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Agile Project Manager / Product Owner (m/w/d)
NETCONOMY GmbH, Wien, Graz, Steiermark
In den letzten 20 Jahren ist NETCONOMY von einem Startup zu einem 500-köpfigen Team herangewachsen, welches an 10 Standorten in Europa zusammenarbeitet. Agilität und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit sind Grundpfeiler unserer Arbeitskultur. In einem kreativen Miteinander erschaffen Menschen mit vielfältigen Hintergründen einzigartige digitale Lösungen.Als Agile Project Manager / Product Owner (m/w/d) bist du für das Management von Kundenprojekten im Bereich Digital Solutions verantwortlich (Budget, Time, Scope, Resources). In diesem Job agierst du als Schnittstelle zwischen dem Projektteam und unseren Kunden. Dein Aufgabenbereich beinhaltet: Das Entwicklen von einer gemeinsame Projekt-Vision mit dem Kunden; du berätst und führst den Kunden indem du Potenziale identifizierst und nutzt Aktiver Teil des Delivery Teams zu sein und in der Rolle des Product Owners im Scrum Prozess mitzuarbeiten Das Erfassen und Beschreiben konkreter Anforderungen (User Stories) und das Pflegen des Product Backlogs Die Sicherstellung des Kundennutzens und der Umsetzungsqualität Die Sicherstellung der wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Nachhaltigkeit Die Erstellung von monatlichen, zuverlässigen Finanzreports und Forecasts sowie die Verantwortung für das laufende Projektcontrolling und die Budgetverfolgung Das Arbeiten in einem internationalen Team, dabei setzt du für internationale Kunden, innovative, nachhaltige Lösungen um Essential Skills: 3+ Jahre Berufserfahrung als Product Owner, Product Manager oder Project Manager Ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in Englisch (mind. C1 Niveau) und Deutsch (C2 Niveau) Kenntnisse agiler Methoden wie Scrum und Kanban Erfahrung mit betriebswirtschaftlichen Aspekten im Projektmanagement Offene, kommunikative und ausgeglichene Persönlichkeit Ausgeprägte interkulturelle Kompetenzen und die Bereitschaft zu Reisen (ca. 15 % der Arbeitszeit) Beneficial Skills: Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich Software oder Wirtschaft (TU, FH o.ä.) Berufserfahrung im Bereich Customer Experience, Web & Mobile Wirtschaftliche Verantwortung in einem Projekt Praktische Erfahrung mit agilen Methoden wie Scrum Erfahrung mit technischen Rahmenbedingungen im Bereich Customer Experience, Web & Mobile und ein für den Bereich grundlegendes technisches Verständnis Obwohl wir ein zusammengehöriges Unternehmen sind, hat jeder Standort seine eigenen Besonderheiten und Benefits. Hier ein kleiner Einblick, was du erwarten kannst: Flexible Working Models: Dank unserer flexiblen Arbeitsmodelle beginnst du deinen Arbeitstag wann und wo es für dich am besten passt. Career Development & Onboarding: Starte deine Reise bei NETCONOMY mit einem strukturierten Onboarding und Mentoring und setze sie mit individuellen Schulungsmöglichkeiten fort. Unsere Weiterbildungsabteilung, NETCADEMY, findet die beste Lösung für dich! Company Summit: Tausche berufliche und persönliche Erfahrungen auf unserem jährlichen firmeninternen NETCONOMY Summit aus! Ein Highlight des Events ist die lockere Atmosphäre und der Austausch mit dem internationalen Team. Social Events: Knüpfe bei unseren Social Events neue Kontakte, wie zum Beispiel bei unseren Pizza Abenden, Wanderungen oder Weihnachtsfeiern, und feiere gemeinsam Meilensteine. Snacks und Wohlbefinden: Nutze unsere Lunch Benefit und Rabatte in Partnerrestaurants, um dich in den Pausen zu stärken und frische Energie zu tanken. Mobility Support: Lass doch mal das Auto stehen! Da wir unsere Verantwortung für die Umwelt ernst nehmen, unterstützen wir deine klimafreundlichen Transportkosten. Das tatsächliche Gehalt hängt von deinen Qualifikationen und Erfahrungen ab. Uns ist es wichtig, dass wir allen Mitarbeiter:innen ein intern vergleichbares Gehalt bieten. Aus rechtlichen Gründen geben wir das jährliche Mindestgehalt für eine Vollzeitbeschäftigung gemäß dem aktuellen IT-Kollektivvertrags an, welches für diese Position € 53.592 brutto/Jahr beträgt.
