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Senior Data Scientist (m/w/d)
CRIF GmbH, Wien
CRIF ist ein Technologieunternehmen mit mehr als 70 Niederlassungen in über 35 Ländern auf vier Kontinenten. Der Fokus der Leistungen von CRIF liegt auf datenbasierten Lösungen für Identitäts-, Risikomanagement, Betrugsvermeidung und Digitalisierung. CRIF zählt rund 10.500 Finanzinstitute, über 1.000 Versicherungen und 82.000 Unternehmen zu seinen Kunden. Wir vereinen das Beste aus zwei Welten: innovative Technologie mit bester Information & Analytics. Unsere Lösungen schaffen einen Mehrwert und Vorsprung in der Digitalisierung der Customer Journey. Senior Data Scientist (m/w/d)Deine Aufgaben umfassen ein breites Spektrum im Bereich Data Science, unter anderem mathematische Modellentwicklung, insbesondere in den Bereichen Risikomanagement, dynamische Preisbildung, Bonität und Betrugsvermeidung, selbstständige Abwicklung von analytischen Projekten sowohl intern als auch mit und für Kunden, Aufbereitung von Business Cases inkl. Vorstellung der erzielten Ergebnisse und Mehrwerte bei Kunden, laufendes Monitoring der Performance von Modellen in unseren Kernprodukten, Pflege und Weiterentwicklung von Datenpipelines für den laufenden Betrieb sowie aktiver Austausch zu Best Practices mit (Fach-)KollegInnen im In- und Ausland. Deine Aufgaben bearbeitest du in enger Abstimmung mit den Bereichen Sales, Produktmanagement und Datenmanagement, insbesondere aber mit deinen KollegInnen im Bereich Analytics. Mindestens 3 Jahre Erfahrung in einer vergleichbaren Position. Abgeschlossene, quantitative akademische Ausbildung mit Schwerpunkt Modellentwicklung Praktische Erfahrung in der Modellentwicklung ist in zumindest einem der Bereiche Machine Learning, Scorecard-Entwicklung, Klassifikationsmodelle und/oder diskrete Optimierung Fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in zumindest einem der folgenden Bereiche: SQL, Python (inkl. einschlägiger Packages), R Vorzugsweise Erfahrung in Projekten mit direktem Kundenkontakt Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Möglichkeit zu Homeoffice Modernes und repräsentatives Büro in zentraler Lage Wiens Flache Hierarchien und kurze Entscheidungswege Internationale und trotzdem familiäre Unternehmenskultur Zahlreiche Mitarbeiter Events (z.B.: Partys, Business Run) Eigenverantwortliches und dynamisches Arbeitsumfeld Energietanken mit einem Kaffee auf unserer Dachterrasse Möglichkeit zur individuellen Weiterbildung Zahlreiche weitere Mitarbeiter-Incentives (Wiener Linien Ticket, 5% des Fixgehaltes als private Pensionsversicherung, uvm.) Aufgrund der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen sind wir verpflichtet ein Mindestgehalt im Inserat anzugeben. Dieses liegt lt. IT-Kollektivvertrag bei ca. € 65.000,- Jahresgehalt. Das tatsächliche Gehalt wird, gemessen an deiner Qualifikation, im Bewerbungsprozess definiert. Wir freuen uns darauf dich persönliche kennen zu lernen und gemeinsam über deine Einstiegs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten bei CRIF zu sprechen!
Data Scientist Finance & Commercial (m/w/d)
voestalpine group-IT GmbH, Bruck an der Mur, Kapfenberg, Leoben, Mürzzuschlag ...
