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Expert:in M&A (all genders)
KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft, Villach, Kärnten
Die Kelag Energie & Wärme GmbH ist der größte österreichweit tätige Wärmeversorger und Anbieter von Wärme auf Basis von Biomasse und der Nutzung von Abwärme sowie der Top-Ansprechpartner für B2B Kunden in Sachen Strom, Erdgas und moderner Energiedienstleistungen. Wir betreuen mehr als 900 Heizzentralen und 85 Fernwärmenetze. Die Kelag Energie & Wärme GmbH – eine 100-Prozent-Tochter des Energiedienstleisters KELAG – sucht für unser Team zum ehestmöglichen Eintrittsdatum am Standort Villach eine:n Mitarbeiter:in für die Funktion Expert:in M&A (all genders) Sie sind eine Persönlichkeit mit viel Erfahrung und Engagement, der mit uns die Energiewende mitgestalten will? Wir bieten ein spannendes, vielseitiges Aufgabengebiet in der Branche der erneuerbaren Energie. Wenn Sie gerne mit Menschen arbeiten, ein Teamplayer sind, der gemeinsam mit uns den Weg der Energiewende vorantreiben möchte, dann bewerben Sie sich und lassen Sie uns ein Gespräch führen. Begleitung und Betreuung der Geschäftsführung in den Geschäftsaktivitäten für das Themenspektrum Business Development und M&A Prüfung von relevanten Beteiligungschancen & Kooperationsmöglichkeiten Durchführung von Due-Diligence-Prüfungen und Unterstützung bei Vertragsverhandlungen Ausarbeitung der M&A-Strategie sowie der Business-Pläne von Beteiligungen sowie unternehmensweites Kompetenzzentrum Teamleitung für M&A Koordination von internen Bereichen sowie Schnittstellen-Management Sicherstellung von Reporting & Controlling und laufenden Updates Ausarbeitung von Entscheidungsgrundlagen Begleitung von Innovations- & Strategieprojekten für die zukunftsorientierte Ausrichtung der Geschäftsaktivitäten Hochschulabschluss (Universität/FH) im Bereich Betriebswirtschaft mit relevanten Spezialisierungen im Bereich Corporate Finance, Unternehmensrechnung, Controlling Mindestens 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Corporate Finance, M&A und/oder Beteiligungsmanagement Ausgeprägte betriebswirtschaftliche Auffassung und hohes Zahlenverständnis Analytische Herangehensweise, strukturierte, systematische Arbeitsweise sowie hohe Affinität zu New Energy, Sustainability, Digitalisierung Partnerschaftliche, kooperative & agile Arbeitsweise, erste Führungserfahrung von Vorteil Gewinnendes Auftreten sowie wertschätzende und überzeugende Kommunikation Teamplayer mit Hands-on-Mentalität und hoher Ergebnisfokussierung Vollzeit (38,5 Stunden/Woche) Warum Sie sich für uns entscheiden sollten: Wir haben unsere Kernkompetenz in einem nachhaltigen, modernen und innovativen Produktportfolio, das uns zum Energie-Komplett-Dienstleister macht. Wir tun schon lange, was Klimaexpert:innen fordern und bieten für jede Region eine Lösung, um nachhaltig Energie zu nutzen Wir sind ein Team, das sich gegenseitig unterstützt, gemeinsam Feste feiert, Diversität und Chancengleichheit lebt und die Potentiale der Vielfalt nutzt Ihre Benefits bei uns: Homeoffice Flexibles Arbeitsmodell mit 4,5 Tage-Woche und Gleitzeit, Sabbatical Pensionsvorsorge, Unfallversicherung Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung, Arbeitsmedizinische Gesundheitsvorsorge Klimaticket bzw. Firmenfahrzeug mit Privatnutzung Gesundes Essen/Betriebskantine Umfassendes Onboarding und Entwicklungsprogramme Für die Position wird ein Gehalt entsprechend einer Management-Funktion geboten, welches dem KV der Gas-/Wärmeversorgungsunternehmungen entspricht und marktkonform sowie nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung vergütet wird. Wir glauben an eine Welt, die zu 100% von erneuerbaren Energien bewegt wird - und wir arbeiten jeden Tag daran. Sie auch?
