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Project Engineer/ Consultant (m/w/d)
MOTIONDATA VECTOR Software GmbH, Graz, Seiersberg
innovativ.menschlich & begeisternd.leistungsstarkWir als MOTIONDATA VECTOR Gruppe sind ein erfolgreiches, expandierendes Tochter-unternehmen der internationalen Volaris Group. Wir sind nationaler Marktführer von Softwarelösungen für die Automobilbranche und begleiten mit über 120 Kolleginnen und Kollegen europaweit Automotive- Unternehmen beim digitalen Wandel. Dabei leisten wir mit unseren innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Zukunft unserer Kunden, die durch zunehmende Elektrifizierung, Carsharing und autonomes Fahren geprägt sein wird. Willst du ein Teil unserer digitalen Revolution werden?Project Engineer/Consultant (m/w/d)am Standort Graz/Seiersberg#PROFILE:Implementierung und Auslieferung unserer Standard-Softwarelösungen bei Neu- undBestandskunden (Remote oder bei Bedarf vor Ort im DACH-Raum).Durchführung von User-Trainings und Coachings (Remote oder vor Ort)Erstellung von Projektdokumentationen und ProjektabschlüssenSicherstellung und Monitoring des jeweiligen Projektfortschritts (Einhaltung von Budgets, Terminen und Qualität)Laufendes Schnittstellenmanagement und enge Abstimmung zwischen internen Fachabteilungen und KundenDefinition von Kundenanforderungen an unsere Software#WANTED:Abgeschlossene kaufmännische oder technische Ausbildung (FH, HTL, HAK, Lehre o. Ä.) oder praktische Erfahrungen in der Automobilbranche mit IT-AffinitätHohes Interesse an IT und SoftwareHohe Kunden-, Service- und QualitätsorientierungKommunikationsstarke Persönlichkeit mit hohem Teamspirit und DurchsetzungsvermögenAnalytisches & systematisches Denken und HandelnEigenverantwortliche, leistungsorientierte und genaue ArbeitsweiseRasche Auffassungsgabe für komplexe ProzesseProjektbezogene Reisebereitschaft im In- und Ausland (geringer Prozentsatz der Tätigkeit)Gute Deutsch- und Englisch-Kenntnisse in Wort und SchriftIdealerweise Erfahrungen im Change-Management (keine Voraussetzung)Von Vorteil sind:Erfahrung/Kenntnisse in der Software-BrancheErfahrung mit relationalen DatenbankenKenntnisse in unseren Client- und Web-basierten SoftwarelösungenVertrautheit mit den Prozessabläufen in KFZ-Betrieben#BENEFITS:Flexible ArbeitszeitenHomeofficeFlache Hierarchien und kurze EntscheidungswegeVerantwortungsvolles und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet mit attraktivem Gestaltungsspielraumin einem wachsenden IT-UnternehmenUmfassende Aus- und WeiterbildungsmöglichkeitenMentoren ProgrammGute Verkehrsanbindung + kostenlose Parkplätze in der TiefgaragePausenplus (Kaffee & Obst), Zuzahlung Mittagessen, Gruppenrabatte bei Kranken- Zusatzversicherung, etcModernes NotebookAls Teil eines global agierenden Konzerns bieten wir Austauschmöglichkeiten mit Kollegen auf derganzen WeltWenn du gerne den digitalen Wandel mit unternehmerischer hands-on-Mentalität mitgestalten möchtest, dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung.Wir bieten ein attraktives Jahresbruttogehalte zwischen EUR 30.000,- und EUR 50.000,- - eine marktkonforme Überzahlung je nach Erfahrung und Qualifikation ist für uns selbstverständlich und wird mit dir im persönlichen Gespräch abgestimmt.
