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Operations Manager:in (m/w/d)
A & C Automationssysteme & Consulting GmbH, Salzburg Stadt, Salzburg
Job mit Sinn und Zukunft! Machen Sie bei uns Karriere, es sind keine Grenzen nach oben gesetzt! Die A&C Automationssysteme & Consulting GmbH liefert innovative Automatisierungslösungen für verschiedenste Industriebereiche – und das bereits seit über 40 Jahren aus dem Herzen Salzburgs. Unser Tätigkeitsbereich liegt im Engineering und Consulting für die Implementierung von neuen Steuerungs- und Prozessleitsystemen, sowie in der Erweiterung oder Migration von bestehenden Systemen. In den letzten Jahren konnten wir mit der Entwicklung eines neuartigen kamerabasierten Inspektionssystems ein zusätzliches Standbein schaffen. Dieses gilt es nun auch weiter auszubauen. Für unseren Standort Salzburg Stadt suchen wir genau Sie als Operations Manager:in (m/w/d)Auf Ihrem Karriereweg durchlaufen Sie alle relevanten Stationen wie: Übernahme der Projekte des Verkaufs Kalkulationen von diversen Projekten Übergeordnete Projektabwicklung und Projekt-Controlling Führung der Einsatzplanung und Übergabe der Projekte an die Projektleiter Direkte Zusammenarbeit mit der Geschäftsleitung und Bindeglied zu den Projektleitern Sicherstellen der Einhaltung der QM-Standards sowie die Mitarbeiterentwicklung Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung oder Studium im Bereich Automatisierungstechnik, Mechatronik, Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informatik oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation Muss: Erfahrung im Bereich SPS/PLS/SCADA-Engineering Muss: ca. 5 Jahre Erfahrung als Projektleiter im oben erwähnten Bereich Gute Sprachkenntnisse in Deutsch und in Englisch Du erkennst das Wesentliche und bewältigst komplexe Zusammenhänge Du treibst Veränderungen voran, um Arbeitsweisen und -prozesse zu optimieren Du verwendest schlüssige und gut durchdachte Argumente, um andere zu überzeugen Wir sind ein international erfolgreiches Unternehmen Wir arbeiten in einem modernen Arbeitsumfeld, geprägt von guter kollegialer Zusammenarbeit, in dem neue Technologien und agile Methoden für ständigen Wandel sorgen Wir bieten Karriereentwicklung sowie individuelle Angebote zur persönlichen und fachlichen Weiterbildung Wir leben eine offene Feedback-Kultur Vielfältige Benefits, wie z. B. Essenszuschuss, erhöhte Tagesauslösen, ergonomische Arbeitsplätze, Homeoffice Equipment, Firmenevents Vergütung: Wir bieten einer engagierten Persönlichkeit eine attraktive, vielfältige Position mit einem Monatsbruttogehalt ab € 5.000, - und einem Prämienmodell. Wir geben uns nie mit dem Mindesten zufrieden – Sie sicher auch nicht: Überzahlung ist nach Prüfung der tatsächlichen Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung selbstverständlich.
Operations Manager (M/W/D) Zara Salzburg
Zara Filiale in Salzburg (Europark) suchen wir einen OPERATIONS MANAGER (M/W/D)in Vollzeit Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung.
HR Business Partner (m/w/d) – Fokus Personalentwicklung & Recruiting
Schulmeister Management Consulting, Salzburg
Unser Auftraggeber ist ein traditionsreiches und renommiertes Familienunternehmen, welches großen Wert auf Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit legt. Hier trifft langjährige Tradition auf Innovation, wo durch Zusammenhalt und eine charakteristische Leidenschaft für das Produkt der langfristige Unternehmenserfolg seit Jahrhunderten gesichert wird. Im Bereich Personalentwicklung finden Sie ein gutes Fundament vor, welches mit Ihrer Unterstützung einen weiteren Feinschliff erhalten wird! Sie treiben proaktiv die Weiter- und Neuentwicklung von Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen voran – von der Konzeptionierung, Evaluierung bis hin zur Implementierung. Sie agieren als HR Business Partner:in für bestimmte Unternehmensbereiche und unterstützen auch im Recruiting. Sie sind (mit)verantwortlich für strategische Personalentwicklungsthemen und unterstützen bei diversen, spannenden Personalentwicklungsprojekten. Sie sind zuständig für die Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen (Workshops, Seminare) sowie der Auswahl geeigneter Trainer:innen. Sie beraten Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter:innen in allen Belangen der Personalentwicklung. Betriebswirtschaftliche, wirtschaftspädagogische oder psychologische Ausbildung (FH, Uni) mit Schwerpunkt Human Resources Einschlägige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Personalentwicklung bzw. Organisationsentwicklung Kenntnisse in der konzeptionellen und methodischen Personalentwicklung Sie sind absolute:r Teamplayer:in mit hoher sozialer Kompetenz und gutem Gespür für Menschen. Mit Ihrer kommunikativen und proaktiven Persönlichkeit können Sie andere für Ihre Ideen begeistern. Verantwortungsvolles Aufgabengebiet mit der Möglichkeit Ideen einzubringen, zu gestalten und eine eigene Handschrift zu hinterlassen! Familiäres Arbeitsumfeld mit individuellen Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Home Office Möglichkeit Unschlagbare Benefits: Kantine, betriebliche Altersvorsorge, diverse Gesundheitsangebote, u.v.m. Jahresbruttogehalt ab € 55.000 – entsprechend Ihrer Qualifikation und Erfahrung gibt es die Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung.