Einkauf mit Schwerpunkt Bautechnik (all genders)
KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft, Klagenfurt, Kärnten
Der Kelag-Konzern ist einer der führenden Energie-Dienstleister Österreichs. Die Konzernunternehmen sind in den Geschäftsfeldern Strom, Erdgas und Wärme österreichweit und international tätig. Wir suchen für unser Team im Konzerneinkauf zum ehestmöglichen Eintrittsdatum am Standort Klagenfurt eine:n Mitarbeiter:infür die Funktion Einkauf mit Schwerpunkt Bautechnik (all genders) Eigenverantwortliche Bedarfsabstimmung, Beratung und Beschaffungsumsetzung in zugeordneten Einkaufsgebieten, vorwiegend im Bereich Bautechnik (z.B. Kraftwerksbau, Hochbau, Tiefbau, Erneuerbare Energien, Anlagenbau), ggfs. auch in anderen Einkaufsgebieten Aktive Suche nach Alternativlieferant:innen und Eignungsprüfung sowie Auswahlprüfung derselben Selbstständige Einholung von Angeboten inklusive Durchführung von Verhandlungen mit nachfolgender Beschaffungsumsetzung und zugehöriger Dokumentation Eigenständige Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Vergabeverfahren mittlerer Komplexität nach dem Bundesvergabegesetz im freigestellten oder freien Bereich nach dem Best- oder Billigstbieterprinzip Systembedienung von SAP sowie von speziellen Einkaufsinstrumenten (Vergabeportal, eProcurement, Bausoftware) Erstellung der systemtechnischen Bestellung mit zugehöriger Beschaffungsdokumentation Abgeschlossene Ausbildung auf Maturaniveau (HTL- oder HAK-Matura) Berufserfahrung von Vorteil, idealerweise im technischen Einkauf, Vertrieb oder Projektmanagement Solide MS-Office-Kenntnisse und gute Englischkenntnisse sowie idealerweise Erfahrung in SAP (oder anderen ERP-Systemen) und ABK (bzw. anderen Bausoftware-Programmen) Bereitschaft zum Aufbau von fachlicher Kompetenz im Einkauf eines EVU sowie Interesse an interessanten Projekten und vergaberechtlichen Fragestellungen Neugierde, Eigeninitiative und Verantwortungsbewusstsein Genauigkeit und die Fähigkeit zum vernetzten Denken Hohes Maß an Teamfähigkeit Vollzeit (38,5 Stunden/Woche) Warum Sie sich für uns entscheiden sollten: Wir sind nachhaltig, gestalten Zukunft und bieten Aufgaben, die Sinn stiften und Freude machen Wir übernehmen gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und fördern regionale Wertschöpfung Wir leben Gemeinschaft, Diversität und Chancengleichheit und nutzen die Potentiale der Vielfalt Ihre Benefits bei uns: Homeoffice Flexibles Arbeitsmodell mit Gleitzeit, jeder 2. Freitag ist frei, Sabbatical Pensionsvorsorge, Unfallversicherung Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung, Arbeitsmedizinische Grundversorgung Klimaticket Gesundes Essen in der Betriebskantine Individuelle Entwicklungsprogramme und Karrierewege Vielfältige Sport- und Freizeitangebote Für die Funktion wird ein Brutto-Monatsgehalt ab 3.400 Euro geboten, welches dem EVU-KV entspricht sowie nach Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung vergütet wird. Wir glauben an eine Welt, die zu 100% von erneuerbaren Energien bewegt wird - und wir arbeiten jeden Tag daran. Sie auch?
Business Development Recycling & Stoffstrommanagement (m/w/d)
HILL International Kärnten GmbH, Kärnten, Steiermark
Unser Auftraggeber, die Baufeld Austria GmbH ist ein modernes Joint Venture von Alpacem (Zement- und Betonhersteller) und Fundermax (Holzwerkstoff- und Laminathersteller) und fungiert als Kompetenzzentrum zur gemeinsamen Stärkung der Kreislaufwirtschaft und der Beschaffung von Recyclingroh- und Brennstoffen. Flache Hierarchien, kurze Entscheidungswege und eine agile Unternehmenskultur ermöglichen einen interessanten Spielraum für Wachstum und Innovationen. Aufgrund der starken Expansion bieten wir eine Karrierechance mit Entwicklungspotential in einem nachhaltigen und gleichzeitig dynamischen Umfeld: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT RECYCLING & STOFFSTROMMANAGEMENT (W/M/D) #Lead Buyer #GreenJob mit #Gestaltungsspielraum und #EntwicklungsperspektiveSie forcieren die internationale Beschaffung von Recyclingroh- & -brennstoffen und haben dabei die Marktpotentiale stets im Fokus. Als Bindeglied zwischen Lieferanten- und Kunden haben Sie den Gesamtüberblick über die Stoffströme & Logistik und Sie stellen die optimale Materialverfügbarkeit sicher. Preis- und Lieferkonditionen verhandeln Sie geschickt. Auch strategische Projekte werden von Ihnen vorangetrieben. Sie haben Budgetverantwortung, arbeiten in enger Abstimmung mit dem Geschäftsführer und können mitgestalten und entwickeln.Sie haben bereits mehrjährige Erfahrung im Bereich Beschaffung, Vertrieb oder Stoffstrommanagement und kommen idealerweise aus der Recyclingwirtschaft bzw. ähnlichen Branchen. Sie sind gerne unterwegs, auch international, knüpfen leicht Kontakte und erkennen Chancen. Verbindlich und verbindend agieren Sie am Markt, mit Konsequenz verfolgen Sie Ziele, haben Freude an Aufbauarbeit und Sie denken dabei auch über den Tellerrand hinaus. Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse werden vorausgesetzt. Eine weitere Sprache (z.B. Italienisch bzw. eine Ostsprache) ist von Vorteil.Nach einer umfangreichen Einschulung, erhalten Sie eine eigenverantwortliche Tätigkeit mit viel Freiraum, Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und Entwicklungsperspektiven. Bei sehr flachen Unternehmensstrukturen haben Sie gleichzeitig die Sicherheit eines stabilen Umfelds. Das Bruttojahresgehalt liegt bei € 80.000,- mit der Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung bei entsprechender Qualifikation und Erfahrung. Ein Dienstauto rundet das Angebot ab.