Functional Safety Engineer (m/w/d)
TECCON Austria GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
Als TECCON Austria haben wir uns auf die Themenbereiche Automotive Passive Safety und Beratungsdienstleistungen spezialisiert. Wir arbeiten eng mit namhaften OEMs zusammen, um innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln und die Sicherheit von Fahrzeugen zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus bieten wir auch Beratungsdienstleistungen in den Bereichen Rail, Automotive, Pharma, IT und Anlagenbau an. Unser Ziel ist es, unseren Kunden maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten und sie bei der Optimierung ihrer Prozesse zu unterstützen. 1998 als Concept Tech GmbH in Gratkorn gegründet, sind wir heute ein wichtiger Teil der Hamburger TECCON Gruppe und entwickeln zusammen mit mehr als 450 Ingenieuren, Technikern und IT-lern die Lösungen für die Zukunft. Dafür verfügt die Gruppe über acht Kompetenzeinheiten, die im regen Austausch stehen und auch interdisziplinäre Projektteams bilden, um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Entwicklungstätigkeiten im Bereich FuSi-Management und FuSi-Engineering Bewertung, Entwicklung sowie methodische und inhaltliche Umsetzung von Sicherheits-/Überwachungskonzepten Planung und Koordination der Sicherheitsaktivitäten Verifizierung von Sicherheitskonzepten auf SiL/HiL-Prüfständen und bei Erprobungen im Fahrzeug Risikobewertungen sowie Sicherheitsanalysen (z.B. FMEA, FTA, CPA) Steuerung von Lieferanten und Teilnahme an technischen Prüfungen bei Lieferanten Dokumentation sowie Präsentation der Ergebnisse Abgeschlossenes Studium (TU/FH) der Fachrichtungen Elektrotechnik, Mechatronik, Fahrzeugtechnik oder Informatik Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Entwicklung sicherheitsrelevanter Systeme Erfahrung im Bereich Funktionale Sicherheit nach ISO 26262 Methodisches und proaktives Vorgehen sowie hohes Qualitätsbewusstsein Kommunikations- und Entscheidungsstärke Lösungsorientierte und selbstständige Arbeitsweise Hohe Leistungsbereitschaft sowie Zielstrebigkeit Internationale Reisebereitschaft Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Spannende, selbstorganisierte und eigenverantwortliche Aufgaben Langfristiges Arbeitsverhältnis, angenehmes Betriebsklima in einem jungen, engagierten Team Gleitzeitvereinbarung, flexibles Arbeitszeitmodell, Work-Life-Balance Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten sowie fachspezifische Weiterbildungen und Trainings Ausgesprochen kollegiales Team mit freundschaftlicher Umgangsweise Vielfältige Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten innerhalb der TECCON Group. Das Bruttojahresgehalt beträgt mindestens EUR 50.000€, selbstverständlich bieten wir jedoch eine marktkonforme Überbezahlung in Abhängigkeit von der Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung.
Project Engineer Elektrotechnik (w/m/x)
epunkt GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
Arbeitsort: Graz Dein zukünftiger Arbeitgeber zählt zu den globalen Spitzenanbietern von Prüflösungen für die Automobil- und Motorenindustrie und realisiert weltweit Projekte mit einem Fokus auf Elektromobilität, Batteriesysteme und Brennstoffzellen. Mitarbeit an hochtechnologischen Projekten Elektrotechnische Projektierung & Planung von Anlagen Projektabwicklung unter Abstimmung mit den beteiligten Fachabteilungen, Kunden und Lieferanten Erstellung von Risikobewertungen und technischen Dokumentationen Fundierte technische Ausbildung (TU, FH oder HTL) in den Bereichen Elektrotechnik, Automatisierungstechnik oder Mechatronik Erfahrung in den Bereichen Messtechnik, Antriebstechnik und Prüfstandstechnik von Vorteil Eigenverantwortliche und selbstständige Arbeitsweise Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse und gute Englischkenntnisse Ausgeprägtes Engagement und gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit Selbstständige Tätigkeiten in einem international erfolgreichen Unternehmen Festanstellungen mit zahlreichen Zukunftsperspektiven Enge Zusammenarbeit mit der Crème de la Crème der Branche Benefits Essenszuschuss Firmenevents Flexible Arbeitszeiten Gesundheitsvorsorge Gute Anbindung Kein All-In Kein Dresscode Modernes Büro Öffentliche Erreichbarkeit Onboarding Parkplatz Verkehrsmittelzuschuss Weiterbildungen Gehalt Das Gehalt liegt zwischen € 3000 und € 4000 Brutto pro Monat (Vollzeit) – je nach Qualifikation und Erfahrung.