Junior/Senior Group Treasury Specialist - Front Office (w/m/d)
Porsche Corporate Finance GmbH, Salzburg
Großhandel Einzelhandel Finanzdienstleistung Informatik Junior/Senior Group Treasury Specialist - Front Office (w/m/d) Vollzeit Salzburg Group Treasury Zuständige Führungskraft: Mag. Robert Katzelberger, Zuständige/r Recruiter/in: Mag. Ines Nottebohm, Gesellschaft: Porsche Corporate Finance WIR MÖCHTEN DIE WELT BEWEGEN Über 34.000 engagierte Mitarbeiter:innen bilden das Herzstück der Porsche Holding. In den Geschäftsbereichen Handel, Finanzierung und IT-Systeme arbeiten sie an Lösungen, um die individuellen Mobilitätswünsche unserer Kund:innen zu erfüllen. Geprägt von der Vision "Shaping mobility for a better future" entwickeln sie unser Unternehmen weiter. Das Group Treasury der Porsche Holding GmbH ist in der rechtlichen Einheit Porsche Corporate Finance GmbH zusammengefasst. Du arbeitest in einem spezialisierten Team, das sich in Cash Management & Operations, Financial Markets & Funding sowie Risk Management & Controlling gliedert und am Firmensitz in Salzburg sowie in China und Chile tätig ist. Nutze die Chance und werde Teil davon! DAS ERWARTET DICH Du handelst Geldmarkt-, Devisen- und Zinsinstrumente direkt mit Banken oder über elektronische Handelsplattformen Du kommunizierst regelmäßig mit unseren Bankpartnern, um Finanztransaktionen zu koordinieren und Partnerschaften zu pflegen Du bist zuständig für die Verhandlung und Bereitstellung von internen Finanzierungen für Konzerngesellschaften Du erstellst das monatliche Reporting für Verbriefungsprogramme Du analysierst die globalen Finanzmärkte und erstellst regelmäßig Berichte Du agierst als Ansprechpartner:in für Konzerngesellschaften in Treasury-Angelegenheiten Du wirkst an bereichsübergreifenden Treasury-Projekten, wie z.B. in Zusammenhang mit dem Thema Digitalisierung, mit DAS BRINGST DU MIT Du bist zahlenaffin, hast ein ausgeprägtes Interesse an Finanz- und Treasury-Themen sowie ein Verständnis für wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge Du hast idealerweise ein abgeschlossenes Wirtschaftsstudium oder eine vergleichbare Qualifikation bzw. Berufserfahrung im Finanzbereich Du arbeitest gerne im Team und deine Arbeitsweise ist lösungsorientiert, strukturiert und eigenverantwortlich Du begeisterst dich für neue Themen und behältst in stressigen Situationen einen kühlen Kopf Du verfügst über sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Du bist souverän im Umgang mit Microsoft Office/365-Anwendungen (insb. Excel) und arbeitest dich gerne in neue IT-Systeme ein DAS BIETEN WIR DIR Einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz in einem zukunftsorientierten Unternehmen (Inter-)nationale Karrieremöglichkeiten und maßgeschneiderte Ausbildungsprogramme Attraktive Home-Office-Modelle & flexible Arbeitszeiten Ein marktkonformes Jahresbruttogehalt ab € 43.400 Abhängig von deiner Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung besteht die Bereitschaft zur deutlichen Überzahlung Zahlreiche Benefits: Rabatte beim Autokauf, Finanzierung, Service und verschiedenste Mobilitätsangebote, Corporate Benefits Plattform, Zukunftsvorsorge, Betriebskindergarten, Betriebskantine/Essenszuschuss, Gesundheitsmaßnahmen, Sportangebot (Je nach Standort können die Benefits variieren) MACH DIR EIN BILD EINBLICK IN UNSER UNTERNEHMEN Du möchtest wissen, wie es ist bei uns zu arbeiten? Dann besuche und folge uns auf Social Media und lerne unsere Mitarbeiter:innen und Unternehmenskultur kennen! DAS GIBT'S NOCH DAZU neben spannenden Aufgaben und einer steilen Karriere erwarten dich Zukunftsvorsorge Gute Verkehrsanbindung Betriebskindergarten Home-Office-Modelle Internationale Karrieremöglichkeiten Rabatte beim Fahrzeugkauf Corporate Benefits Personalentwicklungsprogramme KLINGT GUT? Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung, die uns sowohl etwas über deine Kompetenzen erzählt, als auch Aufschluss über dich als Persönlichkeit gibt. Jetzt bewerben! __Vollzeit__
Editorial Partnerships Manager
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Editorial Partnerships ManagerElsbethen, ÖsterreichDo you have a strong acumen of identifying editorial needs, keeping up with latest media trends, and a passion for working with global earned media?If yes, this role is for you! Join our Earned Services Team in Salzburg, Austria and be responsible for boosting earned media outcomes by securing editorial placements in global media.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:IN A NUTSHELLYou’ll be a key player within Earned Media Services, responsible for boosting earned media outcomes by securing editorial placements in global media. You’ll actively contribute to the overall strategic objectives of the Earned Services Team with a special focus on nurturing earned media partnerships. You’ll select the relevant target channels and media contacts, identify the most compelling stories and content, devise compelling pitching tactics, and tailor messages to be communicated to consumers via global earned media around the world. With strong relationship skills, you’ll identify and offer value to your key earned media contacts while also providing actionable inputs from conversations to inform earned editorial planning.DRIVE EARNED MEDIA COVERAGE OF GLOBAL PROJECTSAs part of this position, your responsibilities will involve executing editorial workflows with targeted earned media partners. This will entail incorporating international content calendars, programming strategies, and sharp content pitches. You'll also be tasked with mining opportunities within global earned media partner channels and aligning them with existing/evergreen or new global “World of Red Bull” stories.EXPLORING FUTURE PARTNERSHIPSIn this role, you'll proactively cultivate relationships with targeted globally relevant earned media across key markets worldwide, prioritizing engagement with social-first media publishers and major global broadcast networks. You'll be instrumental in identifying and executing exceptional media experiences, including the hosting of esteemed earned media partners at Red Bull events and projects Handling incoming media requests from these partners will be among your key responsibilities, securing editorial permissions where necessary to facilitate smooth collaboration. Your efforts will be integral to driving the overall success of the Global Earned Media Partnerships Program.ENHANCING EDITORIAL ENGAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC SUPPORTYou'll help improve the quality of country earned content packages by providing feedback from conversations with partners and from a detailed understanding of editorial strategies of media outlets and broadcast networks. You'll deliver earned media insights and knowledge resources based on direct conversations with editorial media partners and industry research. Additionally, you'll actively contribute content to the Earned Media Partnerships space on the intranet. Your support to the Senior Manager, Editorial Partnerships will involve assisting in the creation of Business Planning resources, new initiatives, and strategic concepts. You'll also be responsible for monitoring and delivering fresh insights on trends shaping broadcast news operations. Lastly, you'll contribute to the internal global case study library and report earned media wins in a timely and efficient manner.EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:5+ years of media relations/communications experience and demonstrated experience in media partnership management across various platforms.An insatiable appetite about sports, lifestyle, music and dance, and media trends.Ability to think strategically in earned media partner selection, management, and crafting strong story pitches.Proficient understanding of broadcast news operations and planning processes.An agile and self-motivated team player that knows how to pivot and navigate editorial calendars and external landscape factors. Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills.An existing network of relevant contacts in global media organizations and/or a passion for developing contacts.Fluent in English (written and oral).  Other languages are a plus (especially German, Spanish, and French).Travel 0-10%JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is EUR 2,605.00 gross per month. However, our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary. As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.