Senior Director Systems Engineering and Software (f/m/div)*
Infineon Technologies AG, Villach
Senior Director Systems Engineering and Software (f/m/div)*At a glanceYou are passionate about innovative technologies and you got the right mindset to take products to system by thinking out of the box? Take your chance to lead the global systems engineering and software development teams at GIP GCO as Senior Director Systems Engineering and Software. At GCO, we have a broad product and project portfolio ranging from power discretes based on Si as well as SiC, over gate driver ICs to molded power modules with integrated micro controllers and application software. In the systems engineering, we are combining these products together to address our markets ranging from home appliances to industrial applications like e.g. drives, photovoltaics and EV charging, and extend our portfolio towards a system offering. With your understanding of power electronics components, respective software and target applications, your structured working style and very good team play you are the one to further build up the GIP systems engineering and to grow software development within the GIP organization. You will work with internal and external stakeholders from various functions (e.g. department leaders, project managers, marketing and application experts) and you will be the central link between different product lines, application marketing and R&D.Quick InfoLocationVillachEntry Level5+ yearsJob IDHRC0718230Start01. Jun 2024TypeFull timeContractPermanentJob descriptionIn your new role, you will:Lead our global systems engineering and embedded software developing teams at GIP GCODrive the “product to system” (P2S) initiative within GCO by taking responsibility for the R&D side, including a system offering roadmap, and the execution of respective system development projectsFoster the competence landscape and extend the network for GIP GCO in the areas of system engineering and software developmentBe responsible for execution quality of reference design projects, as well as for project pipeline planningDevelop an effective roadmap for GIP embedded software development together with the Business Line and Product Line functions e.g. Application Marketing, Application Management, Technical Marketing from different Product LinesFoster market-oriented innovations and IP generation to improve IFX System solutions via reference designs and embedded softwareDefine time-based improvement targets for methodologies for system engineering and software development in alignment with IFX processesDrive global stakeholder management and interface representing GIP GCO systems engineering and software development to all relevant stakeholders and related functions e.g. in high level management review meetings, release boards, GCO D management teamEnsure state of the art know how through cooperation with leading universitiesYour ProfileYou know relevant markets and competitors and align the strategy of your team accordingly. Therefore, you inspire others for your ideas and explain even complex issues in a clear and convincing way. You are aware of the strengths and motivational drivers of your team as well as their needs for development and deploy them according to their competencies within the team. Your Communication skills in English language are excellent and you are able to communicate the direction of Infineon and your team clear and directly to a bride range of recipients on different management levels. Long lasting and successful relationships you establish quickly and you are personally committed to your internal and external customer goals.You are best equipped for those tasks if you have:A degree in relevant field like electrical engineering, information technology or physics, a PhD is a plusAt least 15 years professional experience and thereof 10 years of experience in management/project management functions, ideally experience in leading leadersDeep knowledge in power electronics applications and/or software development/engineeringFluent English language skills due to working in multi-cultural teams internally and externallyThe ability to understand and transfer customers’ point of view into team targetsProven ability to present and communicate to top managementKnowledge of Infineon R&D process landscape is a PlusAustria: We offer competitive salaries and additional benefits based on your performance, experience and qualification. The employment is in accordance with the collective salary and wage agreement for employees of the electrical and electronics industry, employment group K (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). The monthly salary is paid 14 times p.a. We offer a higher compensation depending on your expertise and skills.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.– Green Industrial Power (GIP) empowers a world of unlimited green energy –The GIP division delivers leading semiconductor solutions for the smart, green, and efficient conversion of electrical energy, covering all steps in the energy chain from generation through transmission to storage and consumption. Its broad range of applications spans renewable energies, electric vehicle charging, industrial power supplies, trains, electric commercial vehicles, and home appliances.The GIP product portfolio encompasses IGBT power transistors and the driver ICs that control them, flanked by an expanding lineup of solutions based on SiC. Its growing analytics, service, and software offering complements this wide spectrum – reaching beyond products to create additional value for customers. Infineon is the global number one in power semiconductors and – with the broadest portfolio of SiC solutions for industrial applications – GIP is leading the transition to wide-bandgap technologies. GIP solutions handle energy more intelligently and efficiently – driving decarbonization for a better tomorrow.Click here for more information about working at GIP with interesting employee and management insights and an overview with more #GIPDreamJobs.We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenKatrin WeißRecruiterLinkedIn
Trainee Program - Service Management & Automation (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Klagenfurt
Trainee Program - Service Management & Automation (f/m/div)At a glanceMake IT happen! Our IT and software specialists in Klagenfurt work with state-of-the-art IT solutions in global teams and create value for the entire Infineon Group. Join us and take advantage of an individual job rotation to start your career at Infineon!Quick InfoLocationKlagenfurtEntry Level0-1 yearJob IDHRC0705909Start01. Jun 2024TypeFull timeContractTemporaryJob descriptionShape the future with us and actively contribute to the development and operation of state-of-the-art IT solutions in global and dynamic teams. The solutions created are pioneering for the IT landscape within the entire Infineon Group.Join our Trainee Program and benefit from an individually designed orientation phase, training and networking activities. In a 24-month program, you will get to know our semiconductor group and the associated IT infrastructure and immerse yourself in the globally networked IT operations of our group. In regular feedback loops, we will support you in your professional development and ensure your success in your position.In the area of Service Management, Automation & Monitoring you will be involved in the design, implementation and operations of global services in our service management platform solutions. You can bring in your skills in development and reporting activities across global services.In your new role you will:Implement cross-service reporting solutionsDevelop state of the art web applications and interfacesOperate solutions through entire service lifecycle (design, build, run)Operate and configure applications on container platform, e.g. OpenShiftYour ProfileYou are best equipped for this task if you have:A degree (Bachelor or Master) in Computer Science, Informatics or similar Experience in database- and reporting technologies e.g. MS SQLFirst experience in software development (e.g. in .NET, Angular) and agile frameworksContainer know-how in OpenShift (as an advantage)First experience in integration of various kind of systems (REST, web services, etc.)Service Management Processes knowledge with focus on ITIL: IT-Request Fulfillment, IT-Incident Management, Change Management, Problem ManagementProblem Solving skills (as an advantage)German and English skillsWe offer competitive salaries and additional benefits based on your performance, experience and qualification. The employment is in accordance with the collective salary and wage agreement for employees of the electrical and electronics industry, employment group F (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). The monthly salary is paid 14 times p.a. We offer a higher compensation depending on your expertise and skills.