Project Manager (m/f/d) im Umwelttechnikbereich
Andritz AG, Raaba, Steiermark
Tagtäglich liefert ANDRITZ erfolgreiche und innovative Lösungen an Kunden auf der ganzen Welt. Warum sind wir so erfolgreich? Weil wir mit Begeisterung bei der Sache sind und lieben, was wir tun! Wenn es um zukünftige Engineering-Technologien geht, stehen wir mit unseren Lösungen, die den Erfolg unserer Kunden in zukunftsweisenden Schlüsselindustrien sichern, ganz vorne In dieser Position als Project Manager (m/w/d) in unserer Division 'Air Pollution Control' am Standort Raaba sind Sie für die Abwicklung und Koordination von internationalen Aufträgen im Großanlagenbau zuständig. Gesamtverantwortung für die technische Realisierung des Auftrages unter Beachtung der Auftragskostenentwicklung, vertraglichen Bedingungen (Standards, Regelwerke), Termin- und Qualitätsbelangen sowie unternehmensinterner Vorschriften Projektplanung und -steuerung gemeinsam mit der kaufmännischen Projektleitung Verhandlungen mit Kunden, Konsorten und Lieferanten Erstellung der Vorgaben sowie Überwachung des Claim- und Risiko-Managements Laufendes Reporting sowie Erstellung von internen und externen Berichten gemeinsam mit dem kaufmännischen Projektleiter Fachliche Führung und Unterstützung der technischen Mitarbeiter/Innen des Projektteams Unterstützung der Project Engineers bei der Beschaffung von Komponenten Mitwirkung bei der Erstellung des Anlagenlayouts Koordination der Engineering-Schnittstellen zwischen den Gewerken sowohl intern wie auch extern Prüfung und/oder Freigabe der für den jeweiligen Auftrag erstellten Unterlagen Abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung ( HTL, TU/FH z.B. Bereich Maschinenbau oder Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen) Mehrjährige, einschlägige Berufserfahrung im internationalen Anlagenbau Erfahrung im Claim – und Projekt-Management Kaufmännisches Verständnis Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse Erfahrung im Umgang mit MS-Project Hohe Belastbarkeit und Verantwor-tungsbereitschaft Selbständige, strukturierte und sorgfältige Arbeitsweise Kommunikationsstärke, Teamfähigkeit, und weltweite Reisebereitschaft Andritz AG bietet einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz in einem innovativen und internationalen Unternehmen mit langfristigen Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Talente- & Leadership Programme Flexibles Arbeitszeitmodell Homeoffice-Möglichkeit Diverse Mitarbeiterrabatte Subventioniertes Betriebsrestaurant Parkplätze & öffentliche Erreichbarkeit Bike Leasing Wir sind gesetzlich verpflichtet für diese Position das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt von brutto € 3.772,63 / Monat anzuführen. Wir bieten jedoch auf jeden Fall eine marktkonforme Bezahlung in Abhängigkeit von Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung! Wir verfolgen eine Politik der Gleichberechtigung und Chancengleichheit und diskriminieren keine Bewerber:innen aufgrund von Geschlecht, ethnischer Herkunft, Religion, sexueller Orientierung, Behinderung oder anderer geschützter Merkmale. Wir fördern Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit und legen ausschließlich Wert auf Ihre Qualifikationen, Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten, die für die ausgeschriebene Stelle relevant sind.
Project Manager (m/w/d)
Andritz AG, Graz, Steiermark
Tagtäglich liefert ANDRITZ erfolgreiche und innovative Lösungen an Kunden auf der ganzen Welt. Warum sind wir so erfolgreich? Weil wir mit Begeisterung bei der Sache sind und lieben, was wir tun! Wenn es um zukünftige Engineering-Technologien geht, stehen wir mit unseren Lösungen, die den Erfolg unserer Kunden in zukunftsweisenden Schlüsselindustrien sichern, ganz vorne. Auftragsleitung sowie Gesamtkoordination von aktuellen Kundenaufträgen Organisation der Auftragsabwicklung und Inbetriebnahme Reporting der laufenden Aufträge sowie Erstellung von Berichten für Bereichsleitung, Controlling und Vorstand hinsichtlich Kosten, Terminen, Auftragsstatus und Vertragserfüllung Kontinuierliche und aktive Verfolgung der Auftragskostenentwicklung Unterstützung bei den Vertragsgestaltungen und Teilnahme an Verhandlungen Abgeschlossenes technisches Studium vornehmlich im Bereich Maschinenbau, Verfahrenstechnik oder Papier- und Zellstofftechnik Einschlägige Berufserfahrung in der Leitung/Abwicklung von technischen Großprojekten oder in der Papier- und Zellstoffindustrie von Vorteil Erfahrung im Claim Management Bereich und kaufmännisches Verständnis Verhandlungssichere Englischkenntnisse Kundenorientierung Selbständige, strukturierte und genaue Arbeitsweise Bereitschaft zur Weiterbildung Hohe Einsatzbereitschaft und Flexibilität Kommunikationsstärke und Teamfähigkeit Sie sind Teil eines innovativen Teams in einem internationalen Unternehmen mit langfristigen Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Talente- & Leadership Programme Flexibles Arbeitszeitmodell Homeoffice-Möglichkeit Diverse Mitarbeiterrabatte Subventioniertes Betriebsrestaurant Parkplätze & öffentliche Erreichbarkeit Bike Leasing Wir sind gesetzlich verpflichtet für diese Position das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt vonbrutto € 3.591,87/ Monat für 38,5 Stunden anzuführen. Wir bieten jedoch auf jeden Fall eine marktkonforme Bezahlung in Abhängigkeit von Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung! Wir verfolgen eine Politik der Gleichberechtigung und Chancengleichheit und diskriminieren keine Bewerber:innen aufgrund von Geschlecht, ethnischer Herkunft, Religion, sexueller Orientierung, Behinderung oder anderer geschützter Merkmale. Wir fördern Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit und legen ausschließlich Wert auf Ihre Qualifikationen, Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten, die für die ausgeschriebene Stelle relevant sind.