Senior Process Development Manager – Logistics
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Senior Process Development Manager – LogisticsElsbethen, AustriaWe are looking for an experienced Logistic Consultant or Key user, within depth knowledge of the SAP TM application. As part of the Global Data Team, based in our Headquarter in Salzburg, you'll be responsible to support our senior line managers in the development of new processes and features, and will translate business and process requirements to functional concepts as a basis for technical implementation.In this very visible strategic role, you'll manage and track projects independently, ensure a holistic end-to-end view, highlight cross functional dependencies, and align business needs and target state with multiple stakeholders. By driving digital transformation, you'll act as a key player in optimizing our process and system landscape to achieve supply chain resilience.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT AND DOCUMENTATION As a member of our team you'll collect, derive and challenge business requirements and align them with cross-functional stakeholders. By providing an objective and holistic perspective you'll avoid isolated solutions and secure end-to-end integration of all anticipated changes. By applying your conceptual strength and logistics management know-how you'll shape our process and system level to increase maturity levels. Securing a structured and detailed requirement documentation as well as handing it over to IT will also be part of your responsibility.WORKSHOPS & MEETINGS You'll prepare and host project meetings and workshops to work efficiently on the development of new system solution designs. You'll also contribute to steering meetings with our senior management to get direction on open decisions and questions.TESTING AND HANDOVER You'll be responsible to test all implemented solutions to ensure high quality and functional integration of all technical developments. Effort and progress of testing will be also documented and tracked by you. After successful testing you'll introduce and hand over the new process to the data quality team. Training preparation and documentation will also be part of your role as well as facilitating and hosting of those trainings.PROJECT MANAGEMENT In this role you'll manage and drive projects independently. You'll define and schedule work packages and set up realistic project timelines in alignment with our IT, considering resources and overall constraints. You'll track and document project progress and milestones in our project management and monitor implementation budgets. In alignment with our portfolio management team, you'll ensure reporting and escalation to our senior management.STAKEHOLDER & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Keeping all required stakeholders in the loop and informed about insights and status of your assigned projects will be part of your responsibility as well as to have an overview of required and available resources and highlighting potential bottlenecks. EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:5+ years of professional experience in a logistic management, TM key user or consultant roleDeep knowledge of SAP TM and proven expertise in developing and implementing process improvements in the field of supply chain planningHighly experienced in gathering, challenging, and translating business requirements to system integration conceptsVerifiable experience in managing projects and programsSystem affinity, conceptual strength and holistic viewStrong analytical skills, solution- and process oriented, structured, assertiveness, communicative and collaborative, team player, able to work under pressure and self-dependentlyStrong communication and presentation skillsEnd to End Operations know-how, FMCG environment preferredAdvanced level of Microsoft Office Suite and handling of project management toolsBachelor or master’s degree in business administration, supply chain or operations management, process and/or project management or similarFluent in English, German beneficial but not mandatoryTravel 0-10%JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is 2.805,00 gross per month. However, our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary.As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.
Senior Process Development Manager – Product Lifecycle
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Senior Process Development Manager – Product LifecycleElsbethen, ÖsterreichWe are looking for an experienced Product Lifecycle Management Consultant or Key user, within depth knowledge of PLM applications and new product introductions. As part of the Global Data Team, based in our Headquarter in Salzburg, you'll be responsible to support our senior line managers in the development of new processes and features, and will translate business and process requirements to functional concepts as a basis for technical implementation.In this very visible strategic role, you will manage and track projects independently, ensure a holistic end-to-end view, highlight cross functional dependencies, and align business needs and target state with multiple stakeholders. By driving digital transformation, you'll act as a key player in optimizing our “idea to BOM” process and master data structure.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT AND DOCUMENTATIONAs a member of our team you'll collect, derive and challenge business requirements and align them with cross-functional stakeholders. By providing an objective and holistic perspective you avoid isolated solutions and secure end-to-end integration of all anticipated changes. By applying your conceptual strength and product lifecycle know-how you'll shape our process and system level to increase maturity levels. Securing a structured and detailed requirement documentation as well as handing it over to IT are also part of your responsibility.PROJECT MANAGEMENTIn this role you'll manage and drive projects independently. You define and schedule work packages and set up realistic project timelines in alignment with our IT, considering resources and overall constraints. You'll track and document project progress and milestones in our project management and monitor implementation budgets. In alignment with our portfolio management team, you'll ensure reporting and escalation to our senior management.WORKSHOPS & MEETINGSYou'll prepare and host project meetings and workshops to work efficiently on the development of new system solution designs. You also contribute to steering meetings with our senior management to get direction on open decisions and questions.STAKEHOLDER & RESOURCE MANAGEMENTKeeping all required stakeholders in the loop and informed about insights and status of your assigned projects will be part of your responsibility as well as to have an overview of required and available resources and highlighting potential bottlenecks.TESTING AND HANDOVERYou'll be responsible to test all implemented solutions to ensure high quality and functional integration of all technical developments. Effort and progress of testing will be also documented and tracked by you. After successful testing you'll introduce and hand over the new process to the data quality team. Training preparation and documentation are also part of your role as well as facilitating and hosting of those trainings. EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:5+ years of professional experience in a product lifecycle management, PLM key user or consultant roleDepth knowledge of PLM applications and proven expertise in developing and implementing process improvements in the field of new product introductionHighly experienced in gathering, challenging, and translating business requirements to system integration conceptsVerifiable experience in managing projects and programsSystem affinity, conceptual strength and holistic viewStrong analytical skills, solution- and process oriented, structured, assertiveness, communicative and collaborative, team player, able to work under pressure and self-dependentlyStrong communication and presentation skillsEnd to End Operations know-how, FMCG environment preferredAdvanced level of Microsoft Office Suite and handling of project management toolsBachelor or master’s degree in business administration, supply chain or operations management, process and/or project management or similarFluent in English, German beneficial but not mandatoryTravel 0-10%JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is € 2.805,00 gross per month. However, our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary.As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.