Data Scientist Finance & Commercial (m/w/d)Job-ID:V000008705Einsatzort: Bruck an der Mur, Kapfenberg, Leoben, Mürzzuschlag, Zeltweg, Linz, Wien, Böhlerwerk, Krems,Zeitpunkt: ehestmöglichArt der Anstellung: VollzeitIhre Aufgaben:Als Teil eines globalen Teams sind Sie als Data Scientist (m/w/d) innerhalb der group-IT zuständigSie wirken maßgeblich bei der Datenarchitektur der innerbetrieblichen Kosten- und Leistungsverrechnungen sowie der Umlagen mitNeben dem effizienten Aufbau der Datenstruktur für regelmäßiges Reporting sind Sie für die Ausarbeitung von Datendesign für neue Analyseanfragen verantwortlichSie bereiten die Datenstruktur und das Design der KPIs für das Management aufSie bringen Erfahrungen im Bereich Power-BI mit und können diese in die Weiterentwicklung PowerBIs in der group-IT einbringenSie bauen Abweichungsanalysen und Root-Cause Analysen aufSie unterstützen bei Umbau des Kosten- und Erlösmodels in neuen StrukturenSie sind gewillt Prozesse und Datenmodelle im Bereich Finance & Commercial weiterzuentwickeln bzw. neu zu implementierenIhr Profil:Abgeschlossenes Fachhochschul-/Universitäts-Studium mit kaufmännischem oder (Wirtschafts-) Informatik Schwerpunkt und mind. 5 Jahre BerufserfahrungVersierte Kenntnisse in Kostenrechnung und HerstellkostenkalkulationErfahrung in der Definition und Erstellung von Key Performance IndikatorenErfahrung in der Aufbereitung von Analysen für das ManagementFähigkeit in verschiedenen ERP- und BI-Systemen zu arbeitenSehr gute IT-Kenntnisse: MS-Office, SAP Modul FI & CO und Power-BIControlling-Erfahrung in der IT- oder Industriebranche von VorteilSehr gute Ausdrucksweise und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und SchriftTeamfähig – für reibungslose Abstimmungsprozesse mit den Kolleg:innenAnalytisches Denken – um aus komplexen Sachverhalten nachvollziehbare Lösungen entwickelnEigenständigkeit – Proaktive und selbstständige Arbeitsweise im TagesgeschäftDas bieten wir:Entgelt und Benefits: Das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt für diesen Arbeitsplatz beträgt € 4.346,00 brutto (14 mal p.a.). Die tatsächliche Bezahlung ist von der jeweiligen Qualifikation bzw. Berufserfahrung abhängig. Zudem bieten wir folgende Benefits:Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung (ohne Kernzeiten)Home Office (bis zu 3 Tagen pro Woche nach der Einschulungsphase)Mitarbeiterbeteiligung in Form von Aktien und ErfolgsprämieKantine bzw. Essensgutscheine (Standortabhängig)Familienfreundlicher ArbeitgeberUnd viele mehrNach intensiver Einarbeitung on-the-job werden Sie sukzessive kleinere Projekte betreuen und hierbei eigene Schwerpunkte bilden. Wir eröffnen Ihnen die Möglichkeit, als kompetente:r Business Partner:in vielfältige Aufgaben und Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Wir geben Ihnen Gelegenheit, Ihr kommunikatives Geschick einzubringen, um mit strategischem Weitblick die Unternehmensprozesse aktiv mitzugestalten.  voestalpine bietet seinen Mitarbeitenden ein attraktives und wertschätzendes Arbeitsumfeld: Wir unterstützen mit umfangreicher Einarbeitungsphase, regelmäßiger Weiterbildung, flexiblen Arbeitszeitmodellen und jährlichem Mitarbeitergespräch zwischen Mitarbeitenden und Führungskraft. Wir ermöglichen zahlreiche Vergünstigungen bei unterschiedlichen Handelspartnern und bei gutem Geschäftserfolg erhalten alle Mitarbeitenden einmal pro Jahr eine Erfolgsprämie zusätzlich. Die voestalpine-Mitarbeiterbeteiligung liegt uns jedoch besonders am Herzen: Damit sind unsere Mitarbeitenden am Unternehmen beteiligt und halten derzeit rund 14 % der Aktien.Dass die voestalpine heute ein führender Stahl- und Technologiekonzern ist, verdankt sie vor allem den rund 51.200 Mitarbeitenden. Wir arbeiten permanent an einem modernen Arbeitsumfeld, das Vielfalt, Chancengleichheit und Freude an Innovationen wertschätzt. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess finden Sie auf der ersten Seite des Bewerbungsbogens und im Bereich „FAQs zur Bewerbung“.Bitte nutzen Sie bevorzugt unseren Online-Bewerbungsbogen. Mit dem „CV-Parsing-Tool“ geht Ihre Bewerbung noch schneller - damit können Sie Daten aus Ihrem Lebenslauf im Bewerbungsbogen bereits vorbefüllen.Das sind wir:Wir – die voestalpine group-IT GmbH – sind wichtiger IT-Partner im voestalpine Konzern, der mit greentec Steel nachhaltig auf CO2-Reduktion setzt. Darüber hinaus betreuen wir über 300 Konzerngesellschaften weltweit und schaffen so gemeinsam das Fundament für Innovation. Unser diversifiziertes Leistungsportfolio – von der Computermaus bis zur End-to-End-Prozessautomatisierung – sowie unsere globale Nähe zum Business zeichnen uns aus.Weitere Informationen zum Unternehmen finden Sie auf unserer Website unter: https://www.voestalpine.com/group-it/de/Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Assistant Professorship (all genders) - Tenure Track
Technische Universität Wien, Wien
