Markets Forecasting und Planning Führen des Service- und Installations Teams sowie der Mitarbeiterentwicklung Mitarbeit bei nationalen und internationalen Projekten Management von Installationen in Österreich inklusive dem internen und externen Schnittstellenmanagement Monitoring und Kosten-Controlling Effiziente Beschaffung (Minimierung von Stock-outs) und Bestellwesen im Sinne von on-time, in-full (OTIF) Lieferung Kontinuierliche Optimierung aller Installations- und Serviceaktivitäten (Effizienzsteigerung) Einhaltung aller relevanten QM-Policies, Gesetze, Normen und vertraglichen Vorgaben Abgeschlossenes (elektro-) technisches oder BWL-Studium oder vergleichbare technisch/kaufmännische Ausbildung Mindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung, idealerweise in einer vergleichbaren Position in der Gesundheitsbranche Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Führung von Teams Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift EDV Affinität z.B. Kenntnisse in CRM, ERP, MS Office etc. Selbständiger, innovativer, verantwortungsbewusster und kooperativer Arbeitsstil Kommunikationsfreude und Durchsetzungsvermögen Mobilität und Reisebereitschaft Ein strukturiertes Onboarding Konzept, interne Schulungen und Produkttrainings Hervorragende öffentliche Verkehrsanbindung (U6 Siebenhirten) sowie einen gratis Parkplatz Bikeleasing, Essenszuschuss und Zugang zum Corporate Benefits Portal mit tollen Rabatten Persönliche Weiterentwicklung in einem internationalen und zukunftsorientierten Unternehmen Langfristiger Arbeitsplatz in einem krisensicheren Unternehmen Chancengleichheit und Diversität Attraktives Bruttojahresgehalt auf All-In Basis je nach konkreter Qualifikation und Erfahrung zwischen € 75.000,-- und € 100.000 (kollektivvertragliches Mindestgehalt ist € 3.102,00)
Operations Support Assistant (m/w/d)
MUELLBACHER Personalberatung, Wien
OPERATIONS SUPPORT ASSISTANT (M/W/D) Zentrale Teamunterstützung im Backoffice: B2B-Sales-Support & Finance Teilzeit möglich – 30 bis 38,5 Wochenstunden Unser Auftraggeber, eine etablierte Niederlassung eines führenden internationalen Konzerns mit bekannter Marke, blickt in Österreich auf eine jahrzehntelange, erfolgreiche Entwicklung zurück. Aktuell befinden wir uns auf einem starken Wachstumskurs und erweitern unser Portfolio im dynamischen Healthcare-Markt. Wir verstärken unser motiviertes Team und suchen eine:n engagierte:n Teamkolleg:in, der/die mit uns gemeinsam wachsen möchte.Als neues Teammitglied übernehmen Sie eine zentrale Rolle in unserer Administration. Sie arbeiten eng mit den Kolleg:innen aus Vertriebsinnendienst, Service, Technik und Buchhaltung zusammen und tragen zu unserem gemeinsamen Erfolg bei. Ihre Aufgaben umfassen: Bearbeitung von B2B-Kundenanfragen via Telefon und E-Mail, inkl. Bestellaufnahme und -administration Pflege von Daten in unseren ERP- und CRM-Systemen (SAP, Salesforce) Verbuchung von Eingangsrechnungen und Unterstützung bei buchhalterischen Vorarbeiten Verwaltung interner Wartungsverträge und Koordination mit Dienstleistern Organisation von Firmenmeetings und Terminplanung Sie bringen eine kaufmännische Ausbildung (HAK, HASCH, Lehre etc.) sowie Erfahrung im Back-Office-Bereich mit. Wir suchen eine Persönlichkeit, die: Teamgeist und eine positive Einstellung mitbringt Detailorientiert, zuverlässig und selbstorganisiert arbeitet Versiert im Umgang mit MS-Office ist und idealerweise Erfahrung mit SAP, Salesforce oder ähnlichen Systemen hat Sehr gute Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse für die E-Mail-Korrespondenz besitzt Wir bieten Ihnen eine langfristige Perspektive in einem Unternehmen, das Wert auf ein Miteinander legt. Freuen Sie sich auf eine aktive Unterstützung bei Ihrer Einarbeitung sowie ein Gleitzeitmodell. Nach erfolgreicher Einarbeitung ermöglichen wir Ihnen, einen Tag pro Woche im Home-Office zu arbeiten. Das Monatsbruttogehalt liegt bei zumindest EUR 2.800,-- (Vollzeitbasis) mit der Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und Erfahrung. Für einen vertraulichen Erstkontakt wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an unsere Personalberatung.
Supply Chain Spezialist:in
Frauenthal Handel Gruppe AG, Wien
Bei uns, in der Frauenthal Handel Gruppe, verbinden wir eine familiäre Atmosphäre und ein tägliches Miteinander auf Augenhöhe mit der Konzernstärke von 1.800 Mitarbeiter:innen in ganz Österreich. Unzählige Möglichkeiten warten auf Sie bei der österreichischen Nummer 1 im Großhandel für Sanitär, Heizung und Installationstechnik. Definition, Ausrollen und Überwachung von Beschaffungs-Prozessen Steuerung / Optimierung der Lagerbestände Umsetzung von Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Warenverfügbarkeit und zur Optimierung unserer Netzwerkkosten Mitarbeit an der Gestaltung der Belagerungsstrategie Leitung und Mitarbeit bei Projekten zur Weiterentwicklung von Beschaffungs-Prozessen Reporting der gesamten Supply Chain Sie verfügen über eine freundliche Persönlichkeit mit Hands-on-Mentalität Zahlenaffinität, ein analytisches Arbeiten und Genauigkeit zählen zu Ihren Stärken Sie bringen Erfahrung in der Analyse und Interpretation von Daten mit Sie bringen Vorkenntnisse im und Interesse am Bereich Supply Chain mit Eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung mit Bezug zu Supply Chain Management ist von Vorteil Ein wertschätzendes Miteinander in einem kollegialen Team ist für uns selbstverständlich. Als Marktführer in Österreich bieten wir Ihnen einen langfristigen und sicheren Arbeitsplatz. Es erwarten Sie ein abwechslungsreiches und eigenverantwortliches Aufgabengebiet mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und der Möglichkeit des Home-Office sowie die Möglichkeit für Berufseinsteiger an zentraler Stelle die Weiterentwicklung der Unternehmensprozesse mitzugestalten. Eine umfangreiche Einschulung, Aufstiegs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie Firmenveranstaltungen sorgen für den Wohlfühlfaktor. Sie profitieren von unserer internen Weiterbildungsakademie, Bike-Leasing und Essenszuschuss. Sie erhalten ein marktkonformes Gehaltspaket mit einem Jahresbruttogehalt ab €40.000 (Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung, je nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung) sowie die Einbettung in ein Zielprämiensystem.