Reporting & Analytics Manager
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Reporting & Analytics ManagerElsbethen, ÖsterreichJoin us and spread your wings!The Operations Reporting & Analytics department provides SAP BW integrated reporting, planning and analytics solutions for the whole organization. The ambitious Reporting & Analytics Manager is a process & data expert supporting the strategic data driven projects within the Operations department, making data and analysis available for fact-based decision making. In this role, you’ll translate business requirements into technical concepts and drive the development of the BI landscape in close collaboration with the senior management and IT team. As a project team leader, you’ll coordinate relevant tasks (e.g. for external consultants) in order to achieve a successful outcome of the projects.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:SYSTEM BASED CONCEPTS AND PROCESSESIn Data Integration/Reporting projects you’ll act as a translator between business and IT. Your responsibility is to collect and analyse requirements from Operations teams and to transform them into system-based concepts, which will be used for technical implementation. As a sparring partner, you’ll discuss and align these concepts and processes with all stakeholders on business and IT side.TEAM LEADERFor relevant projects, you’ll act as a team leader for external (business) consultants. You’ll guide and develop the team with your internal know-how to achieve the best possible outcome & use of external resources. You’ll break down your projects into operational work packages and assign concrete deliverable to specific team members based on their strengths.TRAINING & SUPPORTLast but not least, you’ll drive training initiatives. You are first point of contact for BI data related questions in Operations. You’ll promote reporting solutions cross-functionally.PROJECT MANAGEMENTYou’ll define project plans and work packages in close alignment with business stakeholders as well as IT, follow up on milestones and make sure that deadlines are met. You are responsible for setting the right priorities and pro-active communication with all involved parties. You’ll identify bottlenecks and find alternatives to remove the roadblocks.DATA QUALITY AND DOCUMENTATIONYou’ll also establish concepts for improving data quality, performance, and documentation for the increasing BI solutions in place. You understand cross-functional dependencies in data models and can judge related risks.EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:5-7 years of experience in coordinating/managing cross-functional data-related projects in Supply Chain, Logistics and/or Operations management or Controlling.At least a bachelor’s degree with a strong focus on logistics, operations management or supply chain management (or related areas)English proficiency ; German is a plusProfound business knowledge of reporting and dashboarding applications – SAP BI, SAP Analytics Cloud. End-user knowledge of the following source applications – SAP ERP (MM/SD), SAP IBP, SAP TM.Proficiency in Microsoft Excel/PowerPoint.Data analytics expertise, strong ability to understand data elements, sources, and relationships.Strong communication and presentation skills for internal and external stakeholders.Team player, goal-oriented, able to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment.  Travel 0-10%JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is EUR 2.208,00 gross per month. However, our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary. As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.
Area HRIS Manager
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Area HRIS ManagerElsbethen, ÖsterreichAre you an HRIS whiz? Do you have the technical know-how to navigate the complex world of HR systems? Are you a natural people manager? If so, then you are the Area HRIS Manager we’re looking for!At Red Bull, we’re looking for an experienced Area HRIS Manager to join our vibrant team. You'll be responsible for supporting country and regional teams in Europe and LATAM and developing their HRIS skills. You'll also be responsible for supporting global HRIS teams during rollouts and for system improvements. Be the spokesperson of your area and ensure HR systems are used in the most productive and successful way possible.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:COOPERATION WITH REGIONAL HR TEAMS IN EUROPE & LATAMYou'll be the expert on all questions related to HR systems in your region. You and the Area HRIS specialist will ensure the availability of HR reports, KPIs, talent management tools, and planning tools. You'll also be responsible for guaranteeing a high quality of data in all SAP HR modules and responding to any queries regarding system usage. Ultimatly, you'll be the one accountable for providing HRIS service and support within the European and LATAM Region. COACHING OF COUNTRY HR TEAMS IN EUROPE & LATAMYour area of responsibility includes the coaching of the country's HR teams in all HRIS matters. You’ll execute HR System trainings according to our global HRIS standards not only for new joiners, but also help keep knowledge levels high. As Area HRIS Manager you'll also be asked to develop tailored training plans for different regions and knowledge levels across all systems. PEOPLE LEADERSHIPYou'll lead a team of HRIS professionals and provide guidance on all HRIS matters. By doing so, you'll live and breathe the Red Bull people management philosophies and develop team members through coaching, mentoring, and training. You'll shape processes and boost cooperation within the Red Bull HRIS team and build the best Area HRIS team out there.COOPERATION WITH GLOBAL HRIS TEAM To stay ahead of the market, we roll out new tools quicker and more often than the industry. This means you'll be actively supporting our global HRIS project managers in global, regional and local projects. As the experts for your region, you'll together with the Area HRIS specialists help rolling out solutions, that meet exactly the requirements of the HR teams in the countries. We also count on you to be the spokesperson and liaison between country, regional and global teams for upcoming system developments. HRIS PROCESS & SYSTEM GOVERNANCE FOR EUROPE You'll be actively supporting HR teams with integrated HR processes and SAP HR solutions. As the expert on our HRIS solutions within the region, you'll work with the Area HRIS specialists to constantly improve HR processes through enhanced use of HR systems. Together with the regional HR teams you'll ensure optimal execution of global HR processes. You'll also ensure there is regional documentation for HR processes and HR systems available. EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:5 years of working experience with HR information systems (e.g., SAP HR, SuccessFactors, Anaplan, BI, SmartRecruiters)University Degree in e.g. Human Resources and/or Information TechnologyEnglish is a must, any additional language is beneficialProject and process management skillsAbility to analyze and interpret human resources and technology related documentsAbility to work under pressure with multiple deadlines and stakeholdersExcellent communication skills, performance and results-driven, analytical thinking and well-structured approachNatural leader  Travel 0-10%JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is EUR 2,818 gross per month. However, our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary. As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.