Continuous Improvement Manager (m/f/d)
Andritz AG, Graz, Steiermark
Every day, ANDRITZ continues to deliver successful innovative solutions to our customers globally. Why are we so successful? Because we are passionate and love what we do! We are at the forefront of future engineering technologies, with solutions that ensure the success of our clients in key industries that are shaping the future of the world we live in. We are looking for a Continuous Improvement Manager for our Continuous Improvement Department. As a member of our team, you will work closely with Business Areas and empower ANDRITZ employees to use CI methods and tools combined with business knowledge to achieve outstanding and sustainable results. As a member of a highly motivated and passionate Continuous Improvement team, you will get the opportunity to develop personally and professionally and to contribute to the success of ANDRITZ – actively and visibly. Identify, initiate, drive, coordinate, support and control improvement and cost reduction projects to ensure expected benefits are achieved or overachieved and become effective within the agreed timeframes Set-up and facilitate Policy Deployment/Hoshin Kanri workshops and reviews to ensure successful strategy implementation in the respective areas Train advanced CI methods and tools within the Improve ANDRITZ Initiative and empower ANDRITZ employees to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage for our customers and shareholders Five years of professional experience with focus on operational excellence, Continuous Improvement or business management. Master's degree in a technical or economical discipline. Strong experience with application of Policy Deployment/Hoshin Kanri in an international company. Strategic mindset paired with excellent facilitation skills and abilities to lead organizational change. Proven track record of delivering improvement and cost reduction projects with significant impact on the business. Deep knowledge and experience in Continuous Improvement, min. Green Belt or equivalent certificationrequired. Black Belt certificate is abenefit. Experience in project management, PMI certificate is a benefit. Fluent business English and top-notch communication skills. Ability to travel to ANDRITZlocations depending on COVIDregulations. Exceptionally high level of personal responsibility and identification with the values of ANDRITZ. You are part of an innovative team in an international company with long-term development opportunities. Talent & LeadershipPrograms Flexible working hours Home office option (40%) Various employee discounts Subsidized company restaurant Parking spaces & public accessibility Bike Leasing In Austria we are legally obliged to announce for this position at least a gross monthly salary of€ 4.112,78. Depending on qualifications and professional experience we offer you a market-based salary. We pursue a policy of equal rights and opportunities and do not discriminate against any applicants on the basis of gender, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other protected characteristics. We promote diversity and equal opportunities and place exclusive emphasis on your qualifications, experience and skills that are relevant to the advertised position.