International Junior Brand Manager Spirituosen (w/m/d)
Schlumberger Wein- & Sektkellerei GmbH, Wien
Die Schlumberger Wein- und Sektkellerei ist ein österreichisches Unternehmen mit Sitz in Wien. Sie ist Teil der internationalen Getränkegruppe Marussia Beverages. Als österreichischer Marktführer in den Bereichen Schaumweine und Spirituosen vermarkten wir ein umfangreiches Portfolio an führenden nationalen und internationalen Premium-Getränkemarken. Dazu zählen u.a. Schlumberger, Hochriegl, Mozart, Leibwächter, Gurktaler, Hendrick's, Glenfiddich, Rémy Martin, METAXA, White Claw und viele mehr. Aufgrund des starken internationalen Wachstums der Marke Mozart in den letzten Jahren, verstärken wir unser Team und suchen ab sofort eine/n topmotivierte/n zur Unterstützung mit Fokus auf die Marke Mozart.Als International Junior Brand Manager Spirituosen arbeitest du gemeinsam mit einer erfahrenen Senior Brand Managerin im internationalen Marketing v. a. an der Marke Mozart Chocolate Liqueur. Nach deiner Einschulungsphase übernimmst du schrittweise eigenständig Aufgaben zur Umsetzung der Markenführungsprojekte, in Abstimmung mit der Senior Brand Managerin, und unterstützt zusätzlich bei Produktentwicklung und -relaunch sowie aktiv bei Kommunikationsschwerpunkten wie Social Media. Im Rahmen dieser Umsetzungen bist du darüber hinaus Ansprechperson für die internationalen Märkte. Du bist mit verantwortlich für die Entwicklung bzw. Umsetzung von Promotion-Aktivitäten inkl. begleitender Kampagnen (ATL/ BTL) und Ausarbeitung von unterstützendem Verkaufs-/POS-Material. Die Erstellung von Verkaufs- und Präsentationsunterlagen, sowie Markt- und Mitbewerberanalysen, aber auch Reportings begleiten dich ebenfalls in deinem Verantwortungsbereich. Essentiell ist dabei die enge Zusammenarbeit mit deinen Kolleg:innen im Export-Team und der Produktion sowie im regelmäßigen Austausch mit Supply Chain, Einkauf und Controlling. Aber auch mit externen Partnern, wie z. B. unserer Grafik-Agentur oder Marktforschungsunternehmen bist du stark eingebunden. Als verantwortliche:r International Junior Brand Manager unterstützt du die Senior Brand Managerin in ihrer Funktion als zentrale Schnittstelle für alle Abteilungen und internationale Märkte rund um die Wertschöpfungskette unserer Spirituosen-Marken. Abgeschlossene betriebswirtschaftliche Ausbildung (Uni-/FH-Studium) mit Schwerpunkt Marketing Erste Berufserfahrung im Brand-/Produktmanagement, idealerweise im FMCG-Bereich Leidenschaft für Produktentwicklung, Projektmanagement und Kommunikation Eigeninitiative und Eigenverantwortung Selbständige, strukturierte und zielorientierte Arbeitsweise Hands-on Mentalität und Zahlenaffinität Wissbegieriger Teamplayer Freude an der Getränkebranche Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift Fundierte IT-Kenntnisse (MS Office), SAP-Grundkenntnisse von Vorteil Wir bieten dir eine herausfordernde, spannende und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in Form einer Vollzeit-Position mit persönlichen Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten in einem traditionsreichen und zugleich dynamischen Unternehmen. Unser Spirit sind Getränke www.topspirit.at Du bist Teil eines motivierten Teams, in dem auch der Spaß und die Freude am Tun nicht zu kurz kommen. Flexible Arbeitszeiten mit Home Office Möglichkeit (bis zu 2 Tage/Woche), Personalrabatt auf unser gesamtes Produktportfolio und diverse Fringe Benefits (z.B. gefördertes, gesundes Mittagessen, Vorsorgeuntersuchung, Vorteilsclub, Gemeinschaftsaktivitäten) sind weitere Vorteile, die unsere Mitarbeiter:innen zu schätzen wissen. Ein Bruttomonatsgehalt ab € 2.800 mit Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung bei entsprechender Erfahrung und Qualifikation rundet unser Angebot ab. Hast du Interesse, dein Engagement und deine Fähigkeiten in einem österreichischen Familienunternehmen mit 180-jähriger Tradition einzubringen? Möchtest du uns als Teil der Schlumberger Family bei der Verwirklichung unserer Vision "Die erste Wahl für Genussmomente und Lebensfreude" tatkräftig unterstützen? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine aussagekräftige Bewerbung!
Project Manager - Congress and Events
CIRSE Congress Research Education GmbH, Vienna, Wien
The Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) is a non-profit making, educational and scientific association aiming to improve patient care through the support of teaching, science, research and clinical practice in the field of cardiovascular and interventional radiology. Based in Vienna, the society represents more than 9,600 members and organises the largest annual IR congress in the world. Our main mission is to provide education and training to our members, to enhance patient care and to constantly improve the medical discipline of interventional radiology. We are looking for a new team member to join our Congress and Event Management Department, an integral part of our organisation with many diverse roles, from the organisation of large educational scientific events with thousands of delegates, to more exclusive meetings with only a handful of participants. In these roles, you will be responsible for the effective organisation and management of various association activities, such as congresses, courses and meetings, either independently as a project manager or collectively with the team. Congress and Events - Project Manager Congress & Event Management Department 1010 Vienna | full time | immediate start Planning and executing of projects; congresses, courses and meetings Coordinating and managing all stakeholders to deliver within project timelines, while maintaining collaborative relationships Sourcing, negotiating and contracting of existing or new suppliers; venues, service providers, housing and logistics partners Managing and maintaining effective event budgets and preparing purchasing accounts for approval by senior management Primary point of contact for internal teams and external partners and suppliers Traveling to and supporting on-site event delivery and execution Overseeing and coordinating event set-ups Analysing event success Supporting department heads and team members with other projects Minimum of two years' experience in congress and event management Fluent written and spoken English (C1 level) and German (minimum B2 level) Proficiency in MS Office tools (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook) Customer focus, accuracy, stress resistance Strong communication and interpersonal skills for engagement with external stakeholders Motivation and enthusiasm to work as part of an ambitious team, as well as having the drive and self-sufficiency to work independently Desirable qualifications, skills and experience Relevant educational background (Tourism college, university degree, etc) Previous experience with hotel and flight booking systems Previous experience with event management software, in particular EventsAIR Proficiency in additional language(s) Friendly atmosphere in an international and highly-motivated team Diverse range of tasks and innovative work environment Responsibility for your own projects Travel opportunities Team-building events Beautiful office space in Vienna downtown The minimum starting salary is € 2,400 gross, with the option to negotiate based on the qualification and experience of the candidate.