Marketing & Project Manager im Buchverlag
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Marketing & Project Manager im BuchverlagElsbethen, ÖsterreichIn dieser Position bist du Teil des Kommunikations- und Marketing-Teams unseres Verlagshauses Benevento Publishing, einer Marke der Red Bull Media House GmbH. In diesem werden verschiedene Verlage vereint: Benevento sucht weltweit nach außergewöhnlichen Geschichten. ecoWing bringt jedes Jahr spannende Themen aus dem Bereich Sachbuch und schafft es regelmäßig auf die Bestsellerlisten. Seit 2014 ist der Servus Verlag als Ergänzung und Vertiefung für Servus TV und Print mit dabei. Mit dem Label Pantauro eröffnen sich dem Leser begeisternde Einblicke in die Welt von Red Bull. Bergwelten erzählt vielfältige Geschichten rund um das Gipfelglück. Allen gemeinsam ist: Benevento Publishing – Bücher, die den Geist beflügeln!Unser Verlagshaus sucht deine Unterstützung ab Februar 2024.Die RollePersönliche Stärken einsetzenVerantwortungsbereiche und Aufgaben, in denen etwas bewegt werden kann:MARKETINGKAMPAGNENIn deiner Rolle als Marketing & Project Manager übernimmst du die Marketingplanung für unsere Buchkampagnen: Du erarbeitest gemeinsam mit dem Team die Kommunikationsstrategie, setzt diese um und sorgst dafür, dass unsere Bücher die Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, die sie verdienen. Für ausgewählte Buchprojekte übernimmst du die Gesamtverantwortung in der Kommunikation und fungierst als Hauptansprechpartner für unsere Autoren. Organisationtalent und kommunikative Fähigkeiten zählen zu deinen Kernkompetenzen.ONLINE-MARKETINGIm Bereich Online-Marketing verantwortest du die Entwicklung und Durchführung von Amazon-Kampagnen, gestaltest Markengeschichten und prägst unseren Markenauftritt auf Amazon, in enger Zusammenarbeit mit einer externen Agentur. Du planst und realisierst Google Ads und kreierst Social Media Marketing-Konzepte sowie die dazugehörigen Werbemittel. Zudem managst du den Content unserer Website, kommunizierst mit Agenturen und bereitest Inhalte in Wordpress auf.WERBEMITTELDu konzipierst, textest und briefst Print- und Online-Werbemittel, koordinierst deren Umsetzung mit unserer Inhouse-Grafikabteilung und externen Agenturen.ADMINISTRATIONIm administrativen Bereich führst du Marktforschungen durch, um mehr Informationen zu Zielgruppen, Mitbewerbern, relevanten Themen und Autoren zu erhalten, um auf deren Grundlage fundierte Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Du hältst den Kommunikationsplan aktuell, analysierst die Effektivität der Kommunikationsmaßnahmen und erstellst entsprechende Reportings. Zusätzlich übernimmst du die Kontrolle und Freigabe von Rechnungen.ExpertiseHier zählen Erfahrung und bisher erbrachte LeistungenFür die Rolle relevant:Abgeschlossenes Studium, z. B. Marketing & Kommunikation oder Ähnliches, erste einschlägige Berufserfahrung von VorteilDeutsch fließend in Wort und Schrift, Englisch ist erwünschtKreativität und ausgezeichnete KommunikationsfähigkeitenAusgeprägtes Organisationstalent, strukturierte ArbeitsweiseTeamgeist sowie hohes Maß an Begeisterungsfähigkeit und LernbereitschaftLösungsorientiert, flexibel, fähig unter Druck zu arbeitenErste Erfahrungen mit Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen, Canva, Meta Creative Hub und / oder Amazon Business Manager sind ein PlusReisebereitschaft 10-20%Jetzt BewerbenLust auf eine Herausforderung?Wir freuen uns auf eine Bewerbung, die Motivation und Kompetenzen enthält – und vor allem auch die Persönlichkeit dahinter erkennen lässt.Aus gesetzlichen Gründen sind wir verpflichtet darauf hinzuweisen, dass das kollektivvertragliche Mindestgehalt für diese Position bei monatlich EUR 2.041 brutto liegt. Unsere attraktiven Gehaltspakete orientieren sich jedoch an aktuellen Marktgehältern und liegen daher deutlich über dem angegebenen Mindestgehalt. Als Arbeitgeber schätzen wir Diversität und unterstützen Menschen ihre Potenziale und Stärken zu entfalten, ihre Ideen zu verwirklichen und Chancen zu ergreifen. Passioniert glauben wir daran, dass Diversität unter Kollegen ein zentrales Element unseres Erfolgs ist. Wir begrüßen Bewerbungen aller Menschen gleichermaßen, unabhängig von Alter, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung oder Herkunft.