Project Manager f/m/d Digital Transformation & AI
AVL List GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
AVL is one of the world's leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. The company provides concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.We are seeking an experienced and passionate person to lead and execute our digital transformation and AI initiatives in the customer services domain. You will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our customer service experience by leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance customer satisfaction, efficiency, and accessibility. Act as lead contact for customer services business and process owners Translate business requirements into actionable project plans, ensuring alignment with business needs, stakeholder expectations and portfolio management Develop and execute a strategic plan for the development and deployment of AI solutions fitting into the digital transformation strategy Facilitate effective communication and collaboration among cross-functional teams, including business stakeholders, technical experts, and external partners Consolidate and harmonize all existing digital transformation activities, tools and processes Coordinate the digital transformation activities and digital service solutions within the different teams Responsible for technology decisions for the digital services & tools in alignment with system architect and tool owners Manage and prioritize overall activities, ensuring timely completion within budget and scope constraints Identify and mitigate risks proactively Contribute solid AI knowledge to the team Networking with other AI professionals in the industry Manage internal & external teams of AI development engineers and scientists Stay abreast of emerging AI and data analytics technologies and trends, identifying opportunities for their application to enhance business operations Completed education (University or University of Applied Sciences) with a focus on Informatics or Telematics or a related field At least 2 years of professional experience in the field of project management with focus on digital transformation and artificial intelligence In-depth understanding of AI and data analytics technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, and data visualization Experience in Cloud technologies (Azure Cloud Services) Knowledge in software development / coding, software development methods and Digital Services Proven ability to work independently and as part of a team, demonstrating strong leadership and problem-solving skills Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders across all levels of the organization Ability to articulate complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences Business fluent knowledge in German and English Homeoffice Flexitime Regulation Canteen Award-winning Training Programs Health Management Parental Leave Management (Maternity/Paternity Protection & Educational Leave) Annual Remuneration: Due to the Austrian Equal Treatment Act we are obligated to state the annual gross remuneration (full-time) for this position as a basis for negotiation: €60,000.00. The Employee will be classified according to the Collective Agreement for Employees of Industry (Collective Bargaining Agreement of the Automotive Industry). We will, in any case, offer market-conforming payment taking qualifications and professional experience into account. Interested? If so, please use our online application tool to send your application to AVL! At AVL, we foster and celebrate diversity: We recognize that diverse ways of thinking are required to achieve our vision of a greener, safer, and better world of mobility. Different backgrounds, attitudes, interests, and experiences make us successful. As Equal Opportunity Employer we consider all qualified applicants without regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability status.Salary: 60000 EUR / YEAR
Service Desk Engineer (m/w/d)
MOTIONDATA VECTOR Software GmbH, Graz, Seiersberg
innovativ.menschlich & begeisternd.leistungsstarkWir als MOTIONDATA VECTOR Gruppe sind ein erfolgreiches, expandierendes Tochterunternehmen der internationalen Volaris Group. Wir sind nationaler Marktführer von Softwarelösungen für die Automobilbranche und begleiten mit über 120 Kolleginnen und Kollegen europaweit Automotive-Unternehmen beim digitalen Wandel. Dabei leisten wir mit unseren innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Zukunft unserer Kunden, die durch zunehmende Elektrifizierung, Carsharing und autonomes Fahren geprägt sein wird. Willst du ein Teil unserer digitalen Revolution werden?Service Desk Engineer (m/w/d)für den Standort Graz / Seiersberg#PROFILE:Betreuung unserer Bestandskunden im Service Desk für unsere Software Standard Produkte (First - &Second Level Support)Installation und Einführung von Software Zusatzmodulen ( via Fernwartung)Unterstützung des Projektteams bei der Inbetriebnahme von Kundenprojekten ( Projektbezogen und fallweise vor Ort)#WANTED:IT-technische Ausbildung (HTL, Fachschule, Lehre) oder adäquate BerufserfahrungSelbstständige, lösungsorientierte und genaue ArbeitsweiseHohe Kunden-, Service- und QualitätsorientierungRasche Auffassungsgabe für komplexe ProzesseTeam- und KommunikationsfähigkeitGute Deutsch- und Englisch-Kenntnisse in Wort und SchriftVon Vorteil sind:Erfahrung/Kenntnisse in der Software-BrancheErfahrung mit relationalen DatenbankenKenntnisse in unseren Client- und Web-basierten SoftwarelösungenVertrautheit mit den Prozessabläufen in KFZ-Betrieben#BENEFITS:Flexible ArbeitszeitenHomeofficeFlache Hierarchien & kurze EntscheidungswegeVerantwortungsvolles und abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet mit attraktivem Gestaltungsspielraum in einem wachsenden IT-UnternehmenUmfassende Aus- und WeiterbildungsmöglichkeitenMentoren ProgrammGute Verkehrsanbindung + kostenlose Parkplätze in der TiefgaragePausenplus (Kaffee & Obst), Zuzahlung Mittagessen, Gruppenrabatte bei Kranken-Zusatzversicherung, etc.Modernes NotebookAls Teil eines global agierenden Konzerns bieten wir Austauschmöglichkeiten mit Kollegen auf der ganzen WeltWenn du gerne den digitalen Wandel mit unternehmerischer hands-on-Mentalität mitgestalten möchtest, dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung.Wir bieten ein attraktives Jahresbruttogehalte zwischen EUR 30.000,- und EUR 50.000,- - eine marktkonforme Überzahlung je nach Erfahrung und Qualifikation ist für uns selbstverständlich und wird mit dir im persönlichen Gespräch abgestimmt.