Mitarbeiter im Customer Service (all genders) im Bereich Inbound
smart Energy Services GmbH, Wien
Im Jahr 2013 wurde die smart Energy Services GmbH als Joint Venture zweier führender Energieunternehmen in Österreich und Deutschland gegründet. Wir positionieren uns als DER Serviceanbieter für hochwertige und effiziente Energiedienstleistungen in Österreich. Unser Erfolg sowie innovative Lösungen und die bestmögliche Betreuung unserer Energiekunden werden von rund 230 Teammitgliedern getragen. Zur Erweiterung unseres Teams suchen wir zuverlässige*n und motivierte*n Kolleg*innen im Standort: Wien, 20-40 Stunden/Woche möglich Starttermine: 08.04.24 und 02.05.24 Primäre Ansprechperson: In dieser Schlüsselposition bist du der*die erste Ansprechpartner*in für unsere wertvollen Strom- und Gaskundinnen und -kunden. Kommunikationsspezialist*in: Du brennst für Telefonate und zeichnest dich durch exzellente Kommunikationsfähigkeiten aus. Dabei Problemlösungs-Enthusiast*in: Kundinnen und Kunden kommen mit ihren Anliegen zu dir und du wirst zu ihrem persönlichen Problemlösungs-Experten. Nach abgeschlossener Einschulung hast du den Dreh raus, um alle Kundenanfragen souverän zu beantworten. Kundenverständnis auf höchstem Niveau: Du bist ein*e echte*r Kundenversteher*in. Dir gelingt es, die Bedürfnisse unserer Kundinnen und Kunden in den Mittelpunkt deines Handelns zu stellen. CRM-System: Du rundest jedes Telefonat professionell ab, indem du sämtliche relevanten Informationen in unserem CRM-System festhältst. Nahtlose Übergabe: Offene Fragen seitens der Kunden? Du koordinierst die reibungslose Weiterleitung der Anliegen an unsere fachkundigen Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Betreuung Verbund Shop: Teil deiner spannenden Aufgaben ist auch die gelegentliche persönliche Betreuung des Verbund Shops im Herzen des 1. Bezirks. Ja zum neuen Job? Wenn du diese fesselnde Herausforderung annehmen möchtest, dann warte nicht länger und klicke auf den "Hier bewerben"-Button. Qualifikationen und Erfahrungen: Eine erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung (Lehre, HAS, HAK, Matura,) und/oder einschlägige Berufserfahrung ist/sind von Vorteil. Stressresistenz: Du bleibst in jeder Situation ruhig und bewahrst einen kühlen Kopf. Wortgewandt: Dir fällt es leicht die richtigen Worte zu finden. Empathie Kundenorientierung: Du beherrscht die Kunst, auf verschiedene Kundentypen einzugehen und zeigst bemerkenswerte Empathie für ihre Anliegen. IT-Kenntnisse: Ein sicherer Umgang mit den MS-Office Programmen wäre wünschenswert. Einschulung: Die Grundausbildung erstreckt sich über einen Zeitraum von einem Monat und wird von unserem kompetenten Trainingsteam durchgeführt. Es erwartet dich eine ausgewogene Kombination aus Klassenraumtraining und praxisnahem Telefontraining mit Kunden. Während dieser Zeit bevorzugen wir eine Vollzeitanstellung, um sicherzustellen, dass du optimal auf deine Rolle vorbereitet bist. Sicherer Arbeitsplatz: Unabhängig von den äußeren Umständen unsere Dienstleistung ist unverzichtbar – die Menschen benötigen immer Strom und Gas. Somit kannst du dich auf einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz verlassen. Geregelte Arbeitszeiten: Wir sind anders, bei uns geht es geregelt zu. Wir bieten einen Arbeitszeitrahmen von Mo bis Fr zwischen 08:00 und 17:00 Uhr. Work – Life Balance: Nach deiner Einschulung hast du die Möglichkeit, bis zu 50% deiner Arbeitszeit im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. So kannst du deinen Alltag flexibler gestalten. Benefits: Wir bieten eine Vielzahl von Benefits, darunter einen Essenszuschuss, eine Homeoffice-Pauschale, einen Geburtstagsgutschein, Firmenevents und Gesundheitsmaßnahmen. Dein Team: Ein dynamisches Umfeld mit motivierten und neugierigen Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Culture: Wir pflegen flache Organisationsstrukturen und leben eine "Du"-Kultur. Unser Standort: Unser zentral gelegenes Büro ist modern ausgestattet und gut mit der U-Bahn (U3) erreichbar. Top Gehalt! Wir bieten ein Bruttomonatsgehalt ab EUR 2.169,96 (Auf Basis einer Vollzeitanstellung). Das tatsächliche Gehalt wird entsprechend deiner Qualifikation und Erfahrung vereinbart. Nach erfolgreicher Einarbeitung erfolgt im ersten Dienstjahr eine Gehaltsanpassung gemäß Skill- und Karrierepfad. Top Leistungen! Zusätzlich zum Grundgehalt erhältst du eine leistungsorientierte Prämie, die im Folgejahr ausgezahlt wird.