Application Security Professional
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Application Security ProfessionalElsbethen, ÖsterreichJoin our cross-functional Application Security team and lead the charge in ensuring the safety and security of our global enterprise's applications and systems. Your mission includes setting up robust organizational processes to identify and mitigate potential security risks and collaborating closely with other departments, e.g. Infrastructure and Digital Security.As a Application Security Manager, you will play a central role in shaping application security within our integrated technology landscape. Additionally, contribute to our cross-functional team as a Project Manager, supporting the design, build, and rollout of services and platforms for the Business Application department. Seize this chance to make a significant impact on application security in our dynamic and globally connected technology environment. Join us in safeguarding our systems and shaping the future of cybersecurity.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:APPLICATION SECURITY As a Application Security Manager you identify security enhancements, shape them to the needs of the enterprise, and bring them into the organization, as an end-to-end service. You have a sound understanding of the needs of an end user, of the infrastructure team, as well as the needs of an operations team, and build the bridge between them, by setting the right measures and processes in place.SERVICE /SYSTEM OWNERAs a Service and/or System Owner you work in Service Design, Service Transition and Service Operation. You assemble all the right voices to design a service, and ensure that everything that has been planned by the Project Manager is realized and that the acceptance criteria are met. You oversee your service at a high level, improve it continuously, and maintain service and support documentation.PROJECT MANAGERAs Project Manager you manage projects from initial requirements gathering through delivery to support according to Red Bull IT project management standards. You provide teams with the technical know-how, and support and collaborate with Application teams when executing and controlling projects. In a cross-functional role, you will also act as a technical Project Manager to support other teams.BUDGETYou are planning annual budgets, including expenses and capital for support and operations of the solutions, as well as planning and managing the effective allocation of budget resources.EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:A bachelor's degree in computer science with a specialization in cybersecurity or practical experience in the cybersecurity field.Proficiency in English, German is beneficial.Over 5 years of IT experience with a focus on cyber security, including expertise in project management and software engineering (developer, software architect, ...).Proven track record of working in international global-acting companies, with additional beneficial skills in SAP Know-How.Strong communication skills coupled with an analytical and technical mindset.Demonstrated willingness to understand and learn new technologies.Performance-, result-, and service-oriented work style.High degree of independence and reliabilityTravel 0-10%JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is EUR 2.041gross per month. However, our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary. As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.
Sales Operations Specialist - Ordering (f/m/x)
BMW Group Salzburg, Salzburg
Sales Operations Specialist - Ordering (f/m/x)The BMW Group is developing rapidly and the optimized management of vehicle stock and distribution channels will play an even more crucial role than today. The European Sales Operations department is looking for support with these new tasks.What can you expect? You will be responsible for ensuring the production pipeline fill by ordering stock vehicles, both for central compounds as well as regional compounds based on recommended configurations (ConRecOrd Templates).You will be constantly monitoring the order/production pipeline and in case of disturbances (e.g. restrictions) you will be managing the incident by identifying & evaluating the problem, deriving measures (including defining the specific handling in the ordering systems) and coordinating the communication with the relevant process partners.Regular exchange with the relevant central interfaces (e.g. template management, stock management, volume planning, young used car management) and market based sales functions (e.g. area manager)You will be the central contact for dealer queries that could not be answered and clarified by First Level Support.If necessary, identifying new system requirements and taking responsibility to forward process and system adjustments to the respective business process owner.Participation in setting up the ordering team and all associated activities during the initial setup phase of the new BMW/MINI sales model.What can we expect? You have a degree in business administration, logistics or comparable fields of science with initial professional experience in the automotive industry in an operational sales role (or comparable).Alternatively, you have completed your vocational training and have at least 5 years of professional experience in an operational sales role.Experience with the BMW Group ordering Systems (e.g. IVS-R; DVP…) will be a plusConfidence to handle and communicate with various Interface partners, e.g. with specialist departments, central functions and 3rd party providers.Good organizational and planning skills.Personal initiative and 100% reliability.Team spirit and intercultural skills.Fluent in business EnglishWhat do we offer you at Campus Salzburg? With us, you are guaranteed to find challenging and versatile opportunities to actively shape the sustainable mobility of the future. In addition to the motivating working environment in our dynamic teams, we offer a wide range of social benefits:A new flexible working environment at the Campus Salzburg with a wide range of possibilities for working (e.g. mobile work, creative spaces, library or directly in the department).Flexible working hours without core hours.You have the opportunity to experience a variety of our products and test them on the road yourself.Our canteen offers you a selection of various discounted meals every day.Locally and regionally, we can offer you great discounts through partnerships with various companies (e.g. gym, metro).Generous parking facilities directly on the Campus Salzburg.Internal initiatives with various events (e.g. initiatives on Sustainability, Health- and Work Environment & Sport).We are looking for you as soon as possible for a indefinite period and offer an attractive salary & benefit package. The minimum salary for this position is € 2.900 gross per month. The actual salary depends on the respective qualification or professional experience, i.e. we determine the actual amount in a personal interview. A significant overpayment is possible with appropriate suitability.Are you interested?Then apply now! We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Operations Manager:in (m/w/d)
Mayburg Hotel, Salzburg