Project Manager f/m/d Digital Transformation & AI
AVL List GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
AVL is one of the world's leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. The company provides concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.We are seeking an experienced and passionate person to lead and execute our digital transformation and AI initiatives in the customer services domain. You will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our customer service experience by leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance customer satisfaction, efficiency, and accessibility. Act as lead contact for customer services business and process owners Translate business requirements into actionable project plans, ensuring alignment with business needs, stakeholder expectations and portfolio management Develop and execute a strategic plan for the development and deployment of AI solutions fitting into the digital transformation strategy Facilitate effective communication and collaboration among cross-functional teams, including business stakeholders, technical experts, and external partners Consolidate and harmonize all existing digital transformation activities, tools and processes Coordinate the digital transformation activities and digital service solutions within the different teams Responsible for technology decisions for the digital services & tools in alignment with system architect and tool owners Manage and prioritize overall activities, ensuring timely completion within budget and scope constraints Identify and mitigate risks proactively Contribute solid AI knowledge to the team Networking with other AI professionals in the industry Manage internal & external teams of AI development engineers and scientists Stay abreast of emerging AI and data analytics technologies and trends, identifying opportunities for their application to enhance business operations Completed education (University or University of Applied Sciences) with a focus on Informatics or Telematics or a related field At least 2 years of professional experience in the field of project management with focus on digital transformation and artificial intelligence In-depth understanding of AI and data analytics technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, and data visualization Experience in Cloud technologies (Azure Cloud Services) Knowledge in software development / coding, software development methods and Digital Services Proven ability to work independently and as part of a team, demonstrating strong leadership and problem-solving skills Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders across all levels of the organization Ability to articulate complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences Business fluent knowledge in German and English Homeoffice Flexitime Regulation Canteen Award-winning Training Programs Health Management Parental Leave Management (Maternity/Paternity Protection & Educational Leave) Annual Remuneration: Due to the Austrian Equal Treatment Act we are obligated to state the annual gross remuneration (full-time) for this position as a basis for negotiation: €60,000.00. The Employee will be classified according to the Collective Agreement for Employees of Industry (Collective Bargaining Agreement of the Automotive Industry). We will, in any case, offer market-conforming payment taking qualifications and professional experience into account. Interested? If so, please use our online application tool to send your application to AVL! At AVL, we foster and celebrate diversity: We recognize that diverse ways of thinking are required to achieve our vision of a greener, safer, and better world of mobility. Different backgrounds, attitudes, interests, and experiences make us successful. As Equal Opportunity Employer we consider all qualified applicants without regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability status.Salary: 60000 EUR / YEAR
Commercial Project Manager (m/w/d)
PIA Automation Austria GmbH, Grambach
Creating EfficiencyAls stark wachsendes Unternehmen zählt PIA Automation zu den Global Playern in den Bereichen der Automatisierungstechnik und Sondermaschinenbau. Im Kollektiv generieren wir innovative sowie hochintelligente Lösungen, welche automatisiert die Zukunft bewegen.Grambach/Graz - VollzeitCOMMERCIAL PROJECT MANAGER M/W/D#yourmissionKoordination bzw. fachliche Schnittstelle zwischen Projektcontrolling und PMEinbringung von wirtschaftlicher und technischer Expertise im Rahmen der ProjektsteuerungDatenaufbereitung Projektcontrolling und Ausarbeiten von HandlungsempfehlungenProjektmonitoring /Forecasting und ReportingVerantwortlich für die techn. und kaufm. Aufbereitung des Claim- und ChangemanagementsSelbstständige Weiterentwicklung von Controlling-ProzessErstellung und Plausibilisierung der monatlichen ProjektbewertungenMitwirkung bei der Erstellung von Buchungsbelegen im Zuge des Monatsabschlusses#yourprofileFundierte technische Ausbildung (HTL, FH, TU) vorzugsweise aus den Bereichen Maschinenbau/Automatisierungstechnik/ElektrotechnikMindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung speziell im Bereich Projektcontrolling, Claim oder Change ManagementKommunikations- und OrganisationsstärkeUnternehmerisches Handeln und DenkenZahlenaffinität und analytische FähigkeitenReisebereitschaft (bis max. 10%)Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse#weofferKostenloser ParkplatzEssensbonusHome-OfficeTeamspiritFlexible ArbeitszeitgestaltungPIA LIFEGesundheitsmanagementSpaß bei FirmeneventsPIA Academy#jobfactsAttraktive AufstiegschancenOffene Unternehmenskultur und flexibles ArbeitenEin spannendes, abwechslungsreiches AufgabengebietEine attraktive und leistungsgerechte Entlohnung Jahresbruttogehalt (38,5h/ Woche): ab € 56.000, - (Überzahlung laut Qualifikation und Erfahrung)Einstellung: ab sofort bzw. nach Vereinbarung - Vollzeit (38,5 Wochenstunden)
Manager, SAP Basis Security (m/f/x)
Magna, Graz, Steiermark