Tenure-Track Professor in the field of Qualitative Social Research
Universität Wien, Wien
 The University of Vienna is internationally renowned for its excellence in teaching and research, and counts more than 7,500 academics from all disciplines. This breadth of expertise offers unique opportunities to address the complex challenges of modern society, to develop comprehensive new approaches, and educate the problem-solvers of tomorrow from a multidisciplinary perspective.At the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna seeks to appoint aTenure-Track Professor in the field of Qualitative Social ResearchThe positionThe Tenure Track position is dedicated to research and teaching on the fundamentals and current methodological developments in the field of qualitative social research. It focuses on the application and ongoing refinement of innovative methods. Sound knowledge of interpretative, hermeneutic and/or reconstructive social research is desirable.The qualitative social research tradition, influenced by Viennese sociology, is centered on addressing authentic societal concerns. Within this framework, our research involves practical studies that integrate societal diagnoses and sociological theories. By combining traditional approaches with contemporary qualitative research methods, we establish a robust foundation for generating innovative and practically applicable insights in the field of qualitative social research. Continuous progress in interpretive methodologies plays a pivotal role in this context. Research findings are disseminated through scholarly publications that not only focus on methodological foundations but also facilitate the development of interpretively oriented research projects. This progressive approach is evident in the active involvement of department members in advancing Grounded Theory, visual methodologies and methods, as well as biographical research. More information can be found at: https://www.soz.univie.ac.at/en/research/Your academic profile:Doctoral degree/PhDTwo years of international research experience during or after doctoral studiesOutstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding record, international reputationGender and diversity competenceExperience in designing of and participating in research projects, ability to lead research groups and acquire third-party fundingEnthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levelWe expect the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor's programmes and for participation in university committees.We offer:the opportunity to obtain a permanent position and eventual promotion to full professor; the initial contract as Assistant Professor is limited to six years, after positive evaluation of a qualification agreement the contract becomes permanent as Associate Professor; Associate Professors can be promoted to Full Professor through an internal competitive procedure.a dynamic research environmenta wide range of research and teaching support servicesattractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of lifean attractive salary according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff (level A2) and an organisational retirement planApplication documents (in English):Letter of motivationAcademic curriculum vitaeeducation and training (PhD Certificate, PDF)positions held to daterelevant parental, family or other care timesawards and honorscommissions of trustprevious and current cooperation partnerscomplete list of acquired third-party funding and, if applicable, of inventions/patentslist of most important scientific talks (max. 10)teaching and mentoringsupervision experience (Master and PhD), if applicableList of publicationslink to your own publicly accessible ORCID record, with a complete and current publication listthree key publications as electronic full text version (PDF, max 30 MB)Research statementmost important research achievements (max. 2 pages) and planned future research activities (max. 4 pages)synopsis of three key publications with relevance to the position advertisedpublication strategyTeaching and supervision statementteaching and supervision concept, including a description of the previous and planned priorities in academic teaching and supervision (max. 2 pages)teaching evaluations (if available, PDF)If you have any questions, please contact:[email protected] applications submitted through the link below will be considered.We look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/15/2024Reference no.: 2180Tenure Track Professorships https://academicjobs.univie.ac.at/datenabfrage/TT0224Sowi01
University Assistant postdoctoral
Universität Wien, Wien
The University of Vienna is a cosmopolitan hub for  more than 10,000 employees, of whom around 7,500 work in research and teaching. They want to do research and teach at a place that suits their ideas and work together towards answering the big questions of the future. You also appreciate the exchange between disciplines, cultures and generations? We are looking for a/anUniversity Assistant postdoctoral 50 Faculty of Life Sciences Job vacancy starting: 05/01/2024  | Working hours: 40,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) Limited contract until: 08/31/2025Job ID: 2167Explore and teach at the University of Vienna, where over 7,500 academic minds have found a unique blend of freedom and support. Join us if you're driven by a passion for top-notch international research and scientific excellence. Ready to be part of our team? Welcome aboard!Your personal sphere of play:The vacant position is in the group of Prof. Mihaela Pavlicev in the Department of Evolutionary Biology. We are looking for a colleague to join our comparative work on maternal-fetal interface in non-model vertebrates, preferably with an expertise in single-cell transcriptomics (both histological work and data analysis).Our work lies in the area between development and evolution and seeks to understand how development and structure influence the potential for evolutionary change. We use both experimental and theoretical approaches in our work and focus on vertebrate female reproduction as our main empirical research system. Our methods cover a wide range of molecular methods, histology, bioinformatics and theory.The Department of Evolutionary Biology is part of the Faculty of Life Sciences and is located in a new building on the campus, which includes several excellent biology-oriented institutes with active research activity, thus enabling a rich exchange of ideas and thoughts.The position is a substitution for a colleague on leave and thus limited until the end of August 2025.Your future tasks:Active participation in research, teaching & administration, which means:You build up an independent research profile in the field of evoilutionary or reproductive biology.You are involved in research projects and scientific studies.You publish internationally and give lectures.You apply for projects and raise third-party funds.You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.You supervise your students at bachelor's or master's levelsThis is part of your personality: •    Completed doctoral/PhD studies in evolutionary biology or zoology•    Research competence and initiative proven through international publications in peer-reviewed journals•    Experience in teaching•    skills in high-level program languages like R and phyton•    Experience of singlecell transcriptomics (data generation, analysis and interpretation), is a significant advantage•    Excellent knowledge of English (C1) •    Good social/communicative skills What we offer:Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible working hoursInspiring working atmosphere: You are a part of an international academic team in a healthy and fair working environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training & Coaching: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fixed-term contract and fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 4,752,30 (14 times a year) for a period of 15 months (includes all benefits)Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!It is that easy to apply:With letter of motivationWith your scientific curriculum vitae (incl.  list of publications)Doctoral Degree certificateContact details of two persons who could provide referece lettersVia our  job portal/ Apply now -  buttonIf you have any content questions, please contact:Mihaela Pavlicev  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/15/2024Post Doc
University assistant predoctoral
Universität Wien, Wien