TU-ID: 194 | 2024 | 14 | 230931Assistant Professorship (all genders) - Tenure Trackfor the specialised field of Recommender SystemsTU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society. The Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien invites applications for a full time Assistant Professor position with tenure track. The position has a focus on Recommender Systems and is affiliated with the Institute of Information Systems Engineering, Research Unit Data Science. The estimated starting date is May 2024. The work contract is initially limited to six years. The candidate and TU Wien can agree upon a tenure evaluation, which when positive, opens the possibility to change the position to Associate Professor with an unlimited contract.TU Wien is among the most successful technical universities in Europe and it is Austria’s largest scientific-technical research and educational institution. The Faculty of Informatics, one of the eight faculties at TU Wien, plays an active role in national and international research and has an excellent reputation. The main areas of research include Computer Engineering, Logic and Computation, Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, as well as Information Systems Engineering.Tasks:We invite applications from candidates with a focus on Recommender Systems, which encompass software tools and techniques that offer personalized suggestions to users, facilitating information retrieval and product search activities. The rapid rise of online platforms using recommender systems has sparked increasing debate about their influence and potential drawbacks. This includes concerns such as filter bubbles, echo chambers, fake news, and micro-targeting, with some attributing responsibility to personalization and recommender systems for these issues. Increased user awareness of inherent biases in these systems has led to a call for solutions that reduce bias and prioritize meaningful interactions over simplistic engagement metrics. Additionally, users often perceive recommendations as overly simplistic and lacking depth, particularly in domains like media, leisure, and lifestyle, where emotional factors heavily influence decision-making. The candidate will strengthen our Informatics research and education in the Data Science Research Unit, focusing on designing approaches that cater to the unique preferences and needs of diverse users and communities. This involves creating evaluation metrics beyond mere accuracy, considering novelty, diversity, and serendipity. Candidates should also propose nuanced user models that take into account social relationships among users, while mitigating inherent biases in these systems. Additionally, we encourage applicants to integrate emerging technologies like Generative AI into their Recommender Systems research, using innovative methods to improve recommendation quality and user experience. However, critical reflection is essential and should encompass the ethical implications, potential biases, and societal impacts of these technologies. The research conducted should be situated within the broader framework of Digital Humanism, ensuring that technological advancements remain aligned with human interests and values. We are particularly interested in candidates who will complement our existing expertise and lead to fruitful collaborations not only with other members of the Faculty of Informatics but with TU Wien as a whole.  Besides research, the duties of an Assistant Professor at TU Wien include graduate and undergraduate teaching (in English and German) as well as contributing to usual management and faculty service tasks. We expect the position holder to provide leadership in delivering and developing the Master program Data Science as well as to teach courses in this program and in the other programs of the Faculty of Informatics.Your profile:EssentialPhD or doctoral degree in Computer Science or related subjectsPost-doctoral experience at a university or other research institutionOutstanding research and publication recordExcellent reputation in the international scientific communityExperience in raising research funds and managing scientific research projects, in particular the acquisition and positive 2-year evaluation of a Christian Doppler Laboratory in the relevant scientific areaExperience in outreach activities, in particular on the topic of Digital HumanismExperience in university teachingPedagogic and didactic skillsAdministrative and organizational skillsDesirableLeadership skills and experienceExperiences in inter- and trans-disciplinary researchGender sensitivity and social skillsIf the candidate’s knowledge of German is not sufficient, the willingness to learn German is expectedWe offer:Excellent working conditions in an attractive research environmentAn attractive salary, including additional contributions to a pension fundSupport for relocating to Vienna (if required)A position in a city with an exceptional quality of lifeCentral location of workplace with very good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)Additional benefits for employees can be found at the following link: Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien General information can be found at the following links:TU WienFaculty of InformaticsThe 4 research foci of the Faculty of InformaticsInstitute of Information Systems EngineeringData Science Research UnitTU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter. The employment starts as University Assistant with a minimum salary of EUR 4,752.30 gross (14 x per year) according to the collective bargaining agreement for a PostDoc. After signing the qualification agreement, the employment continues as Assistant Professor with a minimum salary of EUR 5,595.60 gross (14 x per year).We look forward to receiving your application until May 2nd, 2024.Applications have to include the following documents:A detailed curriculum vitaeA list of publicationsA letter of motivationA teaching statementA research statementCertificates of doctoral and diploma degrees should be uploaded under the category: +add more documents If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact usCarmen Keck | T: +43 1 588 01 406201Here you can find also relevant information about the application process. Technology for People Furthermore, please note that applicants will not normally be reimbursed for travel costs incurred in connection with this admission process.