About us We see a future where everyone can live and move without limitations. That's why we are developing technologies, systems and concepts that make vehicles safer and cleaner, while serving our communities, the planet and, above all, people. Forward. For all. Group Summary Magna is more than one of the world's largest suppliers in the automotive space. We are a mobility technology company built to innovate, with a global, entrepreneurial-minded team. With 65+ years of expertise, our ecosystem of interconnected products combined with our complete vehicle expertise uniquely positions us to advance mobility in an expanded transportation landscape.About the Role The job holder (m/f/x) will lead a global team of security Basis Experts and report to the global Senior Manager of SAP Basis and Licenses. They will be responsible for leading all activities within the department and actively participating in the daily business related to their functional responsibilities. Additionally, they will provide full support for ISAE 3402 processes, as well as authorization and security. The job holder will also manage internal projects and provide training to employees on security best practices for SAP systems. Regular travel less then 25% of the time. Your Responsibilities Lead a global team of security analysts and administrators, providing guidance, support, and performance management. Develop and implement SAP security strategies, policies, and procedures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of SAP systems. Manage user authorizations and access controls for ECC, S/4HANA, and S/4HANA Public Cloud solutions. Ensure compliance with ISAE 3402 requirements for SAP systems and integrate ISAE3402 processes and control set. Project management for risk and compliance tasks, including SAST/GRC and authorization clean-up, as well as other SAP Basis projects. Coordinate with external/internal auditors and regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with relevant security standards and regulations. Handle audits related to SAP security, providing necessary documentation and evidence. Support internal and external audits. Project management for security projects. Process improvement for IT internal processes. Monitor and analyze security incidents, conducting audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential risks and vulnerabilities. Collaborate with IT teams and external partners to ensure compliance with security standards. Manage relationships with external vendors and consultants for security-related projects and services. Who we are looking for Bachelor's degree in Computer Science/Business Informatics or a related field SAP Certification is of advantage Job related work experience for at least 3 years in a similar position Your preferred qualifications Well grounded experience in SAP Basis Administration and IT Infrastructure Connection SAP. Strong knowledge of SAP authorization management and concepts experience in conducting security audits and vulnerability assessments Proficiency in using SAP GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) tools and processes familiarity with SAP security standards, policies, and ISAE 3402 compliance. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Analytical, flexible, and reliable approach in day-to-day business. Excellent communication and teamwork abilities. Demonstrated leadership and team management skills, including experience leading a global team. Excellent English language skills (verbal and written). Solid German language skills (verbal and written) is of advantage but not mandatory. What we offer At Magna, you can expect an engaging and dynamic environment where you can help to develop industry-leading automotive technologies. We invest in our employees, providing them with the support and resources they need to succeed. As a member of our global team, you can expect exciting, varied responsibilities as well as a wide range of development prospects. Because we believe that your career path should be as unique as you are. For dedicated and motivated employees, we offer an interesting and diversified job within a dynamic global team together with the individual and functional development in a professional environment of a global acting business. Fair treatment and a sense of responsibility towards employees are the principle of the Magna culture. We strive to offer an inspiring and motivating work environment. Site Benefits The annual remuneration package for this position is a minimum of EUR 80.000,- with corresponding qualification. We offer attractive benefits (e.g. discretionary performance bonus, employee profit participation program, etc.) and a salary which is in line with market conditions depending on your skills and experience. Awareness. Unity. Empowerment. At Magna, we believe that a diverse workforce is critical to our success. That's why we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We hire on the basis of experience and qualifications, and in consideration of job requirements, regardless of, in particular, color, ancestry, religion, gender, origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability or gender identity. Magna takes the privacy of your personal information seriously. We discourage you from sending applications via email to comply with GDPR requirements and your local Data Privacy Law.
Project Manager Sondermaschinenbau (m/w/d)
ASCO Engineering GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
ASCO Engineering – ein Unternehmen der ASCO Group International – ist ein Spezialist für Human Resource Management und Qualitätsmanagement, in den Bereichen Anlagenbau, Maschinenbau, Fahrzeugtechnik, Elektrik/Elektronik und Informationstechnologie. SIE suchen eine neue berufliche Herausforderung als Projektmanager in einem internationalen Unternehmen? Dann sind SIE bei uns genau richtig, denn… …wir sind stetig auf der Suche nach neuen Mitarbeiter:innen an unseren Standorten in der Steiermark, in Wien und in Kärnten. Nach der Übermittlung IHRER Bewerbungsunterlagen, prüfen wir intern alle Möglichkeiten für SIE, klären mit IHNEN in einem persönlichen Gespräch IHRE individuellen Vorstellungen und Karriereziele und unterstützen SIE bestmöglich bei IHREM beruflichen Ein- und/oder Aufstieg!!! Abwicklung und Koordination unserer Aufträge im Sondermaschinenbau Projektcontrolling im Sinne von Termin-, Kosten- und Qualitätsmanagement Koordination der Schnittstellen zum Kunden, zu den Sublieferanten und der Prozesse zwischen den einzelnen Fachbereichen unseres Unternehmens Verantwortung durchgängiger Kommunikation im Projektteam Umsetzung der Optimierungspotenziale in laufenden Projekten Terminmanagement Kostenmanagement Endabnahme Fundierte technische Ausbildung (HTL, FH, TU) vorzugsweise der Fachrichtungen Maschinenbau oder Automatisierungstechnik Projektmanagement Ausbildung von Vorteil Mindestens 5 Jahre Erfahrung im Projektmanagement speziell in der Abwicklung von Großprojekten im Automotive Bereich Kommunikations- und Organisationsstärke Hohe Problemlösungskompetenz sowie fachkompetentes und souveränes Auftreten Reisebereitschaft gute Englischkenntnisse Führungskompetenz Individuelle fachbezogene Aus- und Weiterbildungen Ein sehr gutes Betriebsklima in einer international erfolgreichen Unternehmensgruppe Flache Hierarchien und kurze Entscheidungswege Flexible Arbeitszeiten, Mitarbeiterparkplätze sowie gute öffentliche Verkehrsanbindungen Die Möglichkeit zur aktiven Mitgestaltung und -entwicklung der eigenen Karriere im Unternehmen EUR 4.000 brutto / Monat (auf Vollzeitbasis). Es besteht die ausdrückliche Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und beruflicher Erfahrung!