At the University of Vienna, over 10,000 people work together on the big questions of the future. Approximately 7,500 of them are academic staff members. These are individuals who, with their curiosity and their continuous pursuit of excellence, engage in international cutting-edge research and teaching. With us, you will also find space to unfold your potential. We are looking for a/an University assistant predoctoral 50 Faculty of Life Sciences  Job vacancy starting: 07/01/2024  | Working hours:  30,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) Limited contract until: Job ID: 2134The Vienna Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical, Nutritional and Sport Sciences (VDS PhaNuSpo) intends to provide an internationally competitive scientific training of doctoral students in innovative pharma, food and sport research. The school thrives to attract highly motivated students and to guide them towards scientific excellence and independence in a truly unique and dynamic multi-as well as interdisciplinary environment to finally become well-educated, open-minded and responsible graduates.Your personal sphere of influence:The "Pharmaceutical Bioanalysis" research group (Ass. Prof. Dr. Sophia Khom) within the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences has a vacancy for a University Assistant praedoc (PhD) to investigate the molecular, cellular, circuit, and behavioral implications of altered synaptic signaling in neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders. According to the World Health Organization, harmful alcohol consumption results in the deaths of 1 million individuals every year in Europe. Our research aims to ultimately elucidate mechanisms by which chronic alcohol consumption disrupts brain function and identify new targets for preventing or treating alcohol use disorder and associated conditions.The PhD candidate will use recombinant expression systems to investigate and characterize the action of novel ligands at inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors at the molecular level and ex vivo and in vivo models of neurological and neuropsychiatric disease to evaluate the pharmacological profile of suitable drug candidates.Your future tasks:We expect that a successful candidate will actively engage in research and teaching and provide support in administrative affairs, which means: Conducting research projects in the field of neuropsychiatric and neurological diseaseGenerating animal models (incl. stereotactic surgery)Performing electrophysiological experiments, histology (e.g., immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization) and imagingData analysisContributing to collaborative projectsContributing to writing publications and grantsWe expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within the first year of employment.This is part of your personality:You have an above average master’s degree or similar in pharmaceutical sciences, neurosciences, biology, or a similar field.You have a profound interest in neuropsychiatric and neurological diseases and are willing to apply in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo approaches to understand their underlying mechanisms.You are open-minded and eager to learn.You are goal-oriented and have a high motivation to strive for scientific excellence.You have experience in electrophysiological techniques (is a must).  You have basic knowledge in molecular biology, histology, and imaging techniques (is a plus).You have experience in working with animals (is a plus).You have a very good command of written and spoken English (is a must).What we offer:The employment duration is initially limited to 1.5 years but will be automatically extended to 4 years unless the employer terminates it within the first 12 months by submitting a declaration of non-extension. Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade. The basic salary of EUR 3578,80 (on a full-time basis) increases if we can credit professional experience.You will be part of a young, diverse, and ambitious team in a healthy and fair working atmosphere. All our team members enjoy flexible and family-friendly working hours. The lab is easily accessible by public transport. You will be given numerous opportunities to acquire and deepen your skills from a broad repertoire of internal training and coaching opportunities - all for free.It is that easy to apply:Use our job portal/Apply now button to apply for this position and your application documents should include:a letter of intent summarizing your research interestsa scientific curriculum vitaedegree certificates (master’s/diploma)2 reference lettersIf you have any questions, please contact:Sophia Khom-Steinkellner  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/10/2024 Prae [email protected]
Project assistant
Universität Wien, Wien
At the University of Vienna more than 10,000 personalities work together towards answering the big questions of the future. Around 7,500 of them do research and teaching, around 2,900 work in administration and organisation. We are looking for aProject assistant  293 Research Platform The Challenge of Urban Futures: governing the complexities in European cities Job vacancy starting: 06/01/2024  | Working hours: 20,00  | Classification CBA: §54 VwGr. IIIa Limited contract until: 03/31/2026Job ID: 2126If you love to organize and keep track of things, and if you prefer to do so in meaningful projects, then welcome to the team! Because we are searching for personalities who want to use their expertise to help answering the big questions of tomorrow.Your personal sphere of influence: As a project assistant, you support our multilingual research team at the research platform The Challenge of Urban Futures under the supervision of PI Prof. Yuri Kazepov in all organizational matters. You independently carry out all administrative tasks relating to internal and external communication, budget and personnel.The research platform The Challenge of Urban Futures conducts multidisciplinary research on the interdependent effects of socio-economic, political, ecological and technological transformation processes on urban development. It also examines phenomena of poverty, inequality and multilevel governance as challenges to be met by cities. Your future tasks: As the central point of contact you take care of the English and German correspondence with all interfaces (internal team, university, project partners, funding agencies, etc.).You manage and produce content for project websites, mailings and presentations.You organize meetings, workshops and travel activities.You manage project budgets and assist in the administration of project proposals and reportings.You administrate job advertisements in recruiting processes and support hiring of new staff members right through to the first steps of onboarding.This is part of your personality: Several years of professional experience in office management (preferably in a scientific/university context)Graduation from a general/vocational middle or higher school, or an apprenticeship including relevant practice in office managementExcellent MS Office skills (especially Excel and Power Point).Fluency in English and German (B2 level or higher)Experience in dealing with content management systems (e.g. Typo 3) Experience in dealing with Adobe InDesign and Adobe PhotoshopWorking style: You like to work independently and in a structured manner, you are service-oriented and you like to find solutions. You are a team player and have high social and communicative skills.What we offer: Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Inspiring working atmosphere: You are part of a committed team with diverse university backgrounds in a relaxed work environment.Fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 2,599,2 (full-time) increases if we can credit professional experience.Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible  working hours, remote/hybrid and/or part-time work (upon agreement).It’s that easy to apply:With your CV  / letter of motivationLeaving certificate Via our job portal / apply buttonIf you have any content questions, please contact:Miriam [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of  Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protectionApplication deadline: April 26th, 2024  
University Assistant Post Doc
Universität Wien, Wien
 The University of Vienna is a cosmopolitan hub for  more than 10,000 employees, of whom around 7,500 work in research and teaching. They want to do research and teach at a place that suits their ideas and work together towards answering the big questions of the future. You also appreciate the exchange between disciplines, cultures and generations? We are looking for a/anUniversity Assistant Post Doc 52 Faculty of Chemistry Job vacancy starting:   | Working hours: 40,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) Limited contract until: Job ID: 2243Explore and teach at the University of Vienna, where over 7,500 academic minds have found a unique blend of freedom and support. Join us if you're driven by a passion for top-notch international research and scientific excellence. Ready to be part of our team? Welcome aboard!Your personal sphere of play:Our highly motivated team offers a position for a Postdoc in the field of bioinorganic radiochemistry in a challenging scientific environment and a great working atmosphere. Aim is the development of novel metal-based radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis and therapy of cancer. This interdisciplinary and application-driven research will be carried out as part of the Joint Applied Medicinal Radiochemistry Facility in the group of Prof. Mindt (https://mindt-group.univie.ac.at/) and in cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna.The position is limited to 52 months and should be filled as soon as possible.Your future tasks:Establish research projects in the area of bioinorganic radiochemistry with focus on metal-based radiotracers for applications in oncoclogy.Organic and inorganic syntheses involving in solution and solid phase chemistry (e.g. peptide and bioconjugation chemistry). Characterization of compounds by common analytical methods like HPLC, MS and NMR.Radiometal-labelling reactions and analysis of the radiolabelled products (e.g., gamma-TLC&HPLC).Chemical (e.g., stability) and biological evaluation of new radiotracers in vitro and in vivo.strengthening the independent research profileInternational publications and presentationsproject management and the acquisition of third-party fundingIndependent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreementSupervision of studentsAdministrative tasks in teaching and researchThis is part of your personality: Ph.D degree in Radiopharmaceutical/chemical Sciences or equivalent.Know-how in the design of metal-based radiotracers, conducting radiolabelling reactions and analysis of the radiolabelled products (e.g., gamma-TLC&HPLC, stability assays).Experience in conducting biological assays (in vitro/in vivo), bioconjugation chemistry, peptide chemistry and/or working with proteins.High ability to express yourself both orally and in writingExcellent command of written and spoken EnglishIT user skillsAbility to independenty but also work in a teamExperience of working on and managing research projectsPublications in renowned, subject-relevant media (peer-reviewed) - International presentation experienceExperience in the supervision of studentsWhat we offer:Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible working hours.Inspiring working atmosphere: You are a part of an international academic team in a healthy and fair working environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training & Coaching: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fixed-term contract and fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 4,752,30 (14 times a year) increases if we can credit professional experience.Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!It is that easy to apply:With your scientific curriculum vitae / letter of intentWith your list of publicationsWith your summary of research interests (max. 1 p.)Doctoral Degree Contact details of persons who could provide referece lettersVia our  job portal/ Apply now -  buttonIf you have any content questions, please contact:Bernhard Keppler  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/16/2024Post Doc
University Assistant postdoctoral
Universität Wien, Wien
The University of Vienna is a cosmopolitan hub for  more than 10,000 employees, of whom around 7,500 work in research and teaching. They want to do research and teach at a place that suits their ideas and work together towards answering the big questions of the future. You also appreciate the exchange between disciplines, cultures and generations? We are looking for a/anUniversity Assistant postdoctoral 52 Faculty of Chemistry Job vacancy starting: 07/01/2024  | Working hours: 40,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) Limited contract until: 06/30/2027Job ID: 2155Among the many reasons to research and teach at the University of Vienna there is one in particular, which has convinced around 7,500 academic staff members so far. They see themselves as personalities who need space for continuous striving for top international research and scientific excellence. At the same time they enjoy support and liberties that are not a given at other institutions. Does that sound like something for you? Welcome to our team!Your personal sphere of play:The group of Prof. Backus at the Institute of Physical Chemistry studies structure and dynamics of molecular processes. We apply static and time-resolved vibrational spectroscopic methods. To strengthen our team, we are looking for a PostDoc for 3 years. The position is dedicated to study the structure and dynamics of water in contact with mineral interfaces both relevant for understanding atmospherically processes and for geochemistry. As such, active contribution to research is expected.Your future tasks:Active participation in research, teaching & administration, which means:Contributing to research projects and scientific studies in the field of interfacial chemistry and spectroscopyInternational publications and presentations Independently conducting teaching activities within the scope of collective bargaining regulations.Involvement in administrative tasks in research and teaching.This is part of your personality: PhD in chemistry or physicsExperience in vibrational spectroscopy and/or with molecular systems relevant for the positionExcellent command of written and spoken English and GermanAbility to work independently and collaborativelyPublications in renowned, subject-relevant peer-reviewed journalsWhat we offer:Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible working hours, remote/hybrid and/or part-time work (upon agreement).Inspiring working atmosphere: You are a part of an international academic team in a healthy and fair working environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training & Coaching: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fixed-term contract and fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 4,752,30 (14 times a year) for a period of 3 years increases if we can credit professional experience.Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!It is that easy to apply:With your letter of motivation including a short description of research interestsWith your scientific curriculum vitaeWith your list of publicationsDoctoral Degree Contact details of persons who could provide referece lettersVia our  job portal/ Apply now -  buttonIf you have any content questions, please contact:Eleonora Hendrika Gertruda Mezger-Backus  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/15/2024Post Doc
University assistant (praedoc)
Universität Wien, Wien
At the University of Vienna, over 10,000 people work together on the big questions of the future. Approximately 7,500 of them are academic staff members. These are individuals who, with their curiosity and their continuous pursuit of excellence, engage in international cutting-edge research and teaching. With us, you will also find space to unfold your potential. We are looking for a/an ...University assistant (praedoc) 49 Faculty of Social Sciences   Job vacancy starting: 10/06/2024  | Working hours: 30,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) Limited contract until: Job ID: 2219We are looking for a PhD student to join the Department of Science and Technology Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, to work in the area of Technosciences, Materiality, and Digital Cultures. Your tasks will include developing and carrying out your dissertation project, teaching, and actively participating in department activities.Your personal sphere of influence:The praedoc will join the group of University Professor Sarah R Davies, which focuses on Technosciences, Materiality, and Digital Cultures and which studies the digital as material practice in contexts in which technoscience is created or negogiated. Your planned research should fall under this theme. The Department of Science and Technology Studies is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Science and Technology Studies is a social science field with a strong interdisciplinary orientation that analyses the interactions of science, technology, and society. The department offers the English language master program 'Science, Technology, Society', as well as a number of course formats for other programs.The position is advertised to the extent of 30 hours/week (75%) for a period of four years. The anticipated start date is in October 2024.Your future tasks:The successful candidate will work on a PhD dissertation, participate in research activities of the group and department, and contribute to the organisation of the department and its teaching. You will:Design and carry out your PhD research;Collaborate with colleagues and participate in department seminars and research activities;Present your research at national and international conferences, meetings, and symposia;Teach courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement;Contribute to the organisation of department activities and processes.This is part of your personality:You have a university degree (Master or equivalent) in the Social Sciences or in another field, if the applicant can provide evidence of significant prior experience in Science and Technology Studies;You have knowledge of the theories and methods of Science and Technology Studies;You can demonstrate the ability to successfully plan, conduct, and write up research;You are motivated to contribute to innovative interdisciplinary teaching;You have excellent proficiency in English. Proficiency in German (or readiness to acquire it) is an advantage;You are interested in team work and collective research activities;You have excellent organisational skills and the capacity to make long-term plans;You are reliable and well organised.What we offer:A lively, active, and internationally oriented STS environment;Mentorship and a commitment to supportive supervision that helps you realise your research;Team culture with regular opportunities to exchange and socialise;Emphasis on work-life balance and on healthy research culture;Support and training through participation in the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences;Opportunities for internal training and coaching as well as enhancement of personal skills from the University of Vienna;The basic monthly gross salary for this advertised position currently (2024) is € 3.578,80 (full time) and will be paid 14 times a year for a period of four years (i.e., the duration of the contract). The basic salary increases if we can credit prior professional experience;Initially limited to 1.5 years, the employment is automatically extended to four years if the employer does not terminate it within the first twelve months by submitting a non-extension declaration.It is that easy to apply - with:A Curriculum Vitae; A letter of motivation specifying your capacities in the above mentioned areas of work;Your transcripts of prior academic studies; A 3-5 page outline of your proposed PhD project in Science and Technology Studies on a topic relating to Technosciences, Materiality, and Digital Cultures;A list of five key references that you think should be covered in an introductory course to Science and Technology Studies at a bachelor level, including a brief (two sentence) justification per reference;Names and contact details of two referees.If you have any questions, please contact:Sarah Davies  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/30/2024 Prae Doc