Operations Manager:in (m/w/d)Das Hotel Mayburg, das erste Hotel der Marriott Tribute Portfolio Marke in Salzburg ist eine Oase, unmittelbar an der Salzach gelegen, um mit uns selbst und anderen zu sein. Hier in Salzburg leben wir eine moderne Kultur der Gastfreundschaft abseits der Touristenpfade. Ein wohltuender Ort, durchdrungen vom Schöngeist Josef Mayburgers, an dem Gleichgesinnte sich austauschen und neu verwurzeln können. Wir suchen zur Verstärkung unseres Teams eine:n ambitionierte:nF&B Operations Supervisor:in (m/w/d) Du möchtest mehr als nur Gäste begrüßen, sondern gemeinsam mit uns nationale/internationale Freunde, Familie und Geschäftspartner von ganzem Herzen willkommen heißen? Du fühlst Dich dazu berufen, die Hotellerie gemeinsam mit uns zu revolutionieren ? Hast Lust, den Dienstplan zusammen mit Deinem Team zu gestalten?Du weißt genau was es bedeutet jemanden ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern, bist ein Teamplayer und legst Wert auf ein gutes Erscheinungsbild? Du lebst Authentizität, Offenheit, Respekt und eine gute Kommunikation? Du kommunizierst gerne auf Englisch? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!Das erwartet Dich bei uns.Motivation und Führung der Mitarbeiter:innen;Überwachung und Koordination aller operativen Abläufe im Hotel, um sicherzustellen, dass die Betriebsabläufe reibungslos und effizient ablaufenSicherstellung von Produkt- und Servicequalität;Zahlengefühl: Operative Wirtschaftlichkeit der Kennzahlen, sowie Berichtswesen, Monatsabschluss und Analysen;Maßnahmen zur Einhaltung des laufenden Budgets;Durchführung von Inventuren zum Monatsende;Einblicke in neue Tätigkeitsbereiche durch abteilungsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit;Betreuung unserer Gäste an der Bar und in unserem stylischen Wohnzimmer Mayburg;Mitgestaltung der Speisekarte, sowie der Aktionskarten;Bestellwesen, Lagerhaltung und Rechnungskontrolle. Deine Benefits.Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag;Weltweite Mitarbeiter:innen-, Family- & Friendsrate in mehr als 8000 Marriott International Hotels sowie reizvolle Rabatte in Restaurants, Bars und auf Spa-Angebote;Family- & Friends Rate in unseren Schwesternhotels der LOISIUM Gruppe;Urlaubsgeld/Weihnachtsgeld;Möglichkeit den Dienstplan mit Deinem Team selbst gestalten, Berücksichtigung Deiner Wünsche bezüglich freier Tage;Abwechslungsreiche Mitarbeiter:innenverpflegung;Positiver Team-Spirit mit gemeinsamen Events;Jobticket;Bequeme und stylische Arbeitskleidung inkl. Reinigung;Flache Hierarchien und Aufstiegschance innerhalb der Unternehmensgruppe und Marriott weltweit;Individuelle Fort- & Weiterbildung sowie persönliche Karriereplanung. Ready to become a TEAM MEMBER? Dann schick uns Deine Bewerbung!Mayburg Salzburg, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel, z.H. Alexandra Mailler, Haunspergstraße 41, 5020 Salzburg Neben all den Annehmlichkeiten, brauchst du natürlich auch Geld – richtig? Für diese Stelle bieten wir mind. EUR 3.000.- brutto auf Basis Vollzeit. Was Du schlussendlich bei uns verdienst, würden wir gerne in Hinblick auf Dein Know-How und Deines Einsatzes mit Dir persönlich besprechen.Hinweis betreffend Ersatz der Vorstellungskosten: ein Aufwandsersatz hierfür wird vom Arbeitgeber explizit ausgeschlossen.
Operation Manager (m/w/d)
Seehotel Billroth GmbH, St. Gilgen, Salzburg
Ankommen. Durchatmen. Dableiben. Das Ferien-, Seminar- und Eventhotel Seehotel Billroth liegt in einer der schönsten Ecken des Wolfgangsees. Es ist der charmante Mix aus Gestern und Heute, der das Seehotel Billroth zu etwas Besonderem macht. Das Flair vergangener Zeiten verwebt sich hier, am Ufer des Wolfgangsees, mit zuvorkommendem Service, bodenständig-moderner Kulinarik und Gastfreundschaft, die von Herzen kommt. Bis bald in Ihrem Ferien- und Seminarhotel in St. Gilgen am Wolfgangsee. Anstellungsart: Vollzeit Dienstzeit 15 Uhr bis 23 Uhr Durchführung von Check-in und Check-out Büro- und Reservierungstätigkeiten im Back Office Informationsweitergabe wichtiger Gäste- und Buchungsangelegenheiten Kommunikationsschnittstelle zwischen den Abteilungen Professioneller Empfang, kompetente Beratung und Betreuung der Hotelgäste Evaluation des Gäste Feedbacks und Sicherstellung höchster Gästezufriedenheit Das eigenständige Führen und Leiten der Abteilungen nach Absprache und Einteilung durch den Hoteldirektor Rechnungserstellung und Kassenführung Debitoren & Kreditoren Kontrolle Einholung sowie Überprüfung von Zahlungsgarantien Überwachung aller operativen Abteilungen gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift Motivation, Spaß an der Arbeit und ein freundliches Auftreten Eigenständiges und verantwortungsbewusstes Arbeiten Zuverlässigkeit, Ehrlichkeit und Toleranz Führungserfahrung min 1-2 Jahre Ganzjahresstelle Möglichkeit zur beruflichen Weiterentwicklung attraktives Gehalt mit der Möglichkeit eines erfolgsabhängigen Bonus Das Mindestbruttogehalt für diese Position unterliegt dem Kollektivvertrag für Hotel- und Gastgewerbe in Österreich, wobei die Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und bisheriger Erfahrung gegeben ist. Family and Friends Rate 13. Und 14. Gehalt
Sales Operations Specialist - Car Configuration Template Management
BMW Group Salzburg, Salzburg
Sales Operations Specialist - Car Configuration Template ManagementThe BMW Group is developing rapidly and the optimized management of vehicle stock and distribution channels will play an even more crucial role than today. The European Sales Operations department is looking for support with these new tasks.What can you expect?Tool-supported generation of vehicle configuration templates in the system ConRecOrd that have been statisticallydetermined and agreed in the “Stock and Template Advisory Circle (STAC)”.Monitor the actuality of active templates and ensure the restriction conformity within the framework of the STAC.Regular exchange with the relevant central interfaces (e.g. ordering, stock management, volume planning, young used car management) and market based sales functions (e.g. area manager)If necessary, identifying new system requirements and taking responsibility to forward process and system adjustments to the respective business process owner.Participation in setting up the template management team and all associated activities during the initial setup phase of the new BMW/MINI sales model.What can we expect?You have a degree in business administration, logistics or comparable fields of science with initial professional experience in the automotive industry in an operational sales role (or comparable).Alternatively, you have completed your vocational training and have at least 5 years of professional experience in an operational sales role (or comparable).Experience with the BMW Group template management system ConRecOrd will be a plus.Familiarity with BMW Processes and confidence to handle and communicate with various Interface partners, e.g. with specialist departments & central functions.Personal initiative and 100% reliability.Team spirit and intercultural skills.Fluent in business EnglishWas bieten wir Dir am Campus Salzburg?With us, you are guaranteed to find challenging and versatile opportunities to actively shape the sustainable mobility of the future. In addition to the motivating working environment in our dynamic teams, we offer a wide range of social benefits:A new flexible working environment at the Campus Salzburg with a wide range of possibilities for working (e.g. mobile work, creative spaces, library or directly in the department).Flexible working hours without core hours.You have the opportunity to experience a variety of our products and test them on the road yourself.Our canteen offers you a selection of various discounted meals every day.Locally and regionally, we can offer you great discounts through partnerships with various companies (e.g. gym, metro).Generous parking facilities directly on the Campus Salzburg.Internal initiatives with various events (e.g. initiatives on Sustainability, Health- and Work Environment & Sport).We are looking for you as soon as possible  for a indefinite period and offer an attractive salary & benefit package. The minimum salary for this position is € 2.900 gross per month. The actual salary depends on the respective qualification or professional experience, i.e. we determine the actual amount in a personal interview. A significant overpayment is possible with appropriate suitability. Are you interested? Then apply now at www.bmwgroup.jobs/at/de. We are looking forward to receiving your application.Wir haben Dein Interesse geweckt?Dann bewirb Dich jetzt! Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung.
