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Azure Data Engineer (m/f/d)
Strabag AG, Vienna, Cologne, Stuttgart, Wien
STRABAG employs about 86,000 people at 2,400 locations around the world, working on progress. Our projects are characterised by their uniqueness and individual strengths, just like each and every one of us. From building construction and structural engineering, road construction and civil engineering, bridge building and tunnelling, project development, building materials production or facility management – we think ahead, and aim to become the most innovative and sustainable construction technology group in Europe. Equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion are an integral part of who we are as a company and how we operate. Together we work as partners to complete projects successfully and grow with new challenges. Together we achieve great things. Build the future with us! Apply now to become part of our team. The group unit STRABAG Innovation & Digitalisation acts as an enabler for digitalisation and development projects. In close cooperation with operational colleagues, more than 400 different innovation and digitalisation projects are driven forward. Application Services & Data Science deals with the strategic (further) development of software products as well as the future-oriented and targeted handling of data in all corporate areas. We rely on a variety of technical and strategic skills as well as diverse personalities in our teams. Analysis and integration of new data sources in the Group's central data lake in the Microsoft Azure Cloud Processing and provision of data for Data Analysts and Data Scientists Participation in the further development and operation of the central Microsoft Scale Analytics based multilevel cloud platform for STRABAG data science and data warehouse projects Work as part of the motivated, innovative SCRUM team of STRABAG Innovation & Digitalisation in close cooperation with the Data Product Managers, Cloud Engineers and Solution Architects Extensive experience with ETL processes, preferably with Microsoft Azure (Synapse Analytics Workspace) and Databricks Solid technical understanding and practical experience with modern concepts for data science applications in a cloud environment Knowledge of data modeling and proficiency in relevant technologies for data processing (e.g. SQL, Python) Team player, analytical thinking and structured way of working Very good written and spoken English diverse career opportunities career development sport activities competitive compensation employee discounts cantine health promotion employee events good transport connection Do you want to create real added value with your solutions? With us, you can expect technologically challenging projects in a dynamic environment that make a significant contribution to the company's success. Become part of a collegial, international and virtual team that works together across locations. In addition to a broad onboarding program for your future tasks, your personal and professional development is of particular importance to us. We also create a modern and flexible working environment, with mobile working being an important part of our concept. The gross annual salary for this position in Austria is starting from EUR 48,000. In addition, we offer an overpayment in line with the market depending on qualifications and experience. In Germany, the payment is governed by Bundesrahmentarifvertrag für das Baugewerbe. Please upload your application documents (CV, certificates) in English or German. We look forward to hearing from you!
Senior Scientist
Universität Wien, Wien
An der Universität Wien arbeiten über 10.000 Persönlichkeiten gemeinsam an den großen Fragen der Zukunft. Davon rund 7.500 sind in der Wissenschaft und Lehre beschäftigt, weitere 2.900 in der Administration und Organisation. Wir suchen einen*eine Senior Scientist45 Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche FakultätBesetzung ab: 01.05.2024 | Stundenausmaß: 40,00 | Einstufung KV: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc)Befristung bis: 30.04.2025Stellen ID: 2314Es gibt viele gute Gründe, an der Universität Wien forschen und lehren zu wollen. Und einen, warum sich rund 7.500 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen vor Ihnen für diese Universität entschieden haben. Sie verstehen sich als Persönlichkeiten, die Spielraum für kontinuierlichen Anspruch, internationale Spitzenforschung und wissenschaftliche Exzellenz brauchen. Und dabei Freiheiten und Services genießen, wie sie an anderen Institutionen nicht selbstverständlich sind. Das möchten Sie auch? Herzlich willkommen in unserem Team!Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:Die Stelle ist am Institut für Germanistik angesiedelt und dient dem infrastrukturellen Ausbau des Fachbereichs für "Ältere deutsche Sprache und Literatur" sowie dessen Integration in das Forschungsfeld Digital Humanities. Diese Stelle ist bis 30.04.2025 befristet. Das machen Sie konkret:Sie beteiligen sich aktiv an Forschung, Lehre & Administration, das bedeutet:Dokumentation und Unterstützung von Projekten und Projektanträgen des Fachbereichs "Ältere deutsche Sprache und Literatur" besonders im Bereich der Digital Humanities und in Kooperation mit dem CIMA (The Centre of Image and material Analysis in Cultural Heritage)Aufbau und Pflege einer Dateninfrastruktur im Bereich von digitalen ProjektenRedaktionelle Arbeit und Datenpflege im Rahmen der Digitalen Verfasserdatenbank (de Gruyter)Mitwirkung an und Aufbau von VerbundprojektenInternationale Publikations- und VortragstätigkeitProjektbeantragung und DrittmitteleinwerbungSelbständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen im Bereich der "Älteren deutschen Sprache und Literatur"StudierendenbetreuungPrüfungstätigkeitMitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der QualitätssicherungMitarbeit in Forschung, Lehre und AdministrationDas gehört zu Ihrer Persönlichkeit:Abgeschlossenes Doktorats-/PhD-Studium der Fachrichtung Älteren deutschen Sprache und Literatur, im Bereich des Spätmittelalters oder eines verwandten Faches mit philologisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher KomponenteErfahrung im Umgang mit mittelalterlichen Handschriften, Inkunabeln und Frühdrucken, sowie deren digitaler AufarbeitungFachliche, methodische und didaktische KompetenzenHohe schriftliche und mündliche AusdrucksfähigkeitSehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftGute Deutschkenntnisse für die StudienadministrationAnwender*innenkenntnisse im Bereich der DatenpflegeTeamfähigkeitErwartet werden: Lehrerfahrung/Erfahrung mit E-Learning, Erfahrung in der Mitwirkung an Forschungsprojekten, Publikationen in renommierten, facheinschlägigen Medien (peer-reviewed) je nach fachlichen Standards)Wünschenswert sind: Universitäre Ausbildung im Bereich Informations- und DatenverarbeitungKenntnis universitärer Abläufe und StrukturenAuslandserfahrungErfahrungen in der StudienbetreuungWas wir bieten:Work-Life-Balance: Sie haben flexible Arbeitszeiten und können teilweise remote (in Absprache) arbeiten.Inspirierendes Arbeitsklima: Sie sind Teil eines internationalen Teams mit hervorragender Forschungsinfrastruktur in einer lockeren Arbeitsumgebung.Gute öffentliche Anbindung: Ihr neuer Arbeitsplatz ist mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln bequem erreichbar.Interne Weiterbildung und Coaching: Wir bieten Ihnen laufend die Möglichkeit, Ihre Kompetenzen zu vertiefen.Befristeter Vertrag und faires Gehalt: Das Grundgehalt von EUR 4.351,90 (14 x jährlich für Senior Scientists Postdoc)  erhöht sich, wenn wir Berufserfahrungen anrechnen können.Die Stelle ist zunächst auf ein Jahr befristet, mit Option auf Entfristung.Gleiche Chancen für alle: Wir freuen uns über jede zusätzliche Persönlichkeit im Team!So einfach bewerben Sie sich:MotivationsschreibenMit Ihrem wissenschaftlichen Lebenslauf / Letter of intentMit Ihrer Publikationsliste, Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen , Liste der VortragstätigkeitenMit einer Beschreibung der Forschungsinteressen und Forschungspläne/ggf. das HabilitationsvorhabensKontaktdetails von Personen für ReferenzenBescheid über abgeschlossenes Dokorats-/PhD Studium Bescheide über relevante abgeschlossene StudienÜber unser Jobportal / Jetzt Bewerben - ButtonBei inhaltlichen Fragen kontaktieren Sie bitte:Stephan Mü[email protected] freuen uns über neue Persönlichkeiten in unserem Team! Die Universität Wien betreibt eine antidiskriminatorische Anstellungspolitik und legt Wert auf Chancengleichheit, Frauenförderung und Diversität. Wir streben eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils beim wissenschaftlichen und allgemeinen Universitätspersonal insbesondere in Leitungsfunktionen an und fordern daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Bei gleicher Qualifikation werden Frauen vorrangig aufgenommen. Universität Wien. Raum für Persönlichkeiten. Seit 1365.DatenschutzerklärungBewerbungsfrist: 27.04.2024
Senior Scientist
Universität Wien, Wien
At the University of Vienna more than 10,000 personalities work together towards answering the big questions of the future. Around 7,500 of them do research and teaching, around 2,900 work in administration and organisation. We are looking for a/anSenior Scientist  45 Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies Job vacancy starting: 05/01/2024  | Working hours: 40,00  | Classification CBA: §48 VwGr. B1 lit. b (postdoc) Limited contract until: 04/30/2025Job ID: 2314Among the many reasons to research and teach at the University of Vienna there is one in particular, which has convinced around 7,500 academic staff members so far. They see themselves as personalities who need space for continuous striving for top international research and scientific excellence. At the same time they enjoy support and liberties that are not a given at other institutions. Does that sound like something for you? Welcome to our team!Your personal sphere of play:The position is located at the Department of  German Studies and serves the infrastructural expansion of the field of "Early German Language and Literature" as well as its integration into the research area of Digital Humanities. This position is limited until 30.04.2025.Your future tasks:Active participation in research, teaching & administration, which means:Documentation and support of projects and project proposals in the field "Early German Language and Literature" especially in the area of Digital Humanities and in cooperation with CIMA (The Centre of Image and material Analysis in Cultural Heritage)Development and maintenance of a data infrastructure in digital projectsEditorial work and data maintenance within the framework of the Digitales Verfasserlexikon (de Gruyter)Participation in, and development of collaborative projectsInternational publications and presentationsProject applications and acquisition of third-party fundingTeaching courses independently in the field of "Early German Language and Literature" within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreementStudent supervisionExamination activitiesParticipation in evaluation measures and in quality assuranceCollaboration in administrative tasks as well as research and  teaching.This is part of your personality:  Completed doctoral/PhD studies in the field of Early German Language and Literature, in the field of (later) Medieval Studies or a related subject with a philological/cultural studies component Experience in dealing with medieval manuscripts, incunabula and early prints, as well as their digital processing Professional, methodological and didactic skills High level of written and oral communication skills Very good written and spoken English skills Good knowledge of German for study administration User knowledge of data management Ability to work in a team You are expected to have: Teaching experience/experience with e-learning, experience in participating in research projects, publications in renowned, subject-relevant media (peer-reviewed), depending on subject-specific standards) Preferably, you have: a university education in the field of information and data processing Knowledge of university processes and structures Work experience abroad Experience in student supervisionWhat we offer:Work-life balance: Our employees enjoy flexible working hours, remote/hybrid and/or part-time work (upon agreement).Inspiring working atmosphere: You are a part of an international academic team in a healthy and fair working environment.Good public transport connections: Your workplace in the center of beautiful Vienna is easily accessible by public transport.Internal further training & Coaching: Opportunity to deepen your skills on an ongoing basis. There are over 600 courses to choose from – free of charge.Fixed-term contract and fair salary: The basic salary of EUR 4,351.90 (14 times a year for senior scientists postdoctoral)  increases, if we can credit professional experience.Equal opportunities for everyone: We look forward to diverse personalities in the team!The position is initially limited to 1 year, with the option of permanent employment.It is that easy to apply:Your letter of motivationYour scientific CV/letter of intentYour list of publications, list of courses, list of academic presentationsA description of your research interests and research plans / habilitation project, if applicableContact details of persons who could provide referece lettersOfficial notification of completed doctoral/PhD studiesCertificates of relevant completed studiesVia our  job portal/ Apply now -  buttonIf you have any content questions, please contact:Stephan Mü[email protected] look forward to new personalities in our team! The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. We lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in senior and in academic positions among the academic and general university staff and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates.University of  Vienna. Space for personalities. Since 1365.Data protectionApplication deadline: 04/27/2024 
Universitätsassistent_in Laufbahnstelle
Technische Universität Wien, Wien
TU-ID: 164 | 2024 | 14 | 231211Assistant Professorship (all genders) - Tenure TrackIn-situ analyics of materialsTU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society. At the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, in the Research Group for Solid State Ionics TU Wien is offering the following tenure track position for 40 hours/week. Expected start: June 2024.The position is initially limited to a period of six years, but the candidate and TU Wien can agree upon a tenure evaluation, which when positive, opens the possibility to change the position to Associate Professor with an unlimited contract.The tenure-track position is affiliated with the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics. Duties include research and teaching duties in the field of chemically oriented materials science. The focus of research should be on the usage of surface-analytical methods (e.g. XPS, AES) for investigating chemical processes in and on inorganic materials, with emphasis on materials for (electro-)chemical energy conversion and storage technologies. Intensive participation in the activities of the FWF-Cluster-of-Excellence (COE) „Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage“ (MECS) is aimed at.Tasks:Research:In-situ and operando investigations of chemical processes in/on inorganic materials with emphasis on the investigation of processes being relevant for energy conversion and energy storage technologiesFurther development of measurement techniques and experimental approaches for such investigations, particularly for XPS und AES-based measurements Dissemination of research results; organization of outreach activities as well as of scientific meetings/symposiaAdministrative and operative tasks in the research division and faculty Teaching: It is expected to teach both lectures and laboratory exercises (or parts of them) in physical chemistry, electrochemistry and materials science. It should be noted that at TU Wien, Bachelor teaching is currently done in German and appropriate language skills are requiredYour profile:A complete domestic or equivalent foreign university education with a doctorate in Chemistry, Materials Science or a related disciplineExperience as a postdoctoral researcher abroadExcellent German and English language skillsExtensive experience in surface analytical measurements, particularly in the development and conduction of XPS measurements on inorganic materials with emphasis on in-situ/operando studies Excellent knowledge in materials properties for (electro-) chemical energy conversion and storageOutstanding achievements and potential in research, demonstrated by an excellent publication record and international reputation, including lecture and presentation recordExperience in the conception, implementation and management of research projects (acquisition of competitively awarded third-party funds)Relevant teaching experience in academic teaching within the field of physical chemistry and materials science, proven experience in (co-) supervision of academic theses, ideally experience in the junior staff development with respect to the Career Advancement Plan for Women at TU WienWillingness to lead a research group as well as to take on leadership roles within the organizational structure; organizational aptitude and ability to work in a team as well as excellent communication skillsWe offer:A wide variety and exciting range of tasks in a collegial teamHybrid working style with up to 60% home office optionA range of attractive social benefits (see Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)Wide range of internal and external training opportunities, various career optionsCentral location of workplace as well as good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)TU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter. The employment starts as University Assistant with a minimum salary of EUR 4,752.30 gross (14 x per year) according to the collective bargaining agreement for a PostDoc. After signing the qualification agreement, the employment continues as Assistant Professor with a minimum salary of EUR 5,595.60 gross (14 x per year).We look forward to receiving your application until May 2nd, 2024.Applications (in English) should include at least:Curriculum vitaeMotivation letterList of scientific achievementsList of experience and activities in academic teaching and supervision of young scientistsConcept for future plans in research and teaching and contributions to the scientific profile of the faculty and universityCertificates of doctoral and diploma degrees (copies) (upload it under the category: +add more documents)Proof of the acquisition of third-party funds (upload it under the category: +add more documents)Two rough concepts for project ideas (approx. 2 pages each), which substantiate and document further plans and potential with regard to competitive third-party funding (upload it under the category: +add more documents)If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact usCarmen Keck | T: +43 1 588 01 406201Here you can find also relevant information about the application process. Technology for People Furthermore, please note that applicants will not normally be reimbursed for travel costs incurred in connection with this admission process.
Universitätsassistent_in Laufbahnstelle
Technische Universität Wien, Wien
TU-ID: 165 | 2024 | 14 | 230930Assistant Professorship (all genders) - Tenure TrackMicrokinetic Modelling in CatalysisTU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society. At the Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien is offering the following tenure track position for 40 hours/week. Expected start: 02.09.2024.The position is initially limited to a period of six years, but the candidate and TU Wien can agree upon a tenure evaluation, which when positive, opens the possibility to change the position to Associate Professor with an unlimited contract.The tenure-track position is affiliated to the Institute of Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Division. Duties include research and teaching in the field of microkinetic modelling and computational chemistry. The focus of research should be on the description and kinetic analysis of catalytic reactions, based on simulations as well as experimental operando studies.Tasks:Research:Modelling of catalytic reactions at nanoparticles, thin films, extended metal surfaces, alloys, complex oxides (and their combination).Close involvement in experimental measurements, especially synchrotron beamtimes.Development of microkinetic models for the improved interpretation and verification of operando measurements.Timely modelling of reaction mechanisms to enable knowledge-based optimization of catalystsSupport catalyst development by developing predictive modelsMaterials discovery for energy applicationsDissemination of research results; organisation of scientific meetings/symposia as well as outreach activitiesAdministration: Participation in university self-governmentTeaching:Evaluated academic teaching experienceCovering of parts of the chemistry lectures in the Bachelor curriculum of technical chemistry as well as lab coursesCovering of all classes and lab courses in Physical Chemistry/ Materials Chemistry of the Master in Technical Chemistry. It should be noted that at TU Vienna, Bachelor teaching is currently done in German and appropriate language skills are requiredInvolvement in the basic and research-driven classes as well as experience in the guidance of Bachelor, Master, and PhD studentsWillingness to collaborate with other groups at TU Vienna in research and teaching requirements as well as in the acquisition of fundingYour profile:A complete domestic or equivalent foreign university education with a doctorate in Chemistry or Technical Chemistry and experience as a postdoctoral researcher in Technical Chemistry or ChemistryProven expertise in simulating reactions based on kinetic modelling based on predicted catalytic mechanismsProven expertise in the microkinetic modelling of catalyzed reactions, in basic research as well as in applied research. Competence in the conceptualization and development of projects that harness advantages of the combination experiment and simulationTrack record of acquiring external funding in a competitive field and successful project managementScientific research experience in a foreign country (preferably at postdoc level or higher)Outstanding achievements and potential in research, excellent publication record, and international reputation (lecture and presentation record, national and international research collaborations). Scientific publication activity in the international literature on the required research topics (see above, first or leading authorship in at least 10 original papers)Experience in academic teaching and supervising or co-supervising of academic theses, ideally experience in mentorinig of young (female) scientistsWillingness to lead a research group as well as to take on leadership roles within the organisational structure; organisational aptitude and ability to work in a team as well as excellent communication skillsRelevant teaching experience in academic teaching in lectures and laboratory exercises, organisation and management of courses (e.g. laboratory exercises), proven experience in (co-) supervision of academic thesesExcellent German and English language skillsWe offer:A wide variety and exciting range of tasks in a collegial teamHybrid working style with up to 60% home office optionA range of attractive social benefits (see Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)Wide range of internal and external training opportunities, various career optionsCentral location of workplace as well as good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)TU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter. The employment starts as University Assistant with a minimum salary of EUR 4,752.30 gross (14 x per year) according to the collective bargaining agreement for a PostDoc. After signing the qualification agreement, the employment continues as Assistant Professor with a minimum salary of EUR 5,595.60 gross (14 x per year).We look forward to receiving your application until May 02nd, 2024 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact usCarmen Keck | T: +43 1 588 01 406201Here you can find also relevant information about the application process. Technology for People Furthermore, please note that applicants will not normally be reimbursed for travel costs incurred in connection with this admission process.
Technische Universität Wien, Wien
TU-ID: 150 | 2024 | 14 | 231213University Professor (all genders)Specialist field of Chemische WerkstofftechnologieTU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society. At the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at TU Wien, the position of a University Professor in the field of Chemische Werkstofftechnologie with permanent (full-time) contractual employment is to be filled as of January 2025.This is a professorship regulated by § 98 of the 2002 Universities Act (UG).The position as professor for Chemische Werkstofftechnologie has been allocated in TU Wien's development plan to the following TU Focal Area(s) of Research: Materials and Matter.Professional focus:At the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at TU Wien, the subject of Chemical Technology of Materials is to be strengthened and expanded by a professorship. The main focus will be on the chemical aspects of the production of inorganic materials (including synthesis from raw materials and processing), the chemical and structural changes during use up to the end of the utilisation cycle and their reintegration into the materials cycle after use. On the one hand, the professorship will be required to conduct basic technological research in this area, but will also be a partner to Austrian and international industry, which is very strong in these areas, in order to be able to carry out the necessary transformation processes (especially in the context of the energy transition and sustainable development). The professorship should not be restricted in terms of the class of materials, as long as they are inorganic materials.Potential, future-orientated topics for this professorship could therefore beDisruptive, unconventional inorganic-chemical technologies with the overarching goal of drastically reducing CO2 emissions and resource-efficient productionUse of new and future digital tools in the field of materials research (AI/machine learning, digital twinning of material development and manufacturing processes)"High-throughput processing" for alloy development, upscaling to industrial dimensionsMaterials for use in extreme conditions (energy conversion, energy generation, aerospace applications, etc.)Materials for H2 conversion, storage and transport technologyDevelopment of materials for energy generation and storage, carbon/CO2 capture and utilisation (CCS/CCU)Reducing Europe's dependence on raw materials by reintegrating materials into the material cycleExtending the life cycles of materials and products, taking into account the complexity of interactions Synergies in the utilisation of existing analytical instruments, measuring devices and technical equipment are highly desirable, as is the contribution of know-how not available at TU Wien and the development of new methods.We are therefore looking for a person with an excellent academic profile and relevant experience in one or more of the above-mentioned subject areas, who is able to help shape the research and teaching profile of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry in the field of Chemical Technology of Materials and expand it to include new, promising areas of specialisation.In addition to research, the tasks of a university professor at TU Wien also include teaching (in German and English) in Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programmes (within the faculty, between faculties, and also within the framework of cross-university cooperative curricula) as well as participation in the management of the institute and the faculty. Teaching duties include representing the subject of Chemical Technology of Materials in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes as well as holding lectures and laboratory exercises on subject-related topics in the degree programmes of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry.On the one hand, the professorship is embedded in the TU-wide research focus "Materials and Matter" with its eight research fields, and on the other hand it is closely linked to the Faculty of Technical Chemistry through the faculty focus "Chemistry and Technology of Materials".At institute and faculty level, potential synergies include the subject areas of Applied Solid State Chemistry (E164), Theoretical (Solid State) Chemistry (E165), Technical Electrochemistry (E164), (Molecular) Materials Chemistry (E165), Analytical Chemistry (E164), but possibly also the area of recycling-based circular economy (E166). Further extensive opportunities for cooperation may arise with the departments of other faculties that are heavily involved in the properties and use of materials, e.g., Materials Science and Materials Engineering (E308), Applied Physics (E134), Solid State Electronics (E362), Mechanics of Materials and Structures (E202) or Sensor and Actuator Systems (E366).The TUW's technically well-equipped X-Ray Centre (XRC) and the wide range of surface analysis methods at the Analytical Instrumentation Center AIC (XPS, AES and others in the ELSA cluster) as well as the University Centre for Transmission Electron Microscopy (USTEM) are also potentially highly relevant for the new professorship.Your profile:Completed doctoral or PhD studies in the relevant subject from a domestic or equivalent foreign university or research institution or achievement of an equivalent scientific qualificationThe qualification for teaching (venia docendi) acquired at a domestic or equivalent foreign university or an academic qualification recognisable as being equivalent to the venia docendiHigh scientific reputation, proven by publications in internationally prestigious scientific journals, patents, scientific lectures, editorial and expert work, organization of conferences, awards etc.Ability to form networks, proven e.g., by extended relevant stays abroad and/or through cooperation with foreign and domestic universities and research institutionsExperience in the acquisition, execution and management of research projectsThe ability and willingness to manage a research division or a research groupPedagogic and didactic suitability for academic teaching in the relevant subject in German and EnglishExperience in the supervision of scientific work of studentsThe prospective position holder has social and gender competence and experience in the promotion of young researchers and the advancement of female students/colleagues/ employees. (In the course of the advanced selection process, a professionally accompanied survey of social skills will take place).Willingness to move the centre of life to Vienna (On-site presence)In case there is no adequate knowledge of German, willingness to quickly learn German is presupposed for teaching in bachelor programmes and participation in management of the institute and the faculty as well as in university bodiesWe offer:Excellent working conditions in an attractive research environmentAttractive compensation and further benefits (see also: Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)Financial support of research activities in the first years (e.g. equipment endowment/ start-up funds)Support in moving to ViennaDual career advice offers partners and families of the university professors appointed to TU Wien various support opportunities tailored to their individual situationAn employee-friendly environment in a city with an extraordinary high quality of lifeTU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter. Classification in the A1 category of the collective bargaining agreement for employees of universities and a full-time minimum salary of EUR 89.075.00 gross annual is provided for. Furthermore, on top of the employee benefit fund, a company pension scheme will be set up for employees, depending on the duration of their employment, with the result that personnel benefits will increase. A higher salary depending on qualifications and experience is subject of appointment negotiations as well as detailed information about benefits.General information can be found at the following links: Faculty https://www.tuwien.at/tchInstitute https://www.tuwien.at/tch/ctaInformation about professorships and appointment procedures: Appointment ServiceWe look forward to receiving your complete application documents by May 23th, 2024.Applications in English must include at least the following documents: A detailed curriculum vitae (complete with professional and academic background)A short letter of motivationA presentation of previous academic activities including a survey of research and development projects carried out and of funding/grants raised (volume, duration, funding body etc), a list of patents, editorial and expert work, organized conferences and awards etc. as well as a list of lecturing and teaching activities evidenced by a list of the university courses held so far, a list of supervised scientific works of students and a list of invited lecturesA list of publications (including a link to a unique research identifier like ORCID) and copies of the five most important publicationsA research as well as a teaching concept with considerations on the future positioning and further development of the fieldRelevant certificates and official letters should be uploaded under the category: +add more documentsA data fact sheet should be uploaded under the category: +add more documents   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact usApplication Management:Phone: +43 (1) 588 01 406201 Carmen Keck, Informations of the application processFaculty of Technical Chemistry:Phone: +43 (1) 588 01 ext. 15001 Dean Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marko MihovilovicPhone: +43 (1) 588 01 ext. 15002 Dean´s Office Sabrina LamprechtAppointment Service: Information about on-going appointment procedures Technology for People