University assistant predoctoral
Universität Wien, Wien
At the University of Vienna, a community of over 10,000 individuals, including approximately 7,500 academic staff members, passionately pursuing answers to the profound questions that shape our future. They represent individuals driven by curiosity and a relentless pursuit of excellence. With us, they find the space to try things out and unfold their potential. Are you inspired by their passion and determination? We are currently seeking a/anUniversity assistant predoctoral 45 Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies  Job vacancy starting: 05/01/2024  | Working hours:  30,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) Limited contract until: 03/31/2025Job ID: 2257Among the many good reasons to want to research and teach at the University of Vienna, there is one in particular, which has convinced around 7,500 academic staff members so far. They see themselves as personalities who need space for their continuous striving and curiosity in order to be able to be scientifically successful. Does that sound like something for you? Welcome to our team!Your personal sphere of influence:We are searching for support in social science research and teaching on contemporary Japan in replacement of a colleague on research leave. As a university assistant prae doc at the Department of East Asian Studies, our highly engaged team provides you with a supportive and cooperative environment and access to our running research activities. Currently our team in Japanese Studies consists of nine academic colleagues and three working in administration. Our research mainly focusses on cultural diversity and social inequalities in contemporary Japan. We appreciate maintaining a supportive and cooperative working environment and place great emphasis on social as well as professional exchange. Learn more about us at japan.univie.ac.at.Your future tasks:You actively participate in research, teaching and administration, byManaging and organizing academic conferences and lecture seriesDeveloping new educational content in regard to the u:japan lecture databaseConducting, presenting and publishing your own researchSupporting our administrative tasksThis is part of your profile:MA degree in Japanese Studies and/or social sciences (focus of thesis research on Japan)Theoretical and methodological competencies in social sciencesYour research interests are in line with the research interests of the Department.High ability to express yourself both orally and in writingExcellent command of written and spoken German, English and JapaneseAbility to work in a teamAdditional skills and competence (desirable skills): Ideally you are experienced or versed inconducting research on Japanpublications and lectorateteaching and developing educational contentresearch data managementconference managementuniversity procedures and structuresWhat we offer:The employment duration is 11 months. Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible, family-friendly working hours, remote/hybrid and/or part-time work (upon agreement).Inspiring working atmosphere: You are a part of an international academic team in a healthy and fair working environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training & Coaching: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 3,578.80 (on a full-time basis) increases if we can credit professional experience.Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!It is that easy to apply:Letter of MotivationAcademic curriculum vitae incl. list of publicationsSample publication (if available)2 page summary of Master thesisCurrent research statementEvidence of teaching experience (if available)degree certificates Via our  job portal/ Apply now -  buttonIf you have any questions, please contact:Wolfram Manzenreiter  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/16/2024 Prae Doc
University Assistant (praedoc) - Completion Contract
Universität Wien, Wien
At the University of Vienna, over 10,000 people work together on the big questions of the future. Approximately 7,500 of them are academic staff members. These are individuals who, with their curiosity and their continuous pursuit of excellence, engage in international cutting-edge research and teaching. With us, you will also find space to unfold your potential. We are looking for a/an University Assistant (praedoc) - Completion Contract 39 Faculty of Computer Science  Job vacancy starting: 06/01/2024  | Working hours:  30,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) Limited contract until: 11/30/2024Job ID: 2283Among the many good reasons to want to research and teach at the University of Vienna, there is one in particular, which has convinced around 7,500 academic staff members so far. They see themselves as personalities who need space for their continuous striving and curiosity in order to be able to be More than 7,500 academics at the University of Vienna thrive on continuous exploration and curiosity and help us better understand our world. Does this sound like you? Then join our accomplished team! Your personal sphere of influence:The Docotoral School Computer Science DoCS (https://docs.univie.ac.at) founded in 2020 offers a structured doctoral programme that supports early-career research in the areas of Computer Science and Business Informatics. The programme includes world-leading researchers in Computer Science as supervisors and co-supervisors who pursue basic as well as applied research within an intensive doctoral teaching programme tailored to the scientific needs of students in small topical groups.The Doctoral School Computer Science provides the option of performance-based contract extensions (6 months) to doctoral students who previously had a position as university assistant (prae doc) or as third-party funded researcher (prae doc) at the University of Vienna. This completion contract is meant to support a high-qualified DoCS fellow in the final phase of the doctoral studies. The successful applicant will get a contract as university assistant (prae doc) and will be working in the research group Data Mining and Machine Learning at the Faculty of Computer Science.Your future tasks:You are actively involved in research, teaching & administration, which means:Your main task is to complete and submit your dissertation.You will meet regularly with your supervisors to prioritize your tasks and receive the necessary support to complete your dissertation successfully and on time.You will participate in the activities and workshops of your institute and the Doctoral School.You will participate in conferences and publish research results in peer-reviewed journals.You will support the teaching of the research group in the field of machine learning and the supervision of student projects.You teach courses independently in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement and supervise students.This is part of your personality:Above average Master's degree or equivalent in a relevant field of study.Excellent knowledge in the areas of Causal Machine Learning, Variational Methods in Machine Learning and Bayesian Learning (proven by publications or similar)Outstanding academic achievements, especially first publication(s) in the field of causal machine learningHigh level of motivation and commitment to successfully complete your doctoral studies within the timeframe foreseenCooperative, team-oriented and proactive behavior.High level of written and oral communication skillsExcellent knowledge of English (C1)Experience with the structures of the University of ViennaExperience in teaching, especially in the field of machine learning, as well as independent supervision of student projects in computer scienceWhat we offer:Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible working hours and can partially work remotely. Inspiring working atmosphere: You are a part of an international academic team in a healthy and fair working environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training & Coaching: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 3,578,80 (on a full-time basis) increases if we can credit professional experience.Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!It is that easy to apply:With a cover letter that briefly describes your suitability and previous knowledge with regard to the call (max. 2 pages)With your academic CV / letter of intent (including a description of your teaching experience)With a summary of your research interests/dissertation concept (max. 10 pages) including a timetable plan for the completion of your dissertationWith a list of your previous publications (incl. publications)Via our job portal / Apply now - ButtonIf you have any questions, please contact:Sebastian Tschiatschek  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/17/2024 Prae Doc
University Assistant postdoctoral
Universität Wien, Wien