Talent Acquisition Operations Manager
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Talent Acquisition Operations ManagerElsbethen, Österreich, VollzeitAre you passionate about revolutionizing recruitment? Do you have a keen eye for talent acquisition best practices and industry trends?We are seeking an experienced Talent Acquisition Operations Manager to join the team on-site in Salzburg, Austria. Reporting to the Senior Manager of Global TA Operations, your goal will be to improve how we recruit at Red Bull across all our markets. You will be an individual contributor, with the opportunity to be the project lead on different workstreams supported by other team members.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:TALENT ACQUISITION ENABLEMENTWith the recent launch of our new Applicant Tracking system, you’ll help shaping the future of Talent Acquisition. You'll bring your expertise to build the foundation and enhance what we started on our processes and systems. You’ll strive to ensure that our hiring process is a world-class candidate experience.You’ll also oversee the collaboration with our actual vendors, including our vendor for our new Applicant Tracking System.TOOLS AND TRAININGYou’ll be the expert in developing the tools, material, best practices and training to support recruiters to be more productive and empower our hiring manager in the hiring process. You’ll collaborate with our Global Talent Development team to develop training programs to support the people involved in our hiring growth, like for example reviewing our Art of Interviewing training.You'll guide the design, maintenance, and adoption of technologies and training programs that build HR & Hiring Managers’ ability to select the right talent.GLOBAL HR AND TALENT ACQUISITION COLLABORATION You'll empower the HR and Talent acquisition team in the regions by providing value-added research, data analysis, subject matter expertise, and feedback to define structured and efficient hiring processes. You’ll collaborate with and influence country team members and Area HR Manager on the ‘why’ behind Red Bull’s Talent Acquisition approach. Furthermore, you’ll use internal communication channels to share global standards.You'll position yourself as a consultant, understanding their pain points and their successes, working with them to then make recommendations that they can implement at a country level.EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:6+ years of experience in talent acquisition, with a focus on operations, process improvement, stakeholder trainings.Strong understanding of recruiting technology and experience managing an Applicant Tracking System, experience with SmartRecruiters is an advantage.Experience driving process optimization and efficiency gains in talent acquisition functions.Analytical and problem-solving skills, with emphasis on a solution mindset.Excellent communication skills with the ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams.Experience in vendor management and contract negotiation.Project management skills with experience driving multiple projects from beginning to end autonomously.Travel 0-10%JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.Due to legal reasons we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is € 2,605 gross per month. However, our attractive compensation package is based on market-oriented salaries and is therefore significantly above the stated minimum salary. As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin.
Internship Digital Analytics
Red Bull GmbH, Elsbethen
Internship Digital AnalyticsElsbethen, Österreich, VollzeitThe Digital Analytics team is meant to be the data-driven business enabler of Red Bull Media House and a key partner for Red Bull Brand Marketing. A major focus of the team is to implement, support and develop compliant data intelligence in order to support content programming, digital product development, communication initiatives and commercial efforts within the World of Red Bull. Specifically, we’re responsible for the privacy compliant data collection of Red Bull media and properties across screens (desktop, mobile & tablet) and services (web, apps and connected devices). In addition to that, we enable high quality analysis of the collected data from which actionable insights can be derived.We are currently looking for a highly motivated Intern to join our dynamic team as of summer for a period of 6 months.RESPONSIBILITIESAreas that play to your strengthsAll the responsibilities we'll trust you with:ANALYTICS IMPLEMENTATION KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISEIn this unique internship, you’ll have the opportunity to work in a multinational team and to grow your knowledge in key aspects of analytics and digital compliance. You’ll assist in the successful and compliant implementation of analytics tags via pixel management systems (e.g. Google Tag Manager) as well as Consent Management platforms in order to analyze digital marketing efforts of the Red Bull Media Network from a product & content perspective.ANALYTICS STRATEGYAs a full member of the team, you’ll work closely together with all members of the team in order to contribute towards the digital analytics instrumentation strategy, by delivering insights and recommendations that will further improve Red Bull’s reporting capabilities across web and apps.QUALITY ASSURANCEYou´ll gain a solid understanding of testing and debugging analytics implementations in order to assure the successful instrumentation of sophisticated tracking concepts as well as general quality assurance capabilities.PROJECT MANAGEMENTUtilize your project management skills in order to guarantee successful analytics implementations as well as to maintain day to day support operations. This includes working with project management tools in order to ensure transparency, comply with timelines and include sophisticated documentation on all initiatives and concepts.EXPERIENCEYour areas of knowledge and expertisethat matter most for this role:Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics, Computer Science, Digital Marketing, Ecommerce or a related field (ideally, already finished).General understanding and strong interests in the digital industry.Excellent data manipulation, analytical and problem-solving skills.Must be organized and methodical, as the job will entail working with a large amount of data.Ability to spot trends and to drive insights forward. Attention to detail is critical.Computer skills: knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, SQL is a plus.Experience with the Google Marketing Platform & Google Cloud Platform is a plus.JOIN THE TEAMGot what it takes?In your application we want to see your personal style - what makes you tick and why you think your next opportunity is here with us.As an employer, we value diversity and support people in developing their potential and strengths, realizing their ideas and seizing opportunities. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin. Due to legal reasons, we are obliged to disclose the minimum salary according to the collective agreement for this position, which is € 2.095,00 gross per month.