Senior Projekt Manager:in / Requirements Engineer (m/w/d)
Energie Steiermark AG, Graz
Senior ProjektManager:in /RequirementsEngineer  Als IT Entwicklungsabteilung innerhalb der Energie Steiermark arbeiten wir mit viel Begeisterung und Engagement daran, die Prozesse der Energiewirtschaft und neue digitale Produkte aktiv und zukunftsfähig zu gestalten - von der ersten Idee bis zur Umsetzung.Beschreibung des Aufgabenbereiches:Weiterentwicklung und Automatisierung der bestehenden Systemlandschaft  Analyse und Spezifikation von fachlichen und technischen Anforderungen in Zusammenarbeit mit Auftraggeber:innen, internen Fachbereichen und externen Partner:innenErstellung von User Stories, Use Cases und Definition von Prozessabläufen Projekt- und Taskleitung inkl. Begleitung des Change- und Releaseprozesses Fachlich-/methodische Anforderungen:Abgeschlossene IT-technische Ausbildung (HTL/FH/TU) oder abgeschlossenes Wirtschaftsinformatikstudium (FH/Universität) bzw. einschlägige berufliche Erfahrung Erfahrung im Bereich Prozess- und Projektmanagement in komplexem Umfeld Kenntnisse im Bereich der Energiewirtschaft und Customer Experience von Vorteil Gute Deutsch und Englisch-KenntnisseSoziale und personale Kompetenzen:Systematisches, analytisches Denken, Problemlösungsvermögen, Genauigkeit und ein Auge fürs DetailFreude am Entwickeln von LösungenFähigkeit zum selbstständigen und eigenverantwortlichen ArbeitenKontaktfreudiges und sicheres, kundenorientiertes AuftretenHohes Maß an Belastbarkeit und Bereitschaft zu Mehrarbeit bei ArbeitsspitzenDienstort: Energie Steiermark, Neuholdaugasse 56, 8010 Graz Wochenstunden: 38,50 Für diese Position bieten wir unter Berrücksichtigung einer mehrjährigen Vordienstzeit ein kollektivvertragliches Mindestgrundgehalt von €4.026,47 brutto pro Monat mit der Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung bei entsprechender Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung..Wir bieten Ihnen ein interessantes Tätigkeitsfeld in einem stabilen, erfolgreichen und innovativen Unternehmen mit persönlichen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.Wenn Sie sich diesen Herausforderungen stellen wollen, freuen wir uns über Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung!
Development Engineer Electronics (f/m/d)
ASCO Engineering GmbH, Graz, Steiermark
ASCO Engineering – a member of ASCO Group International - is a technical service provider in the field of plant construction, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering, electrical engineering and information technology. As a specialist in Human Resource Management and Quality Management, the company focuses on the implementation and support of in-house projects as well as external projects for our customers. Develop electronic circuits for measuring devices in the field of e-mobility and thus shape the mobility of the future Take responsibility for the entire product development from concept to series production: System design, simulation, circuit diagram, layout, testing and series production support Define and develop precise requirements and architectures for new as well as existing hardware concepts Work out detailed verification tests for the electronics you have developed in order to review your own work Manage the cooperative collaboration with suppliers, partners and testing institutions You have completed your technical studies (e.g. in the field of electronics, electrical engineering), preferably with a Master's degree Since you have 3+ years of experience in handling Altium Designer, you are an expert now, ideally you also have experience with other design tools (e.g. LTspice) The metrological validation and testing of your development in a laboratory environment is a matter of course for you, which is why you manage it with ease You enjoy conceptual work and you love to contribute to the whole technical development of a product Diligence and precision are an integral part of your way of working in order to meet your own quality standards Personality is more than anything! Options for individual and specialised education and training Good working atmosphere in an internationally successful company Flat hierarchies and short decision paths Flexible working hours, employee parking spaces and good public transport connections The opportunity to actively shape your own career The minimum salary is EUR 4.400,00 gross per month for 38,5 hours per week. Possibility of overpayment depending on your qualification and experience!