 The University of Vienna is a cosmopolitan hub for  more than 10,000 employees, of whom around 7,500 work in research and teaching. They want to do research and teach at a place that suits their ideas and work together towards answering the big questions of the future. You also appreciate the exchange between disciplines, cultures and generations? We are looking for a/anUniversity Assistant postdoctoral 30 Faculty of Catholic Theology Job vacancy starting: 05/01/2024  | Working hours: 40,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) Limited contract until: 04/30/2030Job ID: 2247Explore and teach at the University of Vienna, where over 7,500 academic minds have found a unique blend of freedom and support. Join us if you're driven by a passion for top-notch international research and scientific excellence. Ready to be part of our team? Welcome aboard!Your personal sphere of play:Your future position will be at the Department of Religious Studies. We are looking for a scholar who conducts research of high-level international standing on the religious panorama of Austria in the past and present, coupled with expertise in Comparative Religion as well as profound historical knowledge of at least two religions. The postdoc will work closely with Professor Lukas K. Pokorny, and further develop the Department’s focus on “Religion in Austria”. In this respect, the candidate is required to actively engage in applying for third-party funded projects. The successful candidate will hold a PhD in Religious Studies (or a related discipline) by the start of the appointment and will be expected to contribute generally to the Department's teaching programme (according to the collective agreement), while participating in the intellectual life of the Department and the Faculty. The candidate will need to demonstrate an outstanding and sustained track record of research achievement and mobility commensurate with the level of experience that can reasonably be expected for this position.Your future tasks:You will be actively involved in research, teaching and administration: Conducting independent and high-quality Religious Studies research on the religious diversity in Austria in the past and the present.Contributing to the “Religion in Austria” research focus of the Department including, among others, its book series and online cartography project.Writing a habilitation thesis.Holding courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.Applying for third-party funded projects.Taking on advanced administrative tasks in connection with the Religious Studies program.This is part of your personality:Doctoral/PhD degree in Religious Studies (or a related discipline)Expertise in Comparative ReligionExpertise in at least two religionsExperience in university, research oriented teachingExcellent German and English skills – both written and spokenAbility to work in a team and good communication skillsWhat we offer:Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible working hours, remote/hybrid and/or part-time work (upon agreement).Inspiring working atmosphere: You are a part of an international academic team in a healthy and fair working environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training & Coaching: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fixed-term contract and fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 4,752,30 (14 times a year) for a period of 6 years increases if we can credit professional experience.Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team! It is that easy to apply:Academic Curriculum VitaeList of publicationsCopy of Doctoral Degree certificateContact details of at least 3 persons who could provide reference lettersSummary of current research interests (max. 1 p.)Outline of habilitation project (max. 1 p.)Outline of your vision for developing the “Religion in Austria” research focus (max. 1 p.)Please note that we only accept applications via our job portal / Apply now - buttonIf you have any content questions, please contact:Lukas K. Pokorny  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protection​Application deadline: 04/18/2024Post Doc
Universität Wien, Wien
At the University of Vienna more than 10,000 personalities work together towards answering the big questions of the future. Around 2,900 of them contribute to enabling excellent research and teaching through their expertise and work in administration and organisation. They know how they can work best. Flexible, remote and with as much freedom as they need to develop their potential. You know, too? We are looking for a/anOrganisationsassistent  37 Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics Job vacancy starting: 05/02/2024  | Working hours: 40,00  | Classification CBA: §54 VwGr. IIIa Limited contract until: Job ID: 2280If you are passionate about organizing and keeping track of things, and if you prefer to do so in meaningful projects, then welcome to the team! We are searching for personalities who want to use their expertise to help answer the big questions of tomorrow.Your personal sphere of influence: As an assistant in the administration team of the Department of Marketing and International Business, you carry out independently all administrative tasks relating to personnel, budget and teaching.The position is provisionally limited until 30.04.2025, with the option of being made permanent. The position can also be filled with 2 people, working either 20 or 30 hours. Your future tasks: You support the scientific staff in the organization and administration of their research and teaching activities. This means, that, among others, you organize meetings, workshops and travel activities. You support in the preparation of publications and events. You manage project budgets.You have an independent coordinating function with regards to the administrative handling of personnel agenda and the financial agendas of the department.You are the central contact person and responsible for taking care of correspondence in English and German with all interfaces (internal team, university, project partners, students, etc.).You administer job advertisements and support the hiring of new staff members throughout recruitment and onboarding processes.You accommodate and assist guest researchers and cooperation partners.You regularly update the homepage of the Department and chairs in German and English.You manage the departments's IT equipment (ordering and inventorying devices, ordering software).This is part of your personality: Several years of professional experience in office management (preferably in a scientific/university context)Graduation from a general/vocational middle or higher school (Matura or equivalent), or an apprenticeship including relevant practice in office managementExcellent MS Office skills (especially Excel and Power Point).Excellent German and English language skillsKnowledge of university-specific IT user skills in an advantage - i3V, typo 3, SAPFlexibilty and willingness to familiarize yourself with new subject areas.Working style: You like to work independently and in a structured manner, you are service-oriented and you like to find solutions. You are a team player and have a high level of social and communication skills.What we offer: Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible working hours and you can work remote/hybrid (upon agreement).Inspiring working atmosphere: You are part of a committed team with diverse university backgrounds in a relaxed work environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 2.380,2 (full-time) increases if we can credit professional experience.Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!It’s that easy to apply:With your CV  / letter of motivationGraduation certificate (Matura, ...)Further documents, if necessary.Via our job portal / apply buttonIf you have any content questions, please contact:Christoph Fuchs  [email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of  Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protectionApplication deadline: 04/18/2024 Administration & Organization
Supply Chain Manager:in Pharma (m/w/d) - Wien
Pendl & Piswanger, Wien
Unser Auftraggeber, eine regional marktführende internationale Pharma-Gruppe sucht zur Verstärkung des Teams für seine Österreichniederlassung eine:n zuverlässige:n Supply Chain Manager:in zur Betreuung der Warenein- und -ausgänge nach bzw. von Österreich sowie in Exportländer in und außerhalb der EU. Supply Chain Manager:in Pharma (m/w/d) - Wien Aufgaben: Produktbestellungen entsprechend den rollierenden Forecasts für Österreich und die betreuten Exportländer in und außerhalb der EU Aktives Lagerstandsmanagement bzw. -optimierung mit dem Ziel entsprechender Effizienz bei gleichzeitiger OOS-Vermeidung Koordination der Warenflüsse und -transporte (ex works) von den Produktionsstandorten nach Österreich oder zu den Exportdestinationen (teilweise auch über Österreich), von Bestellung über Wareneingang bis hin zur Exportfakturierung für die für den Export bestimmten Produkte Zusammenarbeit im Supply Chain Management Team bzw. mit Sales und Distributionspartnern Ihr Profil: Höhere kaufmännische oder wirtschaftliche Ausbildung Mehrjährige Erfahrung im Supply Chain Management, Erfahrung in der Pharmabranche von Vorteil, branchennahe Erfahrung (z.B. Lebensmittel, Chemie) gewünscht Gut organisierte, proaktive, sehr zuverlässige Persönlichkeit mit kaufmännischem Verständnis für die Marktversorgung bei gleichzeitiger Effizienz Teamorientierung, hands-on Mentalität und unternehmerische Einstellung Fließende Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse, weitere Fremdsprachenkenntnisse, z.B. osteuropäischer Sprachen von Vorteil Gute MS-Office Kenntnisse (v.a. Excel), Erfahrung mit ERP-SW (als Anwender) Das Angebot: Geboten wird ein Bruttomonatsgehalt ab EUR 3.500,--, je nach Erfahrung und Qualifikation mit Bereitschaft zu auch deutlicher Überzahlung sowie interessante nationale und internationale SCM Aufgabe, flache Hierarchien und eine sehr gute Unternehmenskultur sowohl in der Unternehmensgruppe als auch der Österreichniederlassung einer sehr erfolgreichen, innovativen, weiterwachsenden marktführenden Gruppe. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung zu Code A011422 an unseren zuständigen Berater Herrn Dr. Roman Seligo unter [email protected]. Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger Gesellschaft m.b.H Bartensteingasse 5 A-1010 Wien (0681) 10322185