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.The Information Technology department has become an important business advisor for Infineon, converting business requirements into great IT solutions. It is responsible for provisioning hardware and software solutions at benchmark costs for all areas within Infineon reaching from office users to research & development, to frontend and backend production around the globe. More than 1000 IT-colleagues work closely together with other business areas and external partners. They increase the efficiency of business processes offering more than just modern equipment, secure infrastructure and newest communication solutions.The provincial capital Klagenfurt, in the heart of Carinthia, impresses with its liveliness, culture, numerous events and sights. The southern climate with the pictorial Wörthersee, the close link between urban infrastructure and rural areas as well as the proximity to Slovenia and Italy make Klagenfurt particularly livable.https://www.visitklagenfurt.at/en/We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenKatharina ThalerRecruiter
Management Assistance (all genders)
KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft, Klagenfurt, Kärnten
KI-KELAG International GmbH pools the international activities in the segments hydroelectric power, wind power and photovoltaics, as well as energy trading activities abroad of the Kelag Group, which is one of the leading energy service providers in Austria. We are looking for candidates to join our team at the location/headquarter in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee at the earliest-possible starting date for the position Management Assistance (all genders) Assistance to the management in the preparation of presentations and decision-relevant documents (Boards, QRMs) interface activities during interdisciplinary and group-related tasks Support and coordination of strategic and operational projects Interface function for various organizational units including the executive level, as well as continuous and proactive communication with the respective internal stakeholders Support of the management during the coordination of interdisciplinary topics University diploma in business, law, technical studies or similar and ideally 3 to 5 years of professional experience Very good analytical, structured, and conceptual skills Self-responsible, independent, target- and solution-oriented way of working Flexibility, resilience and discretion Team player with a high degree of social competence, strong communication skills and confident manner Excellent MS-Office skills Fluency in both English and German (written and spoken) We act in an international corporate environment, working on energy products that are in harmony with people and nature, and we play an active role in the process driving global decarbonization We offer tasks that make sense and let you enjoy working We live community, diversity and equal opportunities, and we tap into the potential offered by diversity You benefit from the below features when working at Kelag International: Remote working (“home office”) Flexible working model and flexible working hours; every second Friday is free; sabbatical Pension provision, accident insurance Workplace health promotion, basic occupational health services Personalized development programs and career paths Wide range of sports and leisure-time activities We offer a gross salary starting at € 3,700 per month, as corresponds to the collective bargaining agreement for power supply companies (EVUs). Your remuneration is calculated according to your qualifications and work experience. We believe in a world that is moved 100% by renewable energies – and we are working for this every day. How about you? Jetzt bewerben
Business Controller Winter Sports Operations (m/f/d)
Atomic Austria GmbH, Altenmarkt
Business Controller Winter Sports Operations (m/f/d)In this position you will be a key business partner for the Operations management team. You will steer the financial planning and reporting process of the activity in Austria and lead the coordination with all other production sites.KEY MISSION AND ACCOUNTABILITIES:Steer the financial planning process of the activity in terms of budgeting and forecasting the corresponding B/S and P&L itemsManage the standard costing process for finished goods and coordinate required inputs with stakeholders involved (e.g. Planning, Purchasing)Manage and develop a lean team of business controllers based in AustriaFacilitate the exchange with Brands and Business Units on standard costs and operating expensesLead the month-, quarter-, year-end closing and reporting process and provide deeper financial analysis upon request (focus: variance, overhead, opex)Provide financial analysis on strategic- or improvement cases/projects for the activityDrive continuous improvement in financial planning and reporting across sites and legal entitiesYOUR PROFILE AND REQUIRED COMPETENCIES:Bachelor’s or master’s degree in finance or in business (or equivalent)3-5 years of experience in finance (business controlling, financial planning and analysis) in a manufacturing environmentStrong analytic capabilities and ability to link finance with process/production measuresStrong communication skills and ability to understand and explain financial and process interactionsLeadership and people management skillsKnowledge of SAP R3 is mandatory, Oracle/FCCS skills are a plusFluent communication skills in German and EnglishWHAT WE OFFER:A varied, demanding and self-responsible activity in the Sports IndustryComprehensive development and training opportunitiesFlexible working hours and home office possibilityAttractive social and employee benefitsCanteen on siteWHY JOIN US - NEVER STOP GETTING BETTER:Always Authentic: We stay true to who we are and build trusting relationships with integrityBetter Together: We take our diverse expertise to new heights and team up to grow strongerCommitted to Impact: We play the long game, guided by respect for people and our planetDriven to Excellence: We play fair, aim for excellence, and celebrate our winsRemuneration is in accordance with the collective agreement for employees in the wood-industry. We offer a corresponding overpayment depending on your personal qualifications and professional experience as well as the development opportunities of a globally operating group of companies.If this area of responsibility meets your expectations, we look forward to receiving your online application with the usual documents, as well as your portfolio. You can find further information about the company in the career section of our homepage at www.atomic.com.