Business Development Expert (f/m/d)
AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, Leoben
Be part of our team!AT&S, a world leading high-tech PCB & IC substrates company, industrialises leading-edge technologies for automotive, aerospace, industrial, medical, consumer electronics and communication networks. We are looking for talent eager to shape the future of our interconnected world. With plants in Austria, China, India, Korea, Malaysia and sales offices around the globe, we offer excellent career opportunities for creators, innovators and enablers with the drive to make a difference. To enhance our successful Strategic Marketing & Business Development Team at the Headquarters in Leoben, Austria, we are looking for a passionateBusiness Development Expert (f/m/d) In this role, you will be responsible for developing the business objectives for the Embedding business and respective Key Accounts in order to support the establishment of strategic plans in pro-Hub. Your ResponsibilitiesPro-actively screen the market for potential opportunities for Embedding businessSupport to set up the price guidelines and Target EBIT by application/technologyDrive the go-to-market strategy and develop the customer and plant portfolio in line with the Business Unit strategy.Manage the application and customer portfolio for Embedding businessBusiness and program management, track with related functions to ensure project successfully implemented within plantsYour ProfileBA or MA degree preferably in Physics, Electronics, Engineering or other STEM fieldMinimum 8-10 years of experience in a technical, strategic or sales/marketing/business development position, preferably in the electronics industry    Know-how of PCB manufacturing, Embedding and related Supply Chain considered a plusVery good understanding of business acumen in relation to the embedding market Solid project management skills with a positive attitude and intercultural awarenessFluent in EnglishOur OfferA meaningful role with opportunities for long-term growth in an internationally expanding environmentChance to actively contribute to AT&S´ success and to create valueA structured and tailor-made induction program along with continual training opportunitiesFlexibility enabled by cutting-edge technology and the option for hybrid remote work, including home office or shared office in GrazCompany canteen serving freshly prepared meals dailyParking and electric vehicle charging stations availableHealth measures, including access to a company doctor, complimentary check-ups, and vaccination campaignsReady for a new challenge to advance your career? It´s just a click to apply online. We look forward to your application and your detailed resume. Your AT&S Team!AT&S is an equal opportunity employer. We embrace diversity and are dedicated to empowering people to reach their potential by fostering their unique talents and strengths. In accordance with the Austrian Collective Agreement for the Electrical and Electronics Industry, we advise that the minimum gross annual salary for this role is 60.000,- Euro. Our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries, take individual qualifications and experience into consideration and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary.
Project Manager Corporate ESG - Waste Management (f/m/d)
AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, Leoben
Be part of our team!AT&S, a world leading high-tech PCB & IC substrates company, industrialises leading-edge technologies for automotive, aerospace, industrial, medical, consumer electronics and communication networks. We are looking for talent eager to shape the future of our interconnected world. With plants in Austria, China, India, Korea, Malaysia and sales offices around the globe, we offer excellent career opportunities for creators, innovators and enablers with the drive to make a difference. To enhance our successful ESG Team at the Headquarters in Leoben (Austria), we are looking for a passionateProject Manager Corporate ESG - Waste Management (f/m/d) In this role, you will be responsible for building up expertise in the competence area of Waste. As such, you will play a vital role in evaluating and assessing technology trends and concepts to determine how these could be implemented successfully within AT&S. Your ResponsibilitiesCheck and screen market trends in Waste to build a strong understanding of energy saving applications and how these could be successfully implemented within AT&SAct as the internal technical contact person for all plants concerning waste mattersDevelop and implement a standardized waste monitoring systemLead the development and implementation of the AT&S Waste StrategyImplement, maintain and further develop the waste management systems at AT&SYour ProfileHTL, Bachelor of Master degree from University or Advanced Technical CollegeMinimum 5 years' experience in/as facility/waste manager, project manager or similar positionAbility to communicate effectively with a wide range of individuals on all levels and across culturesAdvanced knowledge of MS Office, with SAP skillsExperienced in life cycle management, waste managementWillingness to travel internationallyFluent in EnglishOur OfferA meaningful role with opportunities for long-term growth in an internationally expanding environmentAttractive and competitive compensation packagesChance to actively contribute to AT&S´ success and to create valueA structured and tailor-made induction program along with continual training opportunitiesCompany canteen serving freshly prepared meals dailyFlexibility enabled by cutting-edge technology and the option for hybrid remote work, including home office or shared office in GrazHealth measures, including access to a company doctor, complimentary check-ups, and vaccination campaignsReady for a new challenge to advance your career? It´s just a click to apply online. We look forward to your application and your detailed resume. Your AT&S Team!AT&S is an equal opportunity employer. We embrace diversity and are dedicated to empowering people to reach their potential by fostering their unique talents and strengths. In accordance with the Austrian Collective Agreement for the Electrical and Electronics Industry, we advise that the minimum gross annual salary for this role is 56.000,- Euro. Our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries, take individual qualifications and experience into consideration and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary.