Internship: Component Verification (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Graz
Internship: Component Verification (f/m/div)At a glanceAre you interested in the semiconductor industry and would like to learn more from our experienced verification engineers? Semiconductors are a key element in the automotive industry. Infineon Automotive (ATV) is responsible for shaping the future of mobility. We make cars cleaner, safer and smarter. The development center in Graz manages contactless, security and sensor technologies. To get the job done we need passionate people, knowledge and an innovation mindset. You are currently studying Electrical Engineering, Software/Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Physics or a related subject? Curious? Do not hesitate and apply now!Quick InfoLocationGrazEntry Level0-1 yearJob IDHRC0753314Start01. Jul 2024TypePart timeContractTemporaryJob descriptionIn your new role you will:Actively support the lab verification of the latest Infineon RadarsystemsBe part of the Matlab development of new and existing measurement routines, under the guidance of experienced verification engineersAssist with the design and assembly of new verification boardsExecute targeted verification tasks, evaluate the results and produce measurement reportsContribute to the definition and setup of test benchesContribute to test automation methodologies and their implementationFurther InformationType of employment: Temporary / Part-time (flexible working hours from Monday to Friday between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.)Duration: min. 6 monthsYour ProfileYou successfully meet the requirements, if you are a motivated and committed student from the field of Electrical Engineering, Software/Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Physics or similar. You are best equipped for this task if you additionally offer:Strong interest in hardware and product verificationGood analytical skills and problem-solving abilitiesAn open mindset with a focus on qualityLab experience and soldering skillsPCB design and programming skills in MATLAB and Python for verification purposesThe ability to be a good team player and the willingness to work in an international teamGood communication skills in English and GermanThis position is subject to the collective agreement for workers and employees in the electrical and electronics industry (full-time), employment group B for bachelor students, employment group D for master students (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf).Please attach the following documents (German or English) to your application:Motivation letterCVCertificate of matriculation at a universityLatest Transcript of records (not older than 6 months)Highest completed educational certificate (Matura certificate for Bachelor students, Bachelor certificate for Master students)Reference letter (optional)About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.– Automotive (ATV) shapes the future of mobility with micro-electronics enabling clean, safe and smart cars –Semiconductors are essential to realize key trends like eMobility, automated driving and secure, connected cars. Infineon ATV is the #1 semiconductor partner in the fast-changing automotive world, based on our system knowledge coupled with our passion for innovation and quality. We are a key driver in the ever-advancing pace of digitalization in the automotive industry.We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Infineon Hub - Connect. Create. Challenge.The iHub at TU Wien represents an inspiring tech platform, networking area and event location, connecting Infineon Austria with tech experts, science specialists and young professionals.Check out our upcoming events:Infineon iHubInteresse? Jetzt bewerbenLisa DerhaschnigRecruiterLinkedIn
Principal Product Engineer - Component Verification UWB (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Graz
Principal Product Engineer - Component Verification UWB (f/m/div)At a glanceJoin Infineon Technologies Graz, a trailblazer in Security, NFC, Radar, and Wireless Technology, as we push the boundaries of short-range secure ranging and sensing through visionary investment in Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology. Let's shape the next generation of revolutionary products and solutions, actively driving Digitalization and Decarbonization. Chip in & apply now!Quick InfoLocationGrazEntry Level5+ yearsJob IDHRC0741582Start01. Mai 2024TypeFull timeContractPermanentJob descriptionTake on the role of our new Component Verification Expert, overseeing global integration efforts, providing technical support and guidance, and shaping the future of Infineon’s UWB product portfolio.Your new responsibilities:Define post-silicon verification hardware (including instrumentation, PCBs, load boards) and develop product related measurement methods and data analysis algorithmsEnable lab bench characterization and its corresponding measurement automationProvide product verification plans/specifications for UWB IPsExecute post-silicon verification and validation measurements, including data analysis and generating product verification reportsClosely cooperate with other project teams or departments such as Concept-, Design-, Application- and Product & Test-engineering and project managementActively participate in cross functional collaboration with design teams to ensure a successful product deliveryYour ProfileYou have a pioneering spirit and passion for new technologies. You further define yourself through excellent communication skills, ensuring collaboration within your new team and among stakeholders.Your toolkit for success includes:A Master's Degree in Engineering – Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mechatronics, or equivalent5+ years of experience within the semiconductor industry, preferably in relevant R&D departmentsSeveral years of experience in Component Verification/Lab Validation/Bench Characterization of UWB productsExperience in development of HF bench measurement environments including automation, expertise in Automotive Grade Solutions is a plusWhen staffed in Austria, this position is subject to the collective agreement for workers and employees in the electrical and electronics industry, employment group I (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). A higher payment is negotiable depending on your expertise and skills.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.– CSS Connected Secure Systems delivers security for the connected world –In today's digital world, where more “things” and systems are connecting, hardware-based security is a core need. Infineon CSS is the leading provider of security solutions for the connected world. We make life easier, smarter and more secure with our trusted, game-changing security solutions covering applications as diverse as payment, government ID, connected cars and IoT.Click hereFor more information about working at CSS with interesting employee and management insights and an overview with more #CSSDreamJobs.The Development Center of Infineon in Graz is working on leading edge contactless, security and sensor technologies. Whether we are talking about the Near Field Communication (NFC) transmission standard, vehicle components for Radar, optical distance measurements or 3D image sensor chips for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – our Development Center is a driving force in innovations in security, mobility, and the Internet of Things.We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenLisa-Marie Linder-GoritschnigRecruiterLinkedIn
Internship: Application Engineering (f/m/div)
Infineon Technologies AG, Graz
Internship: Application Engineering (f/m/div)At a glanceAre you interested in the semiconductor industry and would like to learn more from our experienced application engineers? Infineon Connected Secure Systems (CSS) delivers security for a connected and protected present and future. We empower the world to connect with easy-to-integrate, smart and trusted solutions. You are currently studying Telematics, Electrical Engineering or a related subject and feel comfortable in laboratory environments? Then this is the perfect internship for you! Our team in Graz is looking forward to receiving your application!Quick InfoLocationGrazEntry Level0-1 yearJob IDHRC0755599Start01. Mai 2024TypePart timeContractTemporaryJob descriptionIn your new role you will:Support our application engineering team with analyses and laboratory measurements in the field of RFID and UWBCarrying out simple measurements and laboratory activities independentlyCreation and commissioning of demos and application examplesCreation of scripts for test automation and evaluation of resultsFurther InformationType of employment: Temporary / Part-time (flexible working hours from Monday to Friday between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.)Duration: min. 6 monthsYour ProfileYou successfully meet the requirements, if you are a motivated and committed student from the field of Telematics, Electrical Engineering or similar. You are best equipped for this task if you additionally offer:Experience in dealing with precise measurement technology and automation of measurementsAt least basic knowledge of the programming and scripting languages C++, C# (Visual Studio), Javascript and PythonAbility to be a good team player and willingness to work in an international teamA structured and self-motivated working styleGood communication skills in English and GermanThis position is subject to the collective agreement for workers and employees in the electrical and electronics industry (full-time), employment group B for bachelor students, employment group D for master students (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf).Please attach the following documents (German or English) to your application:Motivation letterCVCertificate of matriculation at a universityLatest Transcript of records (not older than 6 months)Highest completed educational certificate (Matura certificate for Bachelor students, Bachelor certificate for Master students)Reference letter (optional)About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.– Connected Secure Systems (CSS) delivers security for the connected world –The Connected Secure Systems (CSS) segment offers comprehensive systems for a secure, networked world with a portfolio built around reliable, trendsetting microcontrollers as well as wireless connectivity and security solutions. Over the past decades, CSS has developed microcontroller, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and combined connectivity solutions (known as connectivity combos) and hardware-based security technologies. The products are used in a broad range of applications: from consumer electronics, IoT and home appliances to IT equipment, cloud security and networked cars all the way to credit and debit cards, electronic passports and IDs. With its leading technologies in the areas of computing, connectivity and security, CSS makes a decisive contribution to protecting today’s and tomorrow’s networked systems.We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Infineon Hub - Connect. Create. Challenge.The iHub at TU Wien represents an inspiring tech platform, networking area and event location, connecting Infineon Austria with tech experts, science specialists and young professionals.Check out our upcoming events:Infineon iHubInteresse? Jetzt bewerbenSabrina NindlerRecruiterLinkedIn
Senior Staff Engineer Functional Verification
Infineon Technologies AG, Graz
Senior Staff Engineer Functional VerificationAt a glanceJoin our Power and Sensor Systems (PSS) division in the vibrant city of Graz and take on the role of our new Functional Verification expert. Enjoy Infineon’s flexible work options, balancing life and career while driving Decarbonization and Digitalization. Let’s verify greatness together. Chip in and apply now!Quick InfoLocationGrazEntry Level5+ yearsJob IDHRC0755515Start01. Mai 2024TypeFull timeContractPermanentJob descriptionAs you embark on this electrifying opportunity, you'll lead the verification of digital IP, employ System Verilog / UVM methodologies, collaborate with design teams, and provide leadership for a small, dynamic team.Performing functional verification of digital IP, spanning both block- and top-level integrationApplying your hands-on expertise with System Verilog / UVM methodologies to develop verification strategies and ensure comprehensive coverageCollaborating closely with design and concept teams, facilitating seamless integration and alignment of verification goals with overall project objectivesProviding effective functional leadership for a small team, including strategic planning and optimal distribution of work packages to maximize efficiency and quality outcomesYour ProfileYou have a passion for new technologies, and are eager to join us on our quest to create a more sustainable future for everyone. You further define yourself through clear communication skills, ensuring collaboration within your new team and among stakeholders.Your toolkit for success includes: A university degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or a related fieldA minimum 5 years of professional experience dedicated to digital functional verification, showcasing proficiency in industry-standard practicesA proven track record of offering technical leadership and mentorship to junior colleagues, fostering their professional growth and developmentFluent proficiency in English; German language skills are considered advantageous This position is subject to the collective agreement for workers and employees in the electrical and electronics industry, employment group H (https://www.feei.at/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/minimum-salaries-white-collar-workers-2023.pdf). A higher payment is negotiable depending on your expertise and skills.About UsDriving decarbonization and digitalization. Together.Infineon designs, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of semiconductors and semiconductor-based solutions, focusing on key markets in the automotive, industrial, and consumer sectors. Its products range from standard components to special components for digital, analog, and mixed-signal applications to customer-specific solutions together with the appropriate software.–Power & Sensor Systems (PSS) drives leading-edge power management, sensing, and data transfer capabilities –The PSS division powers decarbonization and digitalization with a wide range of energy-efficient and digital solutions. PSS semiconductors help avoid carbon emissions, use resources sustainably, manage power effectively and intelligently, give ‘things’ smart senses, and process data quickly and reliably. The portfolio includes power, connectivity, RF, and sensor system technologies to develop smaller, lighter, smarter, and more efficient solutions for consumer devices, smart home/building applications, robotics, computing and data centers, charging devices, power tools, and much more.The next generation of silicon and wide-bandgap (SiC and GaN) solutions provides unparalleled performance and reliability for 5G, big data, and renewable energy applications. These materials are paving the way for further energy and carbon savings. Highly precise XENSIV™ sensor solutions are enabling IoT devices to react intuitively to their surroundings for seamless user interactions while audio amplifiers bring exceptional sound experiences to smart speakers and other audio use cases.Click here for more information about working at PSS with interesting employee and management insights and an overview with more #PSSDreamJobs.The Development Center of Infineon in Graz is working on leading edge contactless, security and sensor technologies. Whether we are talking about the Near Field Communication (NFC) transmission standard, vehicle components for Radar, optical distance measurements or 3D image sensor chips for Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality – our Development Center is a driving force in innovations in security, mobility, and the Internet of Things.We are on a journey to create the best Infineon for everyone.This means we embrace diversity and inclusion and welcome everyone for who they are. At Infineon, we offer a working environment characterized by trust, openness, respect and tolerance and are committed to give all applicants and employees equal opportunities. We base our recruiting decisions on the applicant´s experience and skills.We look forward to receiving your resume, even if you do not entirely meet all the requirements of the job posting.Please let your recruiter know if they need to pay special attention to something in order to enable your participation in the interview process.Click here for more information about Diversity & Inclusion at Infineon.Interesse? Jetzt bewerbenLisa-Marie Linder-GoritschnigRecruiterLinkedIn