Universitätsassistent_in Laufbahnstelle
Technische Universität Wien, Wien
TU-ID: 164 | 2024 | 14 | 231211Assistant Professorship (all genders) - Tenure TrackIn-situ analyics of materialsTU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society. At the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, in the Research Group for Solid State Ionics TU Wien is offering the following tenure track position for 40 hours/week. Expected start: June 2024.The position is initially limited to a period of six years, but the candidate and TU Wien can agree upon a tenure evaluation, which when positive, opens the possibility to change the position to Associate Professor with an unlimited contract.The tenure-track position is affiliated with the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics. Duties include research and teaching duties in the field of chemically oriented materials science. The focus of research should be on the usage of surface-analytical methods (e.g. XPS, AES) for investigating chemical processes in and on inorganic materials, with emphasis on materials for (electro-)chemical energy conversion and storage technologies. Intensive participation in the activities of the FWF-Cluster-of-Excellence (COE) „Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage“ (MECS) is aimed at.Tasks:Research:In-situ and operando investigations of chemical processes in/on inorganic materials with emphasis on the investigation of processes being relevant for energy conversion and energy storage technologiesFurther development of measurement techniques and experimental approaches for such investigations, particularly for XPS und AES-based measurements Dissemination of research results; organization of outreach activities as well as of scientific meetings/symposiaAdministrative and operative tasks in the research division and faculty Teaching: It is expected to teach both lectures and laboratory exercises (or parts of them) in physical chemistry, electrochemistry and materials science. It should be noted that at TU Wien, Bachelor teaching is currently done in German and appropriate language skills are requiredYour profile:A complete domestic or equivalent foreign university education with a doctorate in Chemistry, Materials Science or a related disciplineExperience as a postdoctoral researcher abroadExcellent German and English language skillsExtensive experience in surface analytical measurements, particularly in the development and conduction of XPS measurements on inorganic materials with emphasis on in-situ/operando studies Excellent knowledge in materials properties for (electro-) chemical energy conversion and storageOutstanding achievements and potential in research, demonstrated by an excellent publication record and international reputation, including lecture and presentation recordExperience in the conception, implementation and management of research projects (acquisition of competitively awarded third-party funds)Relevant teaching experience in academic teaching within the field of physical chemistry and materials science, proven experience in (co-) supervision of academic theses, ideally experience in the junior staff development with respect to the Career Advancement Plan for Women at TU WienWillingness to lead a research group as well as to take on leadership roles within the organizational structure; organizational aptitude and ability to work in a team as well as excellent communication skillsWe offer:A wide variety and exciting range of tasks in a collegial teamHybrid working style with up to 60% home office optionA range of attractive social benefits (see Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)Wide range of internal and external training opportunities, various career optionsCentral location of workplace as well as good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)TU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter. The employment starts as University Assistant with a minimum salary of EUR 4,752.30 gross (14 x per year) according to the collective bargaining agreement for a PostDoc. After signing the qualification agreement, the employment continues as Assistant Professor with a minimum salary of EUR 5,595.60 gross (14 x per year).We look forward to receiving your application until May 2nd, 2024.Applications (in English) should include at least:Curriculum vitaeMotivation letterList of scientific achievementsList of experience and activities in academic teaching and supervision of young scientistsConcept for future plans in research and teaching and contributions to the scientific profile of the faculty and universityCertificates of doctoral and diploma degrees (copies) (upload it under the category: +add more documents)Proof of the acquisition of third-party funds (upload it under the category: +add more documents)Two rough concepts for project ideas (approx. 2 pages each), which substantiate and document further plans and potential with regard to competitive third-party funding (upload it under the category: +add more documents)If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact usCarmen Keck | T: +43 1 588 01 406201Here you can find also relevant information about the application process. Technology for People Furthermore, please note that applicants will not normally be reimbursed for travel costs incurred in connection with this admission process.
Universitätsassistent_in Laufbahnstelle
Technische Universität Wien, Wien
TU-ID: 165 | 2024 | 14 | 230930Assistant Professorship (all genders) - Tenure TrackMicrokinetic Modelling in CatalysisTU Wien is Austria's largest institution of research and higher education in the fields of technology and natural sciences. With over 26,000 students and more than 4000 scientists, research, teaching and learning dedicated to the advancement of science and technology have been conducted here for more than 200 years, guided by the motto "Technology for People". As a driver of innovation, TU Wien fosters close collaboration with business and industry and contributes to the prosperity of society. At the Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien is offering the following tenure track position for 40 hours/week. Expected start: 02.09.2024.The position is initially limited to a period of six years, but the candidate and TU Wien can agree upon a tenure evaluation, which when positive, opens the possibility to change the position to Associate Professor with an unlimited contract.The tenure-track position is affiliated to the Institute of Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Division. Duties include research and teaching in the field of microkinetic modelling and computational chemistry. The focus of research should be on the description and kinetic analysis of catalytic reactions, based on simulations as well as experimental operando studies.Tasks:Research:Modelling of catalytic reactions at nanoparticles, thin films, extended metal surfaces, alloys, complex oxides (and their combination).Close involvement in experimental measurements, especially synchrotron beamtimes.Development of microkinetic models for the improved interpretation and verification of operando measurements.Timely modelling of reaction mechanisms to enable knowledge-based optimization of catalystsSupport catalyst development by developing predictive modelsMaterials discovery for energy applicationsDissemination of research results; organisation of scientific meetings/symposia as well as outreach activitiesAdministration: Participation in university self-governmentTeaching:Evaluated academic teaching experienceCovering of parts of the chemistry lectures in the Bachelor curriculum of technical chemistry as well as lab coursesCovering of all classes and lab courses in Physical Chemistry/ Materials Chemistry of the Master in Technical Chemistry. It should be noted that at TU Vienna, Bachelor teaching is currently done in German and appropriate language skills are requiredInvolvement in the basic and research-driven classes as well as experience in the guidance of Bachelor, Master, and PhD studentsWillingness to collaborate with other groups at TU Vienna in research and teaching requirements as well as in the acquisition of fundingYour profile:A complete domestic or equivalent foreign university education with a doctorate in Chemistry or Technical Chemistry and experience as a postdoctoral researcher in Technical Chemistry or ChemistryProven expertise in simulating reactions based on kinetic modelling based on predicted catalytic mechanismsProven expertise in the microkinetic modelling of catalyzed reactions, in basic research as well as in applied research. Competence in the conceptualization and development of projects that harness advantages of the combination experiment and simulationTrack record of acquiring external funding in a competitive field and successful project managementScientific research experience in a foreign country (preferably at postdoc level or higher)Outstanding achievements and potential in research, excellent publication record, and international reputation (lecture and presentation record, national and international research collaborations). Scientific publication activity in the international literature on the required research topics (see above, first or leading authorship in at least 10 original papers)Experience in academic teaching and supervising or co-supervising of academic theses, ideally experience in mentorinig of young (female) scientistsWillingness to lead a research group as well as to take on leadership roles within the organisational structure; organisational aptitude and ability to work in a team as well as excellent communication skillsRelevant teaching experience in academic teaching in lectures and laboratory exercises, organisation and management of courses (e.g. laboratory exercises), proven experience in (co-) supervision of academic thesesExcellent German and English language skillsWe offer:A wide variety and exciting range of tasks in a collegial teamHybrid working style with up to 60% home office optionA range of attractive social benefits (see Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)Wide range of internal and external training opportunities, various career optionsCentral location of workplace as well as good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)TU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university, Mr. Gerhard Neustätter. The employment starts as University Assistant with a minimum salary of EUR 4,752.30 gross (14 x per year) according to the collective bargaining agreement for a PostDoc. After signing the qualification agreement, the employment continues as Assistant Professor with a minimum salary of EUR 5,595.60 gross (14 x per year).We look forward to receiving your application until May 02nd, 2024 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact usCarmen Keck | T: +43 1 588 01 406201Here you can find also relevant information about the application process. Technology for People Furthermore, please note that applicants will not normally be reimbursed for travel costs incurred in connection with this admission process.