(Senior) Project Manager R&D - Medical Project (f/m/d)
AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, Leoben
Be part of our team!AT&S, a world leading high-tech PCB & IC substrates company, industrialises leading-edge technologies for automotive, aerospace, industrial, medical, consumer electronics and communication networks. We are looking for talent eager to shape the future of our interconnected world. With plants in Austria, China, India, Korea, Malaysia and offices around the globe, we offer excellent career opportunities for creators, innovators and enablers with the drive to make a difference.To enhance our successful Corporate R&D Team at the Headquarters in Leoben, we are looking for a passionate(Senior) Project Manager R&D - Medical Project (f/m/d)who is seasoned in technology development acting as a matual project leader to manage projects and project teams, ensuring success in terms of reputation, profitability across a multi-disciplinary environment.Your ResponsibilitiesLeading Project(s) and project teams, assure execution of the Work Packages according to plans, and within allocated Budgets to reduce development risk for AT&S.Representation of AT&S vis-à-vis internal and external parties in all project related aspects (customers, suppliers, partners, Business Units, funding agencies etc.).Protection of IP out of above mentioned development projects.Keeping an overview on all technological developments in and outside of AT&S in the greater area of the project and the main area of expertise.Your ProfileGraduate degree in physics, chemistry, mechatronics or electronics, telecommunication, or medical engineering or equivalent professional experience.Decent Knowledge in at least one of the following areas:  PCB, IC-substrate and Semiconductor Packaging technologies, Semiconductors and related markets.Min. 5 years of experience in/as project leader in Development or Manufacturing of technology, or an expert in electronics Industry. Medical or pharma industry working experience is an advantage.Customer orientation and entrepreneurial spirit.Excellent communication and presentation skills.Open-minded, "out-of-the-box thinker", constantly learn and evolve.Proficiency in spoken and written English.Willingness to travel abroad.Our OfferPersonal and professional development in a global, dynamic organizationA performance-oriented role with opportunities for long-term growth in an internationally expanding environmentAttractive and competitive compensation packagesFlexibility enabled by cutting-edge technology and the option for hybrid remote work, including home office or shared office in GrazChance to actively contribute to AT&S´ success and to create valueReady for a new challenge to advance your career? It´s just a click to apply online. We look forward to your application and your detailed resume in English. Your AT&S Team!AT&S is an equal opportunity employer. We embrace diversity and are dedicated to empowering people to reach their potential by fostering their unique talents and strengths. Our compensation packages are competitive and take individual qualifications and experience into consideration. In accordance with the Austrian collective labor agreement, we advise that the minimum gross annual salary for this role is 54.898,- Euro, with the opportunity of overpayment depending on your experience, skills and qualification.