DevOps Engineer (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Klagenfurt
DevOps Engineer (f/m/div)At a glanceYou love to implement and harmonize IT solutions and customer requirements from the business? In the role of DevOps Engineer, you are responsible for the automation and optimization of existing platforms worldwide as the interface between platform and user. Apply now and become part of our international team in Klagenfurt!Quick InfoLocationKlagenfurtEntry Level1-3 yearsJob ID101868Startas soon as possibleTypeFull timeContractPermanentJob descriptionIn your new role you will:Operate our (Hybrid) Cloud PlatformAutomate, using e.g. Go, Python, AnsibleDeliver service requests and change orders, contributing to our systems' seamless operation and continuous improvementCreate FAQs and documentation for platform usersSupport teams all over the world with an array of Infineon applications. For our cutting-edge business applications running on our on-premise and public cloud platformsSupport internal customers deploying their application in the Hybrid Cloud PlatformDuring an individual orientation phase, we will prepare you in the best possible way for your new responsibilities. With regular feedback meetings and systematic planning of your professional development, we want to support and ensure your success in this position.In addition, you will have the opportunity to perform some of your tasks in your home office (Hybrid) and you can arrange your working hours flexibly.Your ProfileYou are best equipped for this task if you:Have completed education (HTL, university, university of applied sciences) in Information Technology or similarAre Interested in cloud computing infrastructures, "Infrastructure as Code" and automation in the area of networking, configuration, monitoringBring in experience in IT-Support roles.Already worked with Linux Environments beforeHave knowledge of effective development lifecycle practices, i.e. git, test automation, CI, CDAre a fast learner of new technologies and willing to share your well-documented knowledge with the team and the companyEnjoy working in a team, are solution-oriented and independentHave solid communicating in English skillsNice to have:Experience with containerization (Docker or Podman) as well as OpenShiftCoding skills (Python, Go, Ansible, etc.)Experience running Kubernetes and Linux-based cloud-native environmentsExperience with modern techstack such as Azure, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Terraform and GitHub ActionsWe are looking to fill this position through one of our partners. A valid Austrian work permit is a prerequisite. The employment is in accordance with the collective salary and wage agreement for employees of the electrical and electronics industry, employment group F (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). A higher payment is negotiable depending on your expertise and skills. Furthermore, Infineon offers additional employee benefits.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.The Information Technology department has become an important business advisor for Infineon, converting business requirements into great IT solutions. It is responsible for provisioning hardware and software solutions at benchmark costs for all areas within Infineon reaching from office users to research & development, to frontend and backend production around the globe. More than 1000 IT-colleagues work closely together with other business areas and external partners. They increase the efficiency of business processes offering more than just modern equipment, secure infrastructure and newest communication solutions.The provincial capital Klagenfurt, in the heart of Carinthia, impresses with its liveliness, culture, numerous events and sights. The southern climate with the pictorial Wörthersee, the close link between urban infrastructure and rural areas as well as the proximity to Slovenia and Italy make Klagenfurt particularly livable.https://www.visitklagenfurt.at/en/We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenMartin GabernigRecruiterLinkedIn
Sachbearbeiter Vertrieb Innendienst / Projektmanagement (w/m/d)
ISG Personalmanagement GmbH, Villach, Kärnten
Die Henelit Lackfabrik GmbH ist ein mittelständischer Farben- und Lackproduzent und wurde 1947 in Kärnten ge- gründet. Neben der Firmenzentrale befinden sich auch die Produktion sowie die Forschungs- und Entwicklungs- einrichtungen am Hauptsitz in Villach. Seit 2008 ist Henelit Mitglied der Mipa Gruppe. Die Mipa Gruppe entwickelt und produziert an insgesamt 8 Standorten in Europa Autoreparaturlacke und Beschichtungen für die Holz- und Möbelindustrie, die Metallindustrie und den Bautenschutz. Als Mitglied der Mipa Gruppe ist Henelit ein professioneller Komplettanbieter für alle Gewerbesparten und Industriesektoren. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir ab sofort eine/n engagierte/n Sachbearbeiter Vertrieb Innendienst / Projektmanagement (w/m/d) am Hauptsitz in Villach Aufgaben: Erstellung von Angeboten, Preiskalkulationen und Aktionsplanungen Preis- und Datenpflege, Erstellung von Kostenvoranschlägen und Gutschriften Kundenkorrespondenz telefonisch und schriftlich Stammdatenpflege Administrative Tätigkeiten im Projektmanagement Selbstständige Betreuung der Produktgruppen des Unternehmens Unterstützung des Vertriebes und des Marketings Projektabwicklung und Begleitung der Produkte über den gesamten Lebenszyklus Unterstützung bei Kunden- und Mitarbeiterschulungen Schnittstelle zu den Bereichen Business Development, Anwendungstechnik, Einkauf, Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb Weiterentwicklung des eigenen Sortimentsbereichs Profil: Abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung (Lehre, HAK, HBLA, Studium, etc.) Gute Englischkenntnisse von Vorteil Strukturierte, selbständige und verantwortungsbewusste Arbeitsweise Hohes Maß an Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Kundenorientierung Das Angebot: Fixanstellung mit attraktiven Arbeitszeiten im Rahmen von 38 Stunden/Woche Einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz in einem ständig wachsenden Unternehmen Das Gehalt für diese Position richtet sich nach dem KV der chemischen Industrie Haben wir Ihr Interesse an einer anspruchsvollen Herausforderung geweckt? Dann richten Sie bitte Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter der Kennnummer 101.963 bevorzugt über das ISG-Karriereportal oder per eMail. ISG Personalmanagement GmbH A-9500 Villach, Litzelhofenstraße 8/1 eMail: [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/ISG.Kaernten/ @: [email protected] https://www.isg.com/de/kik-der-karriere-kik-fuer-kaernten/
Regional Head Of Marketing EMEA (m/w/d)
Atomic Austria GmbH, Altenmarkt
Regional Head Of Marketing EMEA (m/w/d)As the Regional Head of Marketing for EMEA, you will play a pivotal role in driving brand awareness, growth, and market presence for Atomic across the EMEA region. You will lead a talented team responsible for marketing strategy, campaign execution, and brand development across multiple countries. This role requires exceptional leadership, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of the skiing industry.KEY MISSION AND ACCOUNTABILITIES:Leadership: Provide strong leadership to a team of six direct reports, overseeing marketing efforts across six country clusters: balance specific in-market requests with global priorities, clearly communicating and cascading information in both directions.Regional Strategy: Develop and execute marketing strategies tailored to each region to drive brand visibility and revenue growth across all channels.Global Collaboration: Interface closely with the Global Marketing team to ensure alignment with global brand initiatives and messaging. Ensure proactive participation in the development of initiatives and tools.Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate with the EMEA Omnichannel Director, Strategic Account Manager EMEA, and Head of Business Controlling EMEA to integrate marketing efforts across various channels, ensuring a seamless customer experience.Market Analysis: Conduct market research and competitive analysis to identify market trends, consumer preferences, and opportunities for growth.Budget Management: Manage the marketing budget effectively, ensuring optimal allocation of resources to achieve marketing objectives.Campaign Development: Lead the local execution of marketing campaigns, including advertising, promotions, and events, to drive brand awareness and sales.Team Development: Mentor and develop marketing team members, fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement.YOUR PROFILE AND REQUIRED COMPETENCIES:Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or similar (Master’s degree preferred).Proven experience in marketing leadership roles with at least 5 years in a similar regional or international capacity.Strong understanding of the skiing industry and the outdoor sports market is essential.Demonstrated success in developing and implementing marketing strategies that drive revenue growth.Excellent leadership and team management skills.Exceptional communication and collaboration abilities.Analytical mindset with the ability to use data to make informed decisions.Fluent in English, B2 German. Knowledge of other European languages a plus.WHAT WE OFFER:A varied, demanding, and self-responsible activity in the sports industryComprehensive development and training opportunitiesFlexible working hours and home office possibilityAttractive social and employee benefitsCanteen on siteWHY JOIN US - NEVER STOP GETTING BETTER:Always Authentic: We stay true to who we are and build trusting relationships with integrityBetter Together: We take our diverse expertise to new heights and team up to grow strongerCommitted to Impact: We play the long game, guided by respect for people and our planetDriven to Excellence: We play fair, aim for excellence, and celebrate our winsRemuneration is in accordance with the collective agreement for employees in the wood-industry. We offer a corresponding overpayment depending on your personal qualifications and professional experience as well as the development opportunities of a globally operating group of companies. 
Senior Analyst IT HR Systems for HR Solutions (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Klagenfurt
Senior Analyst IT HR Systems for HR Solutions (f/m/div)At a glanceDo you like translating user needs into IT solutions? Are you keen about digitalization? Then you should join Infineon on its digital transformation journey in Human Resources: As IT Business Analyst for HR Solutions you will support us to design a working environment that enables productivity through state of the art IT solutions. In close collaboration with Human Resources, our team continuously replaces legacy systems with cloud platforms and digital infrastructures. We upgrade old tools for learning, compensation, performance and HR core processes – and of course bring in systems that are convenient for employees to use.Quick InfoLocationKlagenfurtEntry Level1-3 yearsJob IDHRC0743545Start01. Mai 2024TypeFull timeContractPermanentJob descriptionIn your new role you will:Be the Operational Expert on all Kronos elements configured in the systemSupport to manage Kronos system configuration and provide system supportHandle Kronos incidents and provide Level 2 supportProvide FAQs and create & maintain a knowledge database for all Kronos related topicsSupport roll out new functionalities and identify areas of improvementSupport sustainability and setup of Kronos integrationsTroubleshoot Clocks and support Device ConfigurationsAccess Management in Kronos system as per business requirementTest Management and Data Preparation for rollouts in different countriesProvide support on reporting and data analyticsSupport the implementation of a Workforce Planning Tool and support the current existing toolYour ProfileYou feel committed to your internal customers and engage actively with them about their needs. Your structured way of working and solution-orientation helps you to deliver results in time and quality. Moreover, we are looking for a team player, who likes working with various stakeholders in an international and multi-cultural environment.You are best equipped for this task if you have:A degree in Computer Science, Informatics, Business Informatics or a related fieldSound knowledge of the latest technological trends in the HR IT environment - ideally with SAP HCM and UKG Kronos PRO Workforce ManagementExperience in working with agile methodologies (e.g. Scrum, Kanban) would be plusGood communication and presentation skillsGood German and English language skillsWe offer competitive salaries and additional benefits based on your performance, experience and qualification. The employment is in accordance with the collective salary and wage agreement for employees of the electrical and electronics industry, employment group F (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). The monthly salary is paid 14 times p.a. We offer a higher compensation depending on your expertise and skills.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.The Information Technology department has become an important business advisor for Infineon, converting business requirements into great IT solutions. It is responsible for provisioning hardware and software solutions at benchmark costs for all areas within Infineon reaching from office users to research & development, to frontend and backend production around the globe. More than 1000 IT-colleagues work closely together with other business areas and external partners. They increase the efficiency of business processes offering more than just modern equipment, secure infrastructure and newest communication solutions.The provincial capital Klagenfurt, in the heart of Carinthia, impresses with its liveliness, culture, numerous events and sights. The southern climate with the pictorial Wörthersee, the close link between urban infrastructure and rural areas as well as the proximity to Slovenia and Italy make Klagenfurt particularly livable.https://www.visitklagenfurt.at/en/We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenKatharina SteinerRecruiterLinkedIn
Sales Analyst / Controller (m/w/d)
Atomic Austria GmbH, Altenmarkt
Sales Analyst / Controller (m/w/d)As a business partner, you are passionate about numbers and thrive on tackling complex issues? Then join our controlling team. In this exciting role, you will take responsibility for your own area and, as a central interface between markets and headquarter, have the opportunity to continuously develop yourself.KEY MISSION AND ACCOUNTABILITIES:Sparring partner to Market and Key Account Managers for finance- and profitability- related mattersOffer insightful business analysis to monitor company performance and enhance business processesManage and oversee Sales and Margin planning, reporting, and analysis for OMNI Channel, serving as the process owner and coordinatorConduct regular reviews to optimize channel, product, and customer mix effectsDrive the refinement and establishment of sales metrics, KPIs, and KPDs for both B2B and Retail channels, including distribution coverage, new doors, and market shareCollaborate closely with Credit Control Team with a particular focus on Bad Debts and Accounts ReceivablesExecute standard controlling routines, including MEC, producing reporting packs, conducting deviations analysis and reviewing results against plans with key stakeholdersProactively identify opportunities to enhance results and streamline trade investmentsYOUR PROFILE AND REQUIRED COMPETENCIES:Completed business administration (university/UAS) degree, with a strong focus on controlling or a comparable educationMinimum 3 years’ experience in Sales Analysis / Business Controlling with focus on profitability analysis, customer segmentation and market performance metrics within international companyAffinity for numbers and accuracyHelicopter view on sales topics (Country perspective, Finance Manager perspective, OMNI vs channel’s view, ROI-thinking etc.)Deep understanding of reporting and analytical tool’s structure and logic (hierarchy trees, metadata, database architecture etc.). Preferably: skilled PowerBI, SAP Cloud key-userStrong analytical and communication skills, proactive and hands-on approach, team playerFlexibility and openness to different tasksHands-on mentality and practical orientationBusiness-fluent English skills, additional German language skills preferredTeam-oriented and communicative approach in an intercultural environmentPassion for outdoor and winter sportsWHAT WE OFFER:Exciting and challenging area of responsibility with self-responsibilityDevelopment and comprehensive further training opportunitiesFlexible working hours and remote office optionAttractive social benefits and employee discountsWHY JOIN US - NEVER STOP GETTING BETTER:Always Authentic: We stay true to who we are and build trusting relationships with integrityBetter Together: We take our diverse expertise to new heights and team up to grow strongerCommitted to Impact: We play the long game, guided by respect for people and our planetDriven to Excellence: We play fair, aim for excellence, and celebrate our winsRemuneration is in accordance with the collective agreement for employees in the wood-industry. We offer a corresponding overpayment depending on your personal qualifications and professional experience as well as the development opportunities of a globally operating group of companies. 
Senior Project Manager Power MOSFETs Small Signal (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Villach
Senior Project Manager Power MOSFETs Small Signal (f/m/div)At a glanceAs a Senior Project Manager, you take over a leading role to drive, grow and develop our +100 million € business revenue portfolios for new Power MOSFET/Small Signal Devices aiming to make life of everyone greener, safer and easier. These products are ideally suited for space-constrained automotive, industrial, and consumer applications such as battery protection, battery charging, LED lighting, load switches, DC-DC converters, level shifters, low voltage drives, and many more. Your technical background will complete the product development aspects of the role. As a Project Manager, addressing the needs and expectations of stakeholders can feel like maneuvering through a complex landscape, where agility and adaptability are essential to deliver best products on the market. For this you will be set on the Project Management Career Path, ensuring you acquire the right skill set according to internal norms, through trainings and coaching.Quick InfoLocationVillachEntry Level5+ yearsJob IDHRC0725418Start01. Mai 2024TypeFull timeContractPermanentJob descriptionIn your new job you will:Lead product development projects for enhancing the MOSFETs / Small Signal portfolioCoordinate and align several sub-projects from development and manufacturing areas ( e.g technology, package, assembly, test, reliability, external suppliers )Form, scale, guide and motivate diverse cross-functional project teams to meet project scope, timeline and budgetLook at the bigger picture, with business in mind, in order to identify and drive solutions for project successEncourage and cultivate the pursuit of innovative and creative solutionsDevelop products along the product development life cycle from product concept until product production ramp upDefine the right product qualification path and asses resulting product electrical parameters with key stakeholders and team members from local or cross sites resource poolsBecome part of the success story of Infineon!Your ProfileYour track record shows the ability to handle multiple interdependency project variables across different sites. You demonstrate strong communication skills through clarity of the message. Your experience in planning, reporting and managing projects builds up the right imagine for the project in front of upper management. You can find agile solutions for competing resource needs and show case the ability to judge and contain project risk according to project management principles.You are best equipped for this task if you have:A university/university of applied science degree in Electrical Engineering, System Engineering, Power Electronics, Material Science, Applied Physics or comparable8+ years relevant working experience in the semiconductor industry or relevant similar industries with focus on research and development projects/programs (Small Signal products as a strong advantage)6+ years of experience in leading projects as project manager (IPMA-C certified or willingness to become certified within 1 year )Fluent English skills, German skills or the willingness to learn as a strong advantage We offer competitive salaries and additional benefits based on your performance, experience and qualification. The employment is in accordance with the collective salary and wage agreement for employees of the electrical and electronics industry, employment group I (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). The monthly salary is paid 14 times p.a. We offer a higher compensation depending on your expertise and skills.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.–Power & Sensor Systems (PSS) drives leading-edge power management, sensing, and data transfer capabilities –The PSS division powers decarbonization and digitalization with a wide range of energy-efficient and digital solutions. PSS semiconductors help avoid carbon emissions, use resources sustainably, manage power effectively and intelligently, give ‘things’ smart senses, and process data quickly and reliably. The portfolio includes power, connectivity, RF, and sensor system technologies to develop smaller, lighter, smarter, and more efficient solutions for consumer devices, smart home/building applications, robotics, computing and data centers, charging devices, power tools, and much more.The next generation of silicon and wide-bandgap (SiC and GaN) solutions provides unparalleled performance and reliability for 5G, big data, and renewable energy applications. These materials are paving the way for further energy and carbon savings. Highly precise XENSIV™ sensor solutions are enabling IoT devices to react intuitively to their surroundings for seamless user interactions while audio amplifiers bring exceptional sound experiences to smart speakers and other audio use cases.Click here for more information about working at PSS with interesting employee and management insights and an overview with more #PSSDreamJobs.At Infineon in Villach you shape the technologies of tomorrow and work in an international environment with more than 4.700 colleagues from over 70 nations. Your personal contribution will be valued and appreciated as the cornerstones of our success. And all that in beautiful surroundings which guarantee a high quality of life.The City of Villach is located in the center of Carinthia, Austria’s southernmost province, in close proximity to the Italian and Slovenian border. Due to its particular geographic location and the outstanding natural beauty of the region, Villach and the whole province of Carinthia have for generations been popular holiday destinations for people from all over the world. Living in Austria also has many social, health-care-related and economic perks. The country’s social and health care system is among the best in the world and for decades numerous international surveys have singled out Austria as a particularly safe and wealthy country with a high quality of life. Villach benefits from its status as a “small town”, offering everyday living at affordable prices in an outstanding setting.Find out what you like most about Villach and join us:https://www.welcome2villach.at/Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenMelanie HappergerRecruiterLinkedIn
Storage Services Engineer (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Klagenfurt
Storage Services Engineer (f/m/div)At a glanceYou have successfully completed your education and bring in experience in the relevant field? You approach problems pragmatically and with a hands-on mentality? Apply now and become part of our team in Klagenfurt!Quick InfoLocationKlagenfurtEntry Level3-5 yearsJob IDHRC0713811Startas soon as possibleTypeFull timeContractPermanentJob descriptionIn your new role you will:Do conception and architecture of Ceph solutionsRun error analysis and optimization of CephParticipate in concept and architectural decisionsBe responsible for continuous improvement of system landscapes with CephDo scaling with CephWrite documentation in EnglishYour ProfileYou are best equipped for this job if you have:A degree in Computer Science or in a related fieldExperience in standard Linux OS (Ubuntu preferred) and Open Source in generalVery good knowledge of Ceph cluster operation in an Enterprise IT environmentEnthusiasm for modern technologies and trendsExperience in cloud and container technologies (Docker, Podman, Kubernetes)Programming experience (C/C++, Go, Python)Openness to new things and you are a reliable, flexible and independent team player Very good German skills and solid English skillsWe offer competitive salaries and additional benefits based on your performance, experience and qualification. The employment is in accordance with the collective salary and wage agreement for employees of the electrical and electronics industry, employment group G (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). The monthly salary is paid 14 times p.a. We offer a higher compensation depending on your expertise and skills.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.The Information Technology department has become an important business advisor for Infineon, converting business requirements into great IT solutions. It is responsible for provisioning hardware and software solutions at benchmark costs for all areas within Infineon reaching from office users to research & development, to frontend and backend production around the globe. More than 1000 IT-colleagues work closely together with other business areas and external partners. They increase the efficiency of business processes offering more than just modern equipment, secure infrastructure and newest communication solutions.The provincial capital Klagenfurt, in the heart of Carinthia, impresses with its liveliness, culture, numerous events and sights. The southern climate with the pictorial Wörthersee, the close link between urban infrastructure and rural areas as well as the proximity to Slovenia and Italy make Klagenfurt particularly livable.https://www.visitklagenfurt.at/en/We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenKatharina ThalerRecruiter