International Account Manager - Sweden (f/m/d)
AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, Leoben
Be part of our team!AT&S, a world leading high-tech PCB & IC substrates company, industrialises leading-edge technologies for automotive, aerospace, industrial, medical, consumer electronics and communication networks. We are looking for talent eager to shape the future of our interconnected world. With plants in Austria, China, India, Korea, Malaysia and offices around the globe, we offer excellent career opportunities for creators, innovators and enablers with the drive to make a difference. To enhance our successful Global Sales Team, we are looking for a passionateInternational Account Manager - Sweden (f/m/d)We are looking for an experienced, self-driven and result-orientated International Account Manager, based in France, to join our growing Global Sales team. In this role, you will develop, refine and optimise our customer strategy and expand our market presence in Sweden. Reporting directly to the Director Regional Sales in Europe, you will responsible for sales activities, support and customer relationship management, and budget and forecast planning in Sweden.Your ResponsibilitiesDevelopment and ongoing optimisation of customer strategy in terms of products, regions, growth, price, technology, service, quality and customer satisfactionOperational management of sales process including acquisition, offer, pricing, negotiation, after sales, claim and escalation managementInitiation, coordination and management of all customer-related activities within the AT&S organisationInitiation of projects and project teams for business development in consultation with the Director SalesActive support and customer relationship management of the defined accountBudget and forecast planning including comparison and derivation of appropriate corrective actionsYour ProfileAt least 5 years of experience in Sales, Business Development or Product ManagementUniversity degree or technical education in Business-related field with in-depth technical or commercial knowledgeStrong customer and market orientation with the ability to identify future trends and relationshipsExcellent leadership, communication, negotiation, and presentation skillsGood IT skills especially in relation to the use of MS Office, KPI tools, and social mediaMarket know-how in PCB or electronics business in targets sales areasStrong understanding of project managementFluent in written and verbal English (Swedish, German or other language is a plus)We OfferPersonal and professional growth opportunities in a multinational, dynamic companyChance to actively contribute to AT&S´ success and to create valueAttractive and competitive compensation packageFlexibility through state of the art technological equipment and remote working (home office in Sweden)Ready for a new challenge to advance your career? It´s just a click to apply online. We look forward to your application and your detailed resume. Your AT&S Team!AT&S is an equal opportunity employer. We embrace diversity and are dedicated to empowering people to reach their potential by fostering their unique talents and strengths. Our compensation packages are competitive and take individual qualifications and experience into consideration. In accordance with the Austrian collective labor agreement, we advise that the minimum gross annual salary for this role is 70.000,- Euro.
Project Manager (f/m/d)
AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, Leoben
Be part of our team!AT&S, a world leading high-tech PCB & IC substrates company, industrialises leading-edge technologies for automotive, aerospace, industrial, medical, consumer electronics and communication networks. We are looking for talent eager to shape the future of our interconnected world. With plants in Austria, China, India, Korea, Malaysia and sales offices around the globe, we offer excellent career opportunities for creators, innovators and enablers with the drive to make a difference.To enhance our successful Advanced Interconnect Solution Services (AISS) Team at the Headquarters in Leoben, Austria, we are looking for a passionateProject Manager (f/m/d)In the role, you’ll be responsible for overseeing electronics development projects, coordinating tasks across various organizational units, developing detailed implementation plans and ensuring smooth progress and communication with stakeholders.Your ResponsibilitiesWithin the area of Level 2 (PCBA), taking over the responsibility for projects including design, simulation, PCB manufacturing, assembly and testCoordinating tasks between different organizational units of AT&S and external stakeholders (customers, suppliers)Developing and maintaining a detailed plan for project implementation including: timelines, needed resources, required technology, budgetEngaging to resolve cross-functional issuesMonitoring progress and performance of project, providing and aligning regular status reports to relevant stakeholdersYour ProfileTechnical degree from higher technical college (HTL) or FH/university (ideally in Electrical Engineering)Min. 3 years of professional experience in electronics businessProven experience as a Project Manager, IPMA or PMP certificate is an advantageGood knowledge/ understanding of the electronics supply chain, in particular EMS/OSATFluent written and oral in German and EnglishIT competences: MS Office, MS Project or similiar, ERP system (SAP)Basic understanding of statisticsWillingness to travel and work flexible hoursAdditionally, the successful candidate should exhibit:Demonstrated ability to thrive under pressure and maintain composure during challenging situationsStrong intercultural awareness and adeptness in liaising with diverse stakeholdersPassion for embracing and leveraging new technologies in the dynamic digital landscapeOur OfferOpportunities for long-term growth in an internationally expanding environmentAttractive and competitive compensation packagesFlexibility enabled by cutting-edge technology and the option for hybrid remote work, including home office or shared office in GrazChance to actively contribute to AT&S´ success and to create valueA structured and tailor-made onboarding program along with continual training opportunitiesCompany canteen serving freshly prepared meals dailyParking and electric vehicle charging stations availableHealth measures, including access to a company doctor, complimentary check-ups, and vaccination campaignsReady for a new challenge to advance your career? It´s just a click to apply online. We look forward to your application and your detailed resume. Your AT&S Team!AT&S is an equal opportunity employer. We embrace diversity and are dedicated to empowering people to reach their potential by fostering their unique talents and strengths.In accordance with the Austrian Collective Agreement for the Electrical and Electronics Industry, we advise that the minimum gross annual salary for this role is 49,643.72 Euro. Our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries, take individual qualifications and experience into